Mercury Direct

It’s over! All the miscommunications, technological mishaps, delays, lost emails and missed appointments of the last few days come to an end on December 14 as Mercury finally goes direct again!

Mercury is currently in Sagittarius and will remain there for the rest of its unusually lengthy nine-week stay. While it was retrograde, Mercury probably sent you back to the drawing board many times, forcing you to rethink certain plans you may have had. But now, not only will all these problems subside, but you’ll have courageous Sagittarian enthusiasm to give you an added boost. In fact, the bigger your idea, the more likely it is you’ll succeed with it!

With the chattiest planet sitting in the most philosophical sign, you can bet there will be many discussions in your immediate future. Everyone will be bouncing ideas off each other, and you may be surprised at who your next sounding board turns out to be! The only thing to watch out for as you become more and more sure you’re right is a tendency to become argumentative.

As long as you keep that one pitfall in mind, though, you’ll find that the rest of Mercury’s stay in Sagittarius will be full of confidence-building fun. Enjoy!

The planet of communication, Mercury, and the sign of learning and growth, Sagittarius, are both major players in the career world — and given their current mingling, now is a terrific time to reconsider your career direction. by

The Stars Fire Up in December

The transiting planets may not physically warm you up this time of year, but during these first few days of December, they’ll certainly find ways to get you fired up!

The month kicks off with Venus sending an alluring wink to Pluto on December 1. Venus is in Capricorn now, a sign that prefers to be cool and sophisticated; still, Pluto has a way of bringing out Capricorn’s seductive, indulgent side. Just keep an eye out for manipulation, power plays and jealousy, which are all among Pluto’s favorite pastimes. If you can ward off these obstacles, you’ll enjoy a fabulous day!

The cosmic fires then change course — but continue burning — on December 2, as the Sagittarius Sun squares off with Mars in Virgo; since few people will see eye-to-eye on this day, quarrels will likely become common. The situation will be exacerbated on December 4, however, when Mercury forms a square with Mars. Even if you’re usually more reserved about vocalizing your opinions, you’ll be more than ready to stand up for your beliefs now.

On December 5, this incendiary week takes another twist as Venus moves in for a pleasant tryst with Mars. Venus brings balance and harmony as it helps ease any tensions left over from the previous few days. You’ll sense a sparkle in the air as passionate enthusiasm boosts all your relationships!

December Is Of Big Dreams

December is shaping up to be a cosmically busy month … and not just because of the holidays or the end of 2011!

Activity and animation will be in full swing on December 1, as Venus in Capricorn cozies up to Pluto. Your day will be sexy and seductive, but jealousy may abound. On the following day, December 2, the Sagittarius Sun will clash with Mars in Virgo. Watch out for sharp words, biting truths and people — maybe even yourself — who think they know best. Fortunately, once the dust settles, most of these tensions should clear away.

Count on experiencing lots of passion and enthusiasm on December 5, when Venus and Mars get together! Later in the week, on December 10, a scattered and impractical lunar eclipse between the Sagittarius Sun and Gemini Moon occurs. Fortunately that same day, Uranus turns direct in Aries, a transit that will drive you to move ahead with innovative plans.

On December 14, Mercury turns direct in Sagittarius, giving you the green light to tackle ambitious projects. Things may become a bit downcast on December 18 as Venus squares Saturn, but the Sun sending a friendly nod to both Saturn and Neptune on December 19 and 20 will return your idealism and realism to better balance. Also on December 20, sociable Venus moves into friendly Aquarius, at which point you’ll move into full party mode by spreading social favors to everyone you meet!

The Sun moves out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn on December 22, immediately meeting Jupiter to bring you luck and success! Just as quickly, though, the Sun forms a challenging aspect with Uranus. Whether this latter transit is disruptive or enlightening will be entirely up to you.

