On the surface of the world right now there is
war and violence and things seem dark.
But calmly and quietly, at the same time,
something else is happening underground
An inner revolution is taking place
and certain individuals are being called to a higher light.
It is a silent revolution.
From the inside out. From the ground up.
This is a Global operation.
A Spiritual Conspiracy.
There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet.
You wont see us on the T.V.
You wont read about us in the newspaper
You wont hear about us on the radio
We dont seek any glory
We dont wear any uniform
We come in all shapes and sizes, colors and styles
Most of us work anonymously
We are quietly working behind the scenes
in every country and culture of the world
Cities big and small, mountains and valleys,
in farms and villages, tribes and remote islands
You could pass by one of us on the street
and not even notice
We go undercover
We remain behind the scenes
It is of no concern to us who takes the final credit
But simply that the work gets done
Occasionally we spot each other in the street
We give a quiet nod and continue on our way
During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs
But behind the false storefront at night
is where the real work takes a place
Some call us the Conscious Army
We are slowly creating a new world
with the power of our minds and hearts
We follow, with passion and joy
Our orders come from from the Central Spiritual Intelligence
We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking

Poems ~ Hugs ~ Music ~ Photography ~ Movies ~ Kind words ~
Smiles ~ Meditation and prayer ~ Dance ~ Social activism ~ Websites
Blogs ~ Random acts of kindness…

We each express ourselves in our own unique ways
with our own unique gifts and talents
Be the change you want to see in the world
That is the motto that fills our hearts
We know it is the only way real transformation takes place
We know that quietly and humbly we have the
power of all the oceans combined
Our work is slow and meticulous
Like the formation of mountains
It is not even visible at first glance
And yet with it entire tectonic plates
shall be moved in the centuries to come
Love is the new religion of the 21st century
You dont have to be a highly educated person
Or have any exceptional knowledge to understand it
It comes from the intelligence of the heart
Embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all human beings
Be the change you want to see in the world
Nobody else can do it for you
We are now recruiting
Perhaps you will join us
Or already have.
All are welcome
The door is open

~ author unknown

Happiness Ever After

As written in “Tantra: The Art of Conscious Loving”©
by Caroline & Charles Muir

These days, not many of us believe in happily ever after. Statistics show that well over half the married couples in our culture divorce, and many of those who stick it out do so for reasons other than personal happiness–because its such a hassle dividing everthing, moving, having to start over– not to mention children and the emotional and financial aspects of splitting up. In this practical 20th century climate, it’s hard to take happily ever after as much more than a metaphor in which “ever after” means “for a while”.
Theoretically, this definition could allow a person to live happily ever after if he or she livedin consecutively happily-for-a-while relationships. These were fashionable to a degree in the 60’s and 70’s, but became first questionable and then dangerous in the 80’s as the AIDS epidemic was recognized and understood. But it is not just fear of AIDS that is changing contemporary relationships. In our seminars we meet men and women whose desire for partnetship stems from a feeling that there is something important to be gained from a significant relationship. And it seems to be more than a desire to “settle down”. Couples today are looking for a commitment from each other, but a special kind of commitment-one that contains a spiritual as well as a physical element and emotional and psychological aspects as well as material ones.
This may be the start of the “we” generation, a generation that desires an end to the batttle of the sexes and the beginning of a new form of relationship in which partners work together as a team to satisfy needs, uplift one another, and journey together toward personal growth and sexual and spiritual fulfillment.

The past few decades made us some promises of sexual sophistication, personal independence, and prosperity. For a large number of men and women today, many of these promises have been fulfilled. We are richer because we know more about ourselves – in fact, we are a culture fascinated with itself. We take care of our bodies, we exercise andeat well, we stop smoking. We look to imporve. We visualize bright futures.
Being so blessed, so evolved, why are we less successful than previous generations in making relationships last?

There’s love, and then there’s Love. There’s passionate love, and then there’s love after passion or without passion. The latter has been known, in fact, to be quite cozy and satisfying in many ways; but without passion, may also deteriorate into a pale verson of the original, a benign tolerance. And there is the risk that it may die completely or turn into resentment of disrespect, or worse.

