Bio-Energy Healing with a twist of Amazing

Individual Healing Sessions

LoveDriven Core Healing offers an array of healing modalities compiled into one powerful treatment to help you feel renewed and refreshed. Therapies that will assist you in your own growth, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and overall in life. Described below are the wellness treatments which you may experience individually or in combination. Each session is tailored to the client’s needs.


Science of Life Coaching $185

Science of Life is a therapeutic transformational experience between coach and client, where you discover tools for coping through those challenging times in life, addressing things like self-esteem, trauma, stress, grief, etc. […more]



– Reiki Energy Healing $155

Reiki, an alternative energy therapy for the treatment for physical, emotional and mental stress.

It is an incredible discipline that can cleanse the body and further ones spiritual understanding of the Self. […more]



– Chakra Balance & Activation $155

Chakras are energy vortices in specific places along the Subtle body, which process encoded information energy pertaining to the person.

These chakras connect the subtle anatomy with the endocrine system and the physical layers of one’s body. […more]



– Sound Bath Wellness Therapy $155

Vibrational sound healing bath with divine tones regulated at specific hrtz for the purpose of creating a state of wellness throughout the body. 

Music to the ears is healing to the body. […more]



– Marma Chikitsa $155

Marma Therapy is a particular kind of alternative treatment which integrates the knowledge of ancient Ayurveda and the principles of acupressure, aimed to completely heal and eliminate physical, mental, emotional and spiritual illness […more]

  • Marma Therapy
  • Leptokinetic Therapy
  • TLC Transformational Life Coaching
  • AromaTherapy Healing
  • Ayurvedic Health Counseling
  • Pranayama, Meditation & Yoga
  • Reflexology
  • Pre/Post Natal & Labor Reiki

Group Healing

We are stronger when we gather. Rev Adriana offers all kinds of community healing gathering with the purpose of learning and growing together.

. Reiki Circle with Sound Healing

. Chakra Journey – An Energy Activation Experience

. Yoga Classes

. Private Group Sessions

Private group sessions are also available. Get your family, close friends, co-workers together for an empowering and transformational energy healing circle. This may include Meditation, Reiki, Vibrational Healing.

House Blessings

Moving into a new home?

Is your home feeling somewhat out of sorts?

Book a House Blessing and shift the energies …. get more info


  • LoveDriven Core Healing $222 First Session                 
    * Energy 33 Tune-Up On The Fly $108            
    * Group Session $285            
    * House Blessing $444~