Finally, the month ends just as tumultuously as it began. First, good luck reigns on December 25 as Jupiter moves into indulgent Taurus. The last transit of the year, however, bring challenges as the Moon conjuncts Pluto. Tensions will rise at this time, but with a bit of perseverance, you’ll have as much fun as ever ringing in the New Year! by

An Aquarian November

Throughout much of November, the planets will make their moves against the backdrop of the Scorpio Sun. This can be an intense, secretive and deeply transformative time, but don’t worry — there’ll be some fun mixed in, too!

In fact, your mood will get a boost almost immediately on November 2, when both Venus and Mercury frolic into enthusiastic Sagittarius. With Venus involved, you’ll want to broaden your social horizons, add more culture to your life and perhaps even throw an exotically themed party! Mercury will help you express yourself, making it the perfect time to promote a cause or help others understand your point of view. Just remember to remain tactful!

On November 7, fiery and action-oriented Mars opposes dreamy Neptune. This transit could potentially sap your energy while giving you a sense of panic, or even failure. But if you can find balance, these two planets will supply you with the motivation to make your visions and ideals a reality!

November 11 sees Mars move out of Leo and into Virgo, where it will remain until July. Productivity will abound, but you’ll still want to watch for tiffs here and there, as everyone will be convinced their way is the right one. Then, five days later on November 16, Mars forms a happy connection with Jupiter, helping you charge ahead with new projects!

The Sun in Scorpio rears its head one last time on November 20, when it squares off with Neptune; on this day, you’ll feel another drain of energy that will tempt you to just drift along. But then, on November 22, the Sun bounces off into adventurous Sagittarius, just in time to provide opportunities galore before meeting Uranus on November 23.

All this activity leads up to the final act of the month on November 25: an eye-opening, horizon-broadening solar eclipse. Get out and try something new, come up with fresh ideas, or travel someplace you’ve never been!

The end of the month is an excellent time to open yourself to new experiences … but that doesn’t mean you have to wait. Each of the transits listed above — as well as numerous others — give you a chance to take your life in a whole new direction! by

The Cosmos This August

The stars may give August a roaring welcome, but they can’t resist throwing some obstacles your way … just to keep life interesting, of course!

The action begins on August 1, and you couldn’t ask for a more pleasant way to start the month: Affectionate Venus sends a flirtatious smile to outlandish Uranus, just as the Sun shines its light upon extravagant Jupiter. However, the very next day, August 2, sees aggressive Mars move into sensitive Cancer and pair with dreamy Neptune, at which point befuddlement and confusion will begin to reign.

Adding to the sudden disarray, Mercury turns retrograde between August 3-26, a transit that will push your plans and communications into turmoil. Remember to keep taking long, slow, deep breaths throughout this retrograde period!

On August 4, Neptune, also in retrograde mode, moves backward from Pisces to Aquarius. Ideally, this aspect will create enlightened, humanitarian attitudes; however, it can also bring uncertainty about the future, as well as changes to scientific beliefs and social values.

Meanwhile, Mars, still discombobulated in Cancer, runs into Uranus on August 9, then Pluto on August 11. Each of these transits will add to the current chaos, while exposing you to a higher level of risk and increasing your likelihood to make foolhardy decisions. These can be rather disruptive, difficult aspects … but fortunately, they won’t last long.

Then, on August 13, when the Full Moon rises in Aquarius, you’ll feel pulled between friends and loved ones, and also torn between self-preservation and working toward the greater good. Finally, on August 16 and 17, the Sun in Leo tips its hat to two planets — first Venus, then Mercury — and you’ll be able to sweep your troubles aside and bask in the love and joy all around you.

Furthermore, once Mars turns its attention to Jupiter on August 18, you’ll feel more confident. Get ready to achieve new success — and possibly even benefit financially, though in an odd and unexpected way.

Enjoy the fun while it lasts, because on August 23, the Sun moves from Leo to Virgo. Playtime is over — you’ve got work to do and responsibilities to attend! Two days later, on August 25, Venus and Pluto help you make progress, both at work and in your relationships. However, Mars and Saturn square off that same day, upping levels of frustration and making you more accident-prone. Tread carefully and put all your energies into a task requiring great focus.