It is not dispassionate love that we want to discuss. We want to focus on love that is full of passion and heat, love that makes your blood fairly pulse inside you; love that is all the nourishment you need. This is the love that overcomes all obstacles, dissolves time, obsesses you, possesses you, and radiates from you so that people comment on your “glow”, and are drawn to you as if by a magnet. This is love that expresses itself sexually as a wonder, the best ever. It is so for both of you-youcan’t get enough of one another.
Love is nor necessariy blind, as Shakespeare claimed, but it is surely an altered state. Physicians tell us that bio-chemically, love shares a lot of the same exhilarating effects that amphetamines produce. We know that the immune system can be strengthened by it; that white blood cells perform better, and that the production of endorphins increases. We feel terrific!
So what happens? What causes passion to close its doors after such a promising opening to such good reviews?
Part of the answer can be found if we consider passion as a kind of energy that depends on other energy for survival. When we are in the early passionate stages of a relationship, we expend a lot of time trying to win one another, enchant, impress, and attract one another. We mentioned that passionate love overcomes obstacles. It is the energy required in that overcoming that is most significant. For example, when men and women decide to live together, they eliminate one of the biggest obstacles of all–physical separation–but they don’t realize that they are removing something that has contributed to their passion. They need to find a way to compensate for the energy-hole their relationship experiences when they no longer need to overcome the obstacle of living separately. They have created an energy void, and passion suffers for it. The diminuition of energy diminishes passion.
In the early stages of a love affair, passionate energy seems self-generating. The newly attracted couple is in a nearly constant state of arousal. They’re charged. They’re superconductors. And then, usually, the lovemaking falls off–quantitatively, anyway. It’s less urgent once you’ve come to trust your ralationship, come to rely on one another–but why must we lose Love?
In fact, we don’t have to lose anything. What usually happens isthat the lessening oflovemaking means a lessening of energy in the relationship. When couples don’t make that physical connection as often, the atmosphere changes. Love begins to stagnate and energy is directed elsewhere.
Men and women who are passionate about their work, or their art, or their politics are recognized for the energy they manufacture in order to pursue and maintain and advance the endeavor to which they are devoted. In the same way, men and women who are passionate about their relationship must be committed to manufacturing the energy needed to sustain it. This is especially true in an era that offers so many opportunities and so much personal freedom. Many of us have several passions, and sometimes the amount of energy spent pursuing them exceeds the amount of energy they return. When this happens, we operate with a ‘passion deficit’ . We have to borrow energy from other source to compensate. Ultimately, unless we rectify the deficit at its source, we will suffer serious losses. Too often one of these losses is passion.
We meet many couples who are simply too busy or too tired to make love. Both work, they have children, they contribute time and energy to their community and to their church. They’re concerned about self-improvement, so they devote several hours a week to health and physical fitness. Many have aging parents to lok after.
The irony is that making love can provide both partners with more energy….
The solution we teach in our seminars and workshops is based in part on the tantric “lifestyle” that was designed centures ago specifically for householders–that is, couples. The tantric texts are exdplicit on how the differences between the sexes can be used as a positive force in a partnership, how the proper combination of these differences can produce a near alchemical reaction, an ether in which everything flourishes, in which the garden of your relationship bursts with color and a new life and growth, and you and your beloved thrive.-

Charles and Caroline Muir are teachers of Tantra yoga and their approach to sexuality incorporates spirituality as well as an honest affinity for pleasure. They have been reviewed by magazines and newspapers, and have appeared on national radio and television as tantric sex experts.
Visit www.sourcetantra.com for more information.

Unlegislated Love

By Alan Cohen

A friend told me, “Marriage is a great institution – if you don’t mind living in an institution”.
So, what does it take to be a great lover…

