The Light of the World Returns

“As the red carpet of holiday energies ushers us toward the Winter Solstice, the advent of 2012 gives us yet another reason to celebrate. The joys of the season remind us that that the spark that ignites on December 22nd will seed the matrix with the blueprint for the coming year. All of us understand that we are privileged to be the ones who get to bear witness to the Great Shift of the Ages. No matter how we choose to frame our 2012 pictures, and whether or not we ascribe to the idea that it is a moment of unprecedented change, most of us have come to the realization that what happens next is living inside the visions that manifest every time we remember what we’re here for. It is in our hearts that we connect with the things that will help us change the world. On the night of the Solstice, the light of the world returns – and in the center of that moment Spirit works through us to recreate itself. At this most magical time of the year, imagine what could happen if our hearts opened wide enough to allow all of our highest visions to etch new patterns of Unity and Love into the blueprint for 2012.
With this in mind, all of the articles and media presentations in our Winter Solstice edition are here to touch you with thoughts and feelings that will stir your soul to remember its purpose and keep you tuned to things that will help you make a difference in the world. This is our gift to all of you. We wish you Happy Holidays and much Joy! May the blessings of the season continue to light up the matrix with the dreams that your hearts bring to life on December twenty-second.”
courtesy of

What are your plans for these times of new beginnings? what’s on your agenda? How do you see/feel the changing times are affecting you? physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually …

Moon of the Ruby Rose

The Taurus Full Moon features the Moon in her glory, where she unfolds like a pure, luminous rose of light in the night sky. a coven gathering is a setting where members can share their unfolding destiny amid mutual support. The spiritual benefits of the group should trickle down into the lives of its members.
After selecting sacred arts of specific goals, it takes hard work and endurance to reach the blooming stage. Roses are hardy plants with amazingly deep roots, thick stalks, and sharp thorns. This sheer toughness supports the beauty of the bloom. But even a rose bush needs food, water, medical aid and pruning. So it is with people; and magical folk should know when they need nourishment or aid.
A few days before the Full Moon, the solitary practitioner should obtain a single red rose and place it on the altar. Bathe in rose water, burn rose incense, and sprinkle dried rose petals when casting the circle. Meditate on ways life is unfolding and opening like the rose on the altar.
Coven members can discuss ways the group has helped them bloom, including exceptional rituals that led to personal breakthroughs.

The Spirit of Ma’at

The people who make it their business to inform us about the future have billed September 2011 as a month full of cataclysm and upheaval. With major Earth changes already altering the fabric of our lives, even the most skeptical among us has to wonder if the prophets might be right when they say: “This isn’t going to let up. We haven’t seen anything yet”. In the midst of predictions that raise all of life’s more ultimate questions, how do we respond to the one that asks us; “What do we need to be doing at a time like this?” If some of us have chosen to keep living our lives as if everything will keep right on going, there are others who are ready to leave it all behind and head for higher ground. For every person who decides to “Get right with God” or hunker down in an “Off the Grid” bunker, there are just as many who aren’t the least bit concerned about how all of this plays out. As we approach the Fall Equinox, no one knows for sure what the future holds – but no matter
how we choose to approach it, we are united by the fact that we are all in this together.

source: The Spirit of Ma’at, Drunvlo Melchiezideck

Moon of 1001 Obeisances

The Capricorn Full Moon is the time to consider the polarities of leadership and service. One who wishes to lead must first learn to serve. Capricorn is the sign of mastery, and of service, performing thankless tasks willingly for the greater good. Bees and ants understand how service roles support the group.
Rituals are performed through the orderly fulfillment of roles and tasks, often using ritual tools. Undertaking humble tasks with a willing heart creates a unified spirit of sacredness.
A solitary practitioner may emphasize each task in the circle-casting and ritual procedure. Slowly move through the ritual , mentally assuming the role of acolyte, cup-bearer, circle-caster, and finally, invoker of a deity. Bow at each direction, and bow to the representation of the chosen deity.
In a group, these roles are assigned to each coven member, plus censer-holder, athame-wielder, paten-holder, etc. Each member concentrates on performing their task hummbly and quietly, without ego. Honor the gods through bowing, kneeling, gifts, and service. It is no coincidence that leaders are often those who gave the greatest service to the group and the gods.
by Elizabeth Hazel


August 1st Lammas / Lughnasadh

The beginning of August heralds the first harvest, Lammas, Lughnasadh. Sacred tot he Celtic Sun god Lugh, the man of many skills, this is a day to enjoy the first fruits of one’s labors that began at Imbolc. Reflect on the story of Lugh’s arrival at the gates of Tara. Tara accepted those with special skills. Every skill Lugh listed was already held by someone within the gates; but no one else embodied all