The month comes to a close with Jupiter going retrograde in Taurus on August 30. At this time, you’ll need to scale back any big spending plans you have — or put them on hold altogether.

Sun & Uranus Bring Us New Beginnings

May 24 will see the stimulating Gemini Sun shine a soft, gentle light on Uranus in active Aries. With change coming so easily, this transit will present an ideal opportunity to try something completely new!

Uranus is associated with innovation, rebellion and change. It can make life dramatic and difficult, but it can also shake things up, helping you kick out anything old and stale as you welcome new beginnings.

There are varying levels at which Uranus may wield its influence, and this depends on the other planets involved and how they’re positioned in the sky. Fortunately in this case, the Sun is forming a very pleasant alignment with Uranus. You won’t feel any radical changes imposed upon you … but it you pay close attention, you’ll notice some new doors cracking open for you.

Uranus can come completely out of left field, so your new vehicle for change may not be obvious right away. But once you figure it out, be sure to take advantage of opportunities presented to you. You’re sure to be thrilled with the results!

Venus, Mercury & the Full Moon

Over the next few days, Mercury and Venus will align to offer both sensuality and pragmatism — an unusual combination, perhaps, but one that’s sure to make your life that much more comfortable, enjoyable … and romantic!

On May 15, both Mercury and Venus will move into Taurus, where they will remain until June 2 and 9, respectively. While Taurus is very practical, it also loves to be pampered and is always enamored with all things sensual. Combined with Venus, the planet of romance and beauty, not only will you be in for more sensual date nights, but you couldn’t ask for a better time for a total makeover, either for yourself or your home — or both!

While all this is going on, Mercury will help keep ideas and conversations firmly rooted in reality – no pie-in-the-sky dreams, only common-sense plans.

May 16 will see Mercury and Venus join in Taurus, where they will form a pleasant alignment with Neptune. You’ll feel a bit dreamier than usual, and you’ll likely experience moments here and there of near-bliss!

On May 17, however, the Full Moon in Scorpio will leave you more emotional, with hints of seduction and jealousy to contend with. It’s best at this time to focus on areas where you and your partner are sure to see eye-to-eye; try to push everything else aside for another, calmer day. by

Uranus in Aries

On March 11, Uranus will make a monumental shift into Aries, where it will remain for seven years after having resided in Pisces for the last seven years. Stubbornness, chaos, adventure and experimentation — as well as a craving for something new and unique — will all be the name of the game!

Uranus will help you release the past and move confidently into the future, but the more completely in tune you are with your personality, the easier and more successful the transition will be. This is an impulsive planet that loves out-of-the-box thinking, new technologies and freedom of expression.

Aries is a sign of action that can take Uranian ideals and make them a reality. While both are extremely stubborn — a characteristic that makes compromise nearly impossible — Uranus is also quite tolerant. You may not agree with people who aren’t doing something your way, but you’ll at least be willing to let them continue … as long as they don’t interfere with whatever you’re trying to do!

When Uranus was in Pisces, there was quite a bit of confusion and a general misunderstanding about what was happening below the surface. Once in Aries, Uranus will bring more clarity, and you’ll discover the courage to act without fear of consequences. Keep in mind, however, that practicality and foresight might present issues, and if you act without any thought at all, catastrophe could soon follow.

Will chaos reign? Perhaps. Are we in for an exciting seven years? Definitely!

So much change is about to come your way; how you handle it will depend upon how comfortable you are with yourself. by

Solar Eclipse Brings Excitement and Change

Only four days into the New Year, and the Universe is already gearing up for action to give your world a boost of excitement and change! Within a period of four hours, on January 4th, you’ll feel the effects of both the partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn and the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction.