The funny thing about love is that the more you try to organize it, the less like love it becomes. As spiritual master Meher Baba noted, “Love and coercion can never go together. Love has to spring spontaneously from within. It is in no way amenable to any form of inner or outer force and it cannpt be forced upon anybody, yet it can be awakened in one through love itself.”
People usually institutionalize things when they dont trust life to take care of itself naturally and spontaneously. I’m not saying that institutions are bad or we should not have them; they serve a purpose. But institutions have a way of becoming hollow shells that the heart gradually dies out of. Most religions, for example, began with a genuine enlightenment experience by a prophet whom God spoke to. That experience was so powerful that it inspired others to follow in their footsteps. The glitch in that formula is that if you really want to meet God, you have to follow your own footsteps, not those of another. It’s more about energy than action; more about consciousness than behavior.
A friend of mine studied with a Native American shaman whom she adored. One day my friend asked the shaman, “How can I be more like you?”. The shaman gave the best answer I have ever heard: “If you want to be more like me, be more like yourself”. He was teaching that the road to enlightenment is paved with authenticity, not imitation.
The story is told about an African tribesman who went to his favorite rock by a river and sat there eating an avocado. Suddenly a shaft of light broke through the leaves above him and he realized he was one with all life, eternally whole, and filled with peace. In other words, he became enlightened. When the fellow returned to the village, everyone realized there was something extraordinary about him; he had been transformed and he glowed with a new light. When the villagers asked him, “What happened to you?” he explained, “I was just sitting on the big rock down by the river eating an avocado. A beam of light fell upon me, and I saw God”.
The next morning when the tribesman awoke, he found no one in the village. He looked in all the huts, but everyone had mysteriously disappeared. Finally he decided to give up searching and just go back to the rock he loved to sit on. When he arrived, he was amazed to find all the people from the village clustered on the rock, avocados in hand, scrambling to get to the top of the rock.
Silly as this parable sounds, it’s not very different from the way we try to institutionalize spirit. The key to the tribesman’s illumination is that he sat on his favorite rock enjoying his favorite avocado. The villagers would have met God more quickly and directly by going to their own sacred places rather than legislating his.
Great relationshops are built on joy, choice, and full presence. If you meet in the temple upheld by those pillars, you are in a holy place indeed. You fuel the flame of love by being fully alive yourself, and when your partner is fully alive too, you have a bonfire. If one or both of you brings less than full life to the altar, the relationship becomes a charade of fear, and it will wither and die.
Abraham-Hicks suggests an odd but meaningful marriage vow: “I like you pretty good, and I plan to stick with you as long as being together brings joy to both of us”.
While such a vow may sound scary if you are afraid your relationship might not last without more of a commitment, it can be empowering if you recognize that commitment to life is the foundation of great relationships. If you stay true to your spirit and your partner stays true to his or her spirit, and you find yourself paddling in the same canoe, you are in for the best ride of your life.
I heard about a spiritual community in Italy at which married couples renew their marriage contract on an annual basis. Each year the couple revisits their agreement to be together and they ask each other if they want to remain married for another year. I rather like this formula, since that’s how it is anyway. We are all making it up as we go along.
Commitment is important, and a meaningful lifetime commitment can be highly empowering. Just be sure that your commitment is less about time in your life, and more about life in your time.
St John of the Cross said, “Take God for your spous and friend and walk with Him continually, and … you will learn to love, and the things you must do will work out prosperously for you”. The Steve Winwood song, “Bring me a higher love” bears the same message: Show up as yourself, trust life and love, let higher power orchestrate your relationship, and no rule you make will be as powerful as the joy you feel together when willingness is your motivator.

Alan Cohen is the author of inspirational books, including “The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore”, and his new bestseller “Don’t Get Lucky-Get Smart”.
Visit www.alancohen.com for more information on his work or to recieve his free daily inspirational quotes and monthly newsletter.

pentacle seasons

Give Witches A Chance

Who are Witches and what are they all about?

pentacle seasons

Salutations Blessed Ones!

The process of “growing up” is filled with challenges, and that was always alright with me being the fire sign that I am. I love challenges, and the more that come my way I say: “Yeah! bring’em on!”
The first 7 or 8 years of a person’s life are the clumsy years, when we learn how to move about the planet. We tend to fall down a lot during this time, but somehow we seem to be super-resilient to every slip and fall, and at times it even seems we dont feel a thing!
Then, in my opinion, the ‘teen years are the crazy ones, but most sweetest years because we discover the heart and are not afraid to express it, in any way. I’d say they are the revolutionary years in a person’s life. These years are the “make you or break you” years, and help define the path of one’s role in the earth. Not that it makes things easier –but what is easy anyway? and do we want an easy life? The “teen-age” is the time when we enter life in a faster lane -in the physical realm. We want to put into practice what little we know -or currently remember- thinking we know everything, but deep down inside we’re frighten little souls wanting to fit in and be loved and experience this wild world. It definitely is a tough age since we are no longer children, but not yet full adults. Once we reach adulthood, we have more freedom to “come and go” but somehow have forgotten to have fun, innocent fun. We become decadent beings wanting to overindulge and put our threshold to the test. We gamble with life, and many times in a not very safe way.
Coming up in the world with the awareness of your psychic abilities works in a similar way. Eventhough we all have psychic abilities, many choose not to explore these realms, and this is ok, as along as we walk the path we choose to travel through in this incarnation. But we must remember not to judge others for the path they choose to explore, for judgement brings only distraction. We all have reasons for the way our current life-experience is unfolding.Some call it karma, others destiny.. no matter the word, it’s all about choice. I, for one, choose to explore the spiritual side of my being. I too have my reasons. ^_^
We face all kinds of challenges and we get through them learning and expanding our Light or supressing and forgetting it. I remember the part of my life when I was growing up knowing there was a part of me I hadnt explored, but was there, within me. The inner witch was calling out to me and I didn’t know it. Until I “flowed” with the natural energy of my being and began to seek. A part of me thought we all went through the same thing and it’d be a great quest to share with friends. Then I remember the time of knowing and not being able to explore it openly because of what others would say. Both times were tough, a challenge, but somehow very necessary for the development and mastery of my craft. Deep down inside I knew this, and was ok with it. I’ve never had the problem of fear of what others would think, but didn’t want my family to worry about the judgement of others, so in some way I chose to keep my “special side” to myself.

Why do witches have such bad reputation in today’s world anyway? Well, in today’s world it is because people judge first rather than to do their own research before sharing an opinion without knowing it’s origin, and this way carrying an untrue body of energy around the community until it becomes inprinted in people’s mind. Word of mouth is a very powerful form of communication, because it is free and it moves fast, but it hardly maintains the purity of the message. This is a resaon why we’ve adopted the habit of “recording history”.

So to set the record straight -Witches are not satanists or devil worshippers. In Witchcraft there is no devil. There is Highest Good, and then there is absolute fear, but it is all in the usage of the energy the being chooses to practice. A Witch is a person who practices the Craft of Nature. Witches believe in God, our Supreme Source of Good and Divine Light. We pay respect to the four corners of the Universe, as they bless us with the powers of the elements and the secrets of creation.
Unfortunately, like in every path, there is a dark side and some people choose to take it and mal-practice with the Craft. These people have doomed themselves a not very satisfying karma, as the Wiccan Law declares that if one harms another it will return times three. Wiccan Rede
The word witch comes from the word witchcraft, with the root word wicca, craft of the wise.
Click here for more on the etymology of the word.

History also tells us about how during the end of the Matriarchal times, and the beginning of Christian era (Patriarchal era) the new religious leaders who followed the Catholic/Christian walk new the level of power that existed in Witchcraft, and of course, with power comes control, fear and therefore a “certain type” of respect. These leaders wanted to be the only ones in power, and wanted the people’s respect, but they did not care about how they’d achieve it, and so they implemented fear in the mind’s of the people. This is also when the division of classes became very prominent. The rich were kept rich because the new leaders needed (wanted) their goods, but the poor people of the villages which had limited goods became the “villains” with nothing to offer but crazy theories of magic and witchcraft.
These so called crazy theories are not crazy, but very much true. Magic is real. It is called Metaphysics. What do you think happens at the Vatican? Why do you think there are so many riches in the Vatican? And, how come there are so many Christian families suffering hunger and in poverty? Because these people keep this sacred power secret, which is naturally rightfully ours. God does not teach us to become materially rich in life, God created us rich, not materially, but spiritually, emotionally and mentally and we must learn to co-exist in this physical reality creating what we need, with this power, our power. It is all of ours’.
Explore the information you receive. Go to the root of the words you use in your everyday vocabulary and make sure you are trully saying what you really want to say.
I am a solitary practitioner of Witchcraft, and I flow to vibrate on the Highest frequencies of Divine Love & Light. I wish only Love, Peace and Beauty for the world and every being on it, and will feel the same way till the very last breath in this existence, in this physical body, until I return to continue to Be-in-Love of Divine Light Source, once again.

There are many spiritual paths being walked in today’s world, this is no secret, some of these paths are Lightpaths, and some are not. Research shows a light side and a dark side to every religious practice. Basically, what I am trying to say is that it is essential in one’s growth to discover our very own facts. Holding judgement is not of a Divine nature, and we are Divine Beings!
I know so many practicing witches who are great people, loving, compassionate and kind to the world. Great mothers and fathers, sisters, brothers and friends. Inspiring teachers, and responsible in their role as human beings. They are people who would do anything to help another being find peace and happiness.
So don’t judge a book only by it’s cover, what you find inside could change your life forever!
People are not to be measured by their choice of spiritual walk, there is Divine Light in every being, and the avenue they select is their choice, and not to be judged by any being, for any reason. Give everybody a chance, don’t be the judge of their choices, just be, for you.
Remember that in the end, God is in all and we are in all, and we all are one, and the same.

