Uranus Is On The Move

I love these updates by the astrology.com team, they are so helpful. Some people believe that knowing too much about the activities in the cosmos and the energies traveling through our lives is not only not a good idea but is not helpful at all. Personally, I think the opposite, knowing what’s going on around us helps us prepare ourselves in the journey. We must have strength of will and discipline to not be consumed by it, but instead use the information to make better choices for ourselves and create the life we want. …the tools to build our lives.

This astrology update is very good, it clearly describes the end of an era and the coming into a new one…to me ^_^ I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did.

The seventh planet from the Sun is blue-green in colour with bright clouds, multiple rings and strange moons.
The third largest planet in the Solar System, Uranus is named after the Greek god of the heavens and was the first planet to be discovered through a telescope.
Uranus has a total of 13 rings and 27 known moons, all named after characters in works by William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope. A day on the planet lasts 17 hours while a year on Uranus is equivalent to 84 Earth years.

Uranus in Aries: Promote Your Uniqueness!

Uranus is the planet of rebellion. It brings with it a new way of looking at things and its approach is best met with an expanded consciousness. Originality, inventions, computers, cutting-edge technologies and future events are all ruled by this planet. Uranus sees no need for the status quo, preferring instead to break with tradition and create a new mold. It takes Uranus 84 years to complete its trip around the zodiac and it changes signs every seven years or so.

On May 26-27, Uranus will dip its first toe-in-the-water into Aries, a planet it has not been in for 84 years. However, this is for a brief sojourn, since it will retrograde back into Pisces on August 14, and will get into proper forward gear in Aries only in March 2011.

Uranus wakes things up and rattles the bars of the cage you’ve constructed around one area of your life. You’ll suddenly find out where you’ve been compromising too much, trying to fit yourself into a square hole to suit others when really you’re a round peg. Uranus wants you to exert your independence and promote your uniqueness. Be yourself no matter who you startle or shock. Admittedly it isn’t always co-operative and can be downright rebellious but it will trail blaze you into the future. Uranus is the torchbearer who leads the way into the unknown or into what you haven’t previously experienced. It may feel initially unsettling but the end result will be to liberate you if you accept the challenge.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, fiery, full of initiative and energy. The combination of Uranus and Aries will be revitalizing, a kick start to get you moving faster. It’ll clear your head of cobwebs and odd delusions which have been fostered by Uranus in Pisces. You’ll be moving straight ahead without a moment to waste.

Just three hours before Uranus shifts sign there is a Full Moon in Sagittarius. Cancer and the other two Water signs, Scorpio and Pisces may be hyper-sensitive since they tend to react to the mood swings of the Moon on the opposite side of the zodiac from the Sun. But, this is one of the less emotional Full Moons of the year so they won’t be edgy for long.
by Astrology.com

What energy is currently flowing?

The month of May is such a delight holding such important dates, beginning with the festival of Beltane.
The energy is definitely in the air, you can notice it every where… birds chirping, looking for their mates and diligently looking for the perfect sticks n twigs to build their nests.
Nature has a way of showing us her ebb & flow and its a phenomenal spectacle!

* May 13: Celtic Tree Month of Hawthorn begins

by Mickie Mueller

Surrounded by the blooming trees of spring, we brightly welcome the Celtic month of the hawthorn tree, which corresponds to the Ogham letter huath (hoo-ah) and teaches us to overcome tension and obstacles in our path. This small tree used in hedgerows is considered to be a guardian between the realms, and a protective, purifying tree. Often used in Beltane rituals, you may call ion the hawthorn tree to remove obstacles to finding love during this lusty month.
This is an outdoor spell. Gather a pink or lavender candle and some hawthorn blossoms (if you cannot find the real thing a picture will do). At the end of this spell, scatter the blossoms ot the wind or burn the picture and scatter the ashes. Over the next several weeks, keep your heart and eyes open for the love on the horizon. When you are ready, light the candle and repeat:

“Hawthorn tree of power this night,
Open my heart to love’s delight,
Free my thoughts and cleanse my mind,
And help me find a true love mine.”