This particular eclipse, occurring in Capricorn, will pair a powerful New Moon with the intensity of the Sun to present you with a focused message: Allow your heart and mind to become one. The Universe wants you to perfect one particular area of your life so you can take a giant leap toward more fully developing both who you are as a person and who you could become.

The one thing this Solar Eclipse will not allow you to do is stand still. You can either dive into these energies and initiate some sort of major life change yourself, or you can sit back and wait for some life-altering event to occur in the weeks to come. If you opt for the latter, you won’t have control over the events, and they will likely be much more challenging and stressful, whereas opting for the former might just be a lot of fun!

The areas of your life that this eclipse will impact most will vary depending on your Sun Sign:

Aries: You should push harder at work and focus on your greatest ambitions.

Taurus: Try to pick some aspect of your life and set your sights higher than you ever dreamed.

Cancer: You’ll want to make new arrangements in close relationships and you’ll need to work on adjusting to meet those.

Gemini: Immerse yourself in confidential and financial agreements.

Leo: Look into matters involving work or health, or both if you’re feeling really ambitious.

Virgo: You’ll just want love and fun right now.

Libra: Try to focus on home and family matters.

Scorpio: You must manage your daily schedule more efficiently.

Sagittarius: You’ll want to try to get a firmer grip on your personal finances.

Capricorn: The Solar Eclipse is in your sign and you’ll find you’re at a significant turning point in your journey. You’ll need to reflect carefully on your choices to determine what comes next.

Aquarius: You’ll just need to take time out for more inner reflection.

Pisces: This is a time for you to make new friends and sort out longer-term plans.

Many recent transits have required a lot of work on your part, but they’re about to be offset by the joint action of Jupiter and Uranus. After jaunting along together since May, these two planets will soon part ways, but not before bestowing one final gift – the gift of good times, adventure and lucky breaks. The best part of it all is that whatever happens will come as a complete surprise, so you won’t have to do anything to make it happen.

The Solar Eclipse will affect everyone differently, and its influence will last for many months. You may have an idea of which aspect of your life is best suited for an upgrade, but to really appreciate how you can make this eclipse work specifically for you, it will help to know what the Universe has planned for your year.


Mercury Moves


On December 10, mischievous Mercury makes yet another semi-annual retrograde journey, and just in time to potentially add a little extra stress to your holidays.

But have no fear! The key word here is “potentially.” As with any astrological event, the final result rests in your hands. There are plenty of tricks and tips that will help Mercury’s backwards motion work in your favor. Plus, Mercury will add a pleasant little boost to its activities on the 10th by moving into a positive aspect with romantic Venus.

The key to dealing with Mercury is understanding that the messenger planet is something of a prankster, it is in no way malicious. Mercury likes to keep you on your toes, reminding you that even the best-laid plans can go awry. However, it’s by learning to deal with these little setbacks that we become more successful at tackling some of life’s bigger problems.

In this particular case, Mercury will travel through Capricorn, which means it will carry a more practical message: Keep an eye on your spending! This is a wise — if not enthusiastically embraced — reminder around the holidays. Still, take a little extra time to go over your budget in detail and try not to overspend. In fact, given the tendencies of retrograde Mercury, it would be smart to set a bit of extra money set aside if possible, just in case.

In general, if it seems like little things are somewhat problematic — electronics are on the fritz, communications keep going afoul or delays seem interminable — remember to take a step back, breathe deeply and let your mind wander. These things are bound to happen from time to time. Instead of allowing stress to build up, use the time to rejuvenate yourself with a bit of quiet meditation or introspection.

And don’t forget, the 10th will also see some extra romance once Mercury and Venus take a turn around the dance floor in Scorpio. This combination of communication (Mercury), romance (Venus) and sexy seduction (Scorpio) is sure to help turn up the heat on these cold winter nights!

A bit of introspection can work wonders to help pull you out of a rut or keep your mind clear during more trying times. But how well do you really know yourself? Are you prepared to fully use your strengths (and even your weaknesses) to your favor? The alignment of the planets at the time of your birth plays a critical role in your personal development.