Merry Meet, Merry Part & Merry Meet Again!

Rev Adriana Zotelo

holiday altar

Let Your Altar Renew Your Spirit for the Holidays and Beyond

by Sandra Kynes

holiday altar

Your altar is more than just a place to put things. Through the ages, the use of altars has been both communal and private. Although home altars seem more prevalent in certain faiths, in recent years their use has become more widespread regardless of one’s spiritual path. While altars and their purpose have evolved over the millennia, they continue to fulfill a fundamental need that transcends spiritual orientation.

There is a certain power to an altar. It is not just a thing that holds a collection of objects; intention and energy transform an altar into a space that is separate from our everyday world. When we use an altar, we step outside the boundaries of our day-to-day lives. When we sit in front of an altar, we place ourselves in the presence of spirit and open ourselves to receive answers to the questions that guide our souls.

As a central part of ritual and worship, an altar is a place of spiritual encounter. It serves as a reminder of our contact with the Divine as well as contact with our souls. Using an altar strikes a familiar chord within us. We may not understand why this occurs, but we can sense a shift of energy away from ordinary awareness. Altars hold objects of inspiration and devotion, personal and sacred, resulting in a space that visibly and energetically links the spiritual and physical worlds and provides clues to our innermost thoughts and feelings. The Greek word gnosis is usually translated as “knowledge;” however it can also be translated as “insight.” According to Elaine Pagals, “[g]nosis involves an intuitive process of knowing oneself.” 1 An altar becomes a tool for gnosis—knowledge that comes from spiritual insight and self illumination.

In the past, the sacred and secular were not so rigidly segregated. This is not the case in today’s world; however, having a place where these aspects of our lives come together can be a means for finding balance. This meeting point of spiritual and mundane energies can provide an orientation or anchor in the world—a place to hold onto and come back to for personal strength and exploration. The things that we place on an altar become symbolic of what is going on in our hearts and minds. Because of the convergent energies, an altar is not a passive space—there is constant interaction.

In addition to providing a place for worship, an altar functions as a tool for exploration and growth. Like a labyrinth, an altar top itself can act as a “blueprint for the psyche to meet the soul.”2 An altar is a place where you lay out your intentions—put your cards on the table, so to speak—to manifest particular energies into your life. In describing how Peruvian shamans interact with their altars, Jim DeKorne said that the altar top functioned like a “game board, a symbolic paradigm against which the ritual is played.”3

This is the premise of my book, Your Altar; using the altar as a game board—for lack of a better term. The phrase “game board” is not meant to be irreverent. It’s a way to convey the concept of a matrix or setup for an altar and a different form of meditation practice. While it is standard practice to use an altar for focus, it can be used as an integral part of the meditation technique. Dividing the altar top into multiple sections and using them to focus a flow of thoughts allows the altar to function as a powerful and symbolic tool not unlike a Buddhist mandala, classical Christian icon or Hindu yantra.

When we create any type of matrix we bring the power of numbers into play. The ancient philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras believed that “the essence of everything seemed to be expressible in numbers.”4 He further developed his theology of numbers and ascribed symbolic meanings to numbers, which formed the basis for the practice of numerology. In many cultures and spiritual traditions, the notion of sacred numbers provides a means for dealing with the great mysteries that confront us on a spiritual level.

When numbers are used symbolically, they can reveal underlying energy, purpose, pattern, and structure. According to Annemarie Schimmel, a number “develops a special character, a mystique of its own, and a special metaphysical meaning.”5 Within an altar matrix, numbers serve as yantras—geometric diagrams for focusing the mind and accessing our numinous souls.

This is especially important during this manic time of year, when consumerism kicks into high gear and we rush frantically like hamsters on our materialistic treadmills bemoaning the fact that we are so busy. This is the perfect time to turn to our altars to reconnect with the meaning of the holiday season as well as with ourselves. However, with so much to do and so much on our minds, it may seem like an impossible task to sit and bring our chattering monkey brains to rest for even a few minutes. This is when using the altar itself as a tool can aid us. As a tool, we use it to guide a flow of thoughts that will allow us to step out of the everyday experience.

For a holiday meditation we use a three-part altar, which means that we divide the altar top into three sections. Since it is the holiday season, you can take a long strand of garland, cut two pieces as wide as your altar and then lay them across the altar top, creating three fairly equal-sized sections that run vertically to where you will sit. This does not have to be a difficult mathematical project where the sections need to be exact down to the millimeter. As long as the sections look fairly equal to you, that’s all that matters.

Three is a number that was significant to the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Celts. It is significant in Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Paganism. Three, a triad, represents a new unity that does not discard the polarity of two but integrates it into a new wholeness. A three-part altar provides variety and complexity. This is a complex time of year when we look at the past as well ahead to the future. The component that is usually missing in these musings is the now—the purpose of this season and how we experience it.

With your altar top divided, it’s time to set the intent. The section on the left represents you. Place things in this section that represent meaningful events and milestones that occurred in the past year that have played a part in who you are at this moment. For the center section think about what the season means to you. Is it a time when you feel most connected with your spirituality and feel a connection with the Divine? A figurine of baby Jesus, an angel, a goddess statue, or the word “Peace” on a slip of paper may be objects that are appropriate for you. In the right section, place a candle, and a picture of the sun or anything that is luminous or represents renewal.

Once you have set up your altar, sit comfortably in front of it and close your eyes for a couple of minutes so you can begin the shift from your everyday outer world to your interior space. Focus on your breathing and let each slow breath start from your belly. Become aware of your contact with the floor—feet or sits bones—and think of your energy reaching down to touch Mother Earth. Feel the solid foundation of the earth and then draw this energy up and into your body. As you continue to draw the energy up to your abdomen, your center, feel the energy lighten into water. Continue to draw this energy up to your chest, to your heart. Feel the spark of fire energy burn with the passion of life. As the energy continues upward, feel air energy, the power of the mind and wisdom, surround your head. Hold the sensation of all four elements for a moment and then allow the energy to return to Mother Earth, taking any negativity or tension from you as it recedes.

When you are ready, slowly open your eyes and with a soft gaze look at the object(s) in the left section of your altar. Instead of replaying events in your mind, try to capture the essence of the past year and come to a sense of self. This may be slightly more difficult than it sounds because our true selves are not about what we have or what we do for a living. Try to just be, and then feel what comes to you—without judgment—just be for a few minutes.

When you feel that you have reached that point, or at least gotten as close to it as you can for now, allow your gaze to gently shift to the center section of your altar. Underneath all the modern trappings, contemplate what this season means to you. Seek what is in your heart and know that the magic of this season lies within your soul.

Finally, shift your gaze to the right section of your altar. We celebrate the light: the sun beginning its journey back to us, the (re)birth of the divine, and the renewed light of spirit in our hearts. In your mind’s eye, see light emanating from your heart center, surrounding you and then moving out into the world. Allow the image to fade of its own accord, and then slowly bring your focus back into the room where you are sitting. Hold any sensations for a moment or two and then let them go.

You may have a moving experience or you may simply feel more relaxed. It’s not important to hear a choir of angelic voices. The most significant aspect of this particular meditation is to step out of the frantic whirl of activity that we force on ourselves and into the realm of spirit where we can catch our breath and put life into perspective. Altar experiences will vary, but each one will be its own unique journey.

After working with an altar setup, leave it in place for a day or two; the visual clues that guided the meditation will serve as reminders to keep ourselves grounded in the things that are important.

By using an altar we participate in an ancient act that is fundamental to humankind. The way that we interact with our altars is as diverse as we are as individuals. Using the altar as a tool for introspection serves to enrich our spiritual paths and deepen our sense of self. Repeat the meditation several times during the holidays and see if it makes a difference in your experience this year. The joy of the season resides in our hearts; we just need to pause for a while to find it.
1Elaine Pagals, The Gnostic Gospels, p. xix.
2Dr. Lauren Artress, Walking a Sacred Path, p. 147.
3Jim De Korne, Psychedelic Shamanism, p. 139.
4Annemarie Schimmel, The Mystery of Numbers, p. 11.
5Ibid, p. 16.

This page is purely for the educational fulfillment of LoveDriven’s kind visitors.

Click here to visit the article in Llewellyn.