* May 20: The Sun Enters Gemini

Are you feeling restless or bored? Be sure to pace yourself, because each year as the Sun travels though curious Gemini, it’s as if time speeds up and there aren’t enough hours in the day! This is a great time to seek information and expand your social connections. With all your phone calls, IMs, e-mails, tweets and texts, you’ll be happy to put your head on your pillow each night after a full day! This is a wonderful transit for joining clubs, starting your own blog, making new friends or throwing a party. Take advantage of this social energy — you never know who you might meet!

Meditate To Your Bliss

Achieve mindfulness and compassion through the practice of the ancient art of meditation.

Join us for an hour of guided meditation and journey within to your deepest place of bliss.

We’re going to practice a meditation to heighten our awareness. we are going to take a journey thru the world of visual creation of the mind to connect deeply to that Divine Core Energy of the being.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

10:30am – 11:30am

West Lake Park Anne Kolb Nature Center
751 Sheridan St
East of N Fed Hwy
Hollywood, FL 33019

** if rain class is canceled

Reach the state of perfect harmony and health by learning how to listen to your body, and unite Mind, Body & Soul.
During this hour of guided meditation we will explore deep levels of consciousness, understand why the breath is vitally important, and develop new patterns of thought and emotions by navigating through various techniques, including the use of mudras and mantras, crystals, incense, sound-vibration, prayer and more.

Detoxification heralds the wonderful rewards that Meditation springs forth, providing healing and tranquility on every level. As a self-healing method, by developing calmness, meditation can help reduce stress, eliminate migraines, and strengthen immune system.
Heal and grow with your meditation practice, and have a richer, deeper experience of Life.

**Perfect for those new to the practice. All levels and all ages welcome.
**Receive a “mini-Angel reading” at the end of class.

There is no charge for this gathering,
$donations welcomed



Drive in and park. We will gather by the Butterfly Garden at the entrance.
Should you arrive a little later, there will be a marked path to the floating gazebo where we will be meditating. Come in and get comfy for a delicious meditation for replenishment and renewal.
Thank you for your courtesy of arriving gracefully and silently so the rest of the meditators aren’t disturbed.
You may bring a cushion, mat and/or blanket, whatever makes you feel comfortable.


Take i-95 to Sheridan St. Go East on Sheridan all the way to West Lake Park Anne Kolb Nature Center, about 1/2 mile after us-1, go over the bridge, park entrance will be on your left hand side (north side of Sheridan St) West Lake Park Anne Kolb Nature Center

May's Moon

New Moon in Taurus, Thursday, May 13, 2010 9:04pm

* * *

Full Moon, Thursday, May 27, 2010 7:07pm
enters Sagittarius 7:15am
Flower Moon

* * *


Numerology Forecast for May 2010

By Nam Hari Kaur Khalsa


The month of May brings relief in the area of personal latitude and advancement. The deadlock of doldrums that the planet has been in throughout the previous two months is now clearing, and a literal spring cleaning of house and self is in order. We need to physically exert ourselves, as number 5 (May) represents the physical body and exercise. What would be especially inspiring is to plan a weekend adventure someplace near or far, as 5 is the domain of travel and exploration. We want to feel free at this time, our sense of personal power needs a jump start to create new momentum so we may feel inspired again about ourselves and our sense of possibilities in life. The motto, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” is an appropriate touchstone to help motivate our psyche towards a more visionary and expanded horizon of life.

Alliances play a very important part of how well our new found endeavors will turn out. May is the final test of our emotional fortitude, to see if we have truly learned the hard fought lessons of last year regarding boundaries and personal standards. You are the captain of your own ship, so be careful to check for sandbars and shallow reefs before getting too close to what may be Fantasy Island. Discretion is the better part of valor, and whatever is truly meant to be on a destiny level, there will be a safe and secure course of action to achieve it. We will also need to be more selective of our crew members, and the cargo they want to bring along. A sea chest with shiny brass hinges and ornate carvings on the exterior may well turn out to be a Pandora’s box of surprises if we neglect to use our meditative mind to discern the dimensions of the situation. As Yogi Bhajan has said, “Wisdom is a process of self involvement to guide our own self fearlessly and flawlessly. You have to develop that process.”

Now with our house in order and our ship of opportunity and adventure resting more lightly on the water, let’s look at how to polish things up a bit! One of the priceless gems of our 3HO® legacy is the yoga manual Praana, Praanee, Praanayam. It contains scores of meditations which have breathing techniques in each exercise. Life needs energy, and consciously developing the breath and breathing capacity gives us a unique type of high octane fuel on which we may run our life. Yogi Bhajan has stated, “Anything which is rhythmic is happy.” When we strengthen the pulse and frequency of our own existence, anything is possible. These times require a rhythmic intunement so that we may penetrate through obstacles to our own higher ground. A simple technique you can use daily is to sit in a relaxed posture with the eyes closed, and begin inhaling through the nose in 8 equal strokes, or “sniffs,” and then exhale through the nose in one long slow breath. Practicing this for 11 minutes a day in the evening will tune and recalibrate your psyche to an even flow and equilibrium. This is called the “Eight Stroke Breath for Energy and Stress Relief” and it is illustrated on page 165 of the previously mentioned manual.

Bringing this technology full circle, the Base number for the month of May is 8, and eight represents issues of power, authority, and fearlessness. With a strong foundation of your own spirit and vitality, you will not fall prey to irrational fear, or feel overpowered by someone else’s aggressive nature. Meditation is a sophisticated form of prayer, and when we develop our personal power through prayer, we don’t end up as the prey. In the folk/rock classic song, “Teach Your Children” by Crosby, Stills and Nash, there is a beautiful verse which says, “You who are on the road, must have a code, that you can live by.” We all need a code, whether it be a code of conduct, code of honor, or code for our soul’s journey to live by. Our personal code, supported by the energy we create for ourselves, creates the cutting edge of caliber and consciousness by which we may live our most excellent life.

source: www.3ho.org

Meditation To Blissfulness

Achieve mindfulness and compassion through the practice of the ancient art of meditation.

Join us for an hour of guided meditation and journey within to your deepest place of bliss.


In honor of our beautiful mothers, for the strength and inspiration they are to the world, we are going to meditate to the sacred sound of Ma, to connect deeply to that Divine Energy of Mother Goddess Earth, nurturer, protector and giver of life.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

11am – 12pm

West Lake Park Anne Kolb Nature Center
751 Sheridan St
East of N Fed Hwy
Hollywood, FL 33019


Reach the state of perfect harmony and health by learning how to listen to your body, and unite Mind, Body & Soul.
During this hour of guided meditation we will explore deep levels of consciousness, understand why the breath is vitally important, and develop new patterns of thought and emotions by navigating through various techniques, including the use of mudras and mantras, crystals, incense, sound-vibration, prayer and more.

Detoxification heralds the wonderful rewards that Meditation springs forth, providing healing and tranquility on every level. As a self-healing method, by developing calmness, meditation can help reduce stress, eliminate migraines, and strengthen immune system.
Heal and grow with your meditation practice, and have a richer, deeper experience of Life.

**Perfect for those new to the practice. All levels and all ages welcome.
**Receive a “mini-Angel reading” at the end of class.

There is no charge for this gathering,
$donations welcomed



Drive in and park. We will gather by the Butterfly Garden at the entrance.
Should you arrive a little later, there will be a marked path to the floating gazebo where we will be meditating. Come in and get comfy for a delicious meditation for replenishment and renewal.
Thank you for your courtesy of arriving gracefully and silently so the rest of the meditators aren’t disturbed.
You may bring a cushion, mat and/or blanket, whatever makes you feel comfortable.


Take i-95 to Sheridan St. Go East on Sheridan all the way to West Lake Park Anne Kolb Nature Center, about 1/2 mile after us-1, go over the bridge, park entrance will be on your left hand side (north side of Sheridan St) West Lake Park Anne Kolb Nature Center