Do You Believe What I Believe?

by Laura Scott

I believe in real butter and a big country kitchen where your friends can watch as you cook or help you, laugh and cry with you as we figure out the world, our children, each other, all the while cooking up life, nourishment and love.
I believe in old fashioned things, like manners, and love notes and swinging on big long rope swings.
I believe in the power of being present.

I believe in love.
Universal Love uniting us, unifying us, underwriting us.
I believe in Grace.

I believe in two ply and good plumbing.
I believe in fresh cut lawns, a perfect peach, and juicy watermelon.
I believe in hanging out on blankets and watching the sky swim by with someone you love.
The fresh taste of spring water.
I believe in silence.

I believe in dancing, skipping, singing, synchronicities and surrendering.
I believe in surprises, sunrises and life’s ability to flip a situation around in our favor faster than we can say, ‘Abracadabra.’
Because I believe in Magic.

I believe in Angels, Spirit Guides, Messengers, Ascended Masters, and more, all in regular constant communication with us.
I believe in their power, love, and support.
I believe in the power of laughter…
Of a good belch, and fresh sheets…
I believe in making intimacy and living love.

I believe in meditation and reflective thought.
I believe in freedom, Oprah, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Bono, Nelson Mandela, Immaculee Ilibigaza, Dr. Masaru Emoto, Martin Luther King, Buddha, Jesus, Einstein, ET, the tooth fairy, the Grinch, Charlie Brown, and children in no order of preference.
I believe in the unmistakable power of a smile to heal, unite, lessen, increase, provide, invite.

I believe in real love, destiny, free will and the power of our choices and our attitude.
I believe in soft passionate kisses that last for hours and fall into days … gentle caresses, tenderness.
I believe everything is possible.

I believe in the power of a buy one get one free sale, in the 20 percent tip and in tipping points.
I believe in the first snow fall of a season, and the smell of a fireplace burning.
I believe in the Faeries playing in my flower beds and the crickets that sing beneath my window through the summer night.
I believe in Heaven. Here, there, everywhere.

I believe in the quiet that comes after the storm.
I believe in the space between the spaces.
I believe that out of our suffering comes much good fortune.
And that Life is always in Divine Order, even when we can’t see it.
I believe there is always a Higher Plan.

I believe we are all one,
And in our oneness lies our greatest strengths.
I believe that when one of us is doing better, all of us are.

I believe in invisible things, forces not seen, unexplained and yet to be defined.
I believe in a Mother/Father God.
I believe in the Church of Nature.
And the power of miracles.
Like falling in love again after many years of being on your own, and instantly feeling reborn.

I believe in a good moisturizer, comfortable clothes and laugh lines.
I believe in aging and it’s place in our humanity.
I believe if we weren’t conscious of time’s perpetual passage we’d never push ourselves or pace ourselves.
I believe in faith.

I believe in skinny dipping, laughing under the full moon and throwing up your arms to the sky with complete abandon and shouting , “YES!!!”

I believe in the sun,
in the stars,
in the sea,
and in the cool, quiet, secret places in the woods.
I believe in peace.

I believe in all of us, even the forgotten.
I believe in our intrinsic goodness.
I believe we can, we will, we must stay connected.
I believe we are only as strong as our weakest spot.
I believe in sleep overs, a good cup of tea, waking up to the sounds of wild song birds singing.

I believe in you.
And I believe in me.
I believe in our power as individuals.
I believe in our collective power.
And the power of our evolving consciousness.
I believe in the power of all possibilities.
I believe in us.

I believe in love.

I believe.

A Memorable Piece

A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, “What does love mean?”

“When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn’t bend over and paint her toenails anymore.
So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That’s love.”

Rebecca- age 8
“When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.”

Billy – age 4
“Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.”

Karl – age 5

“Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.”

Chrissy – age 6

“Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired.”

Terri – age 4

“Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.”

> Danny – age 7

“Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that.”

Emily – age 8

“Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.”

Bobby – age 7

“If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate.”

Nikka – age 6

“Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday.”

Noelle – age 7

“Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.”

Tommy – age 6

“During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn’t scared anymore.”

Cindy – age 8

“My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don’t see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.”

Clare – age 6

“Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.”

Elaine-age 5
“Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.”

Chris – age 7

“Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.”

Mary Ann – age 4

“I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.”

Lauren – age 4

“You really shouldn’t say ‘I love you’ unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.”

Jessica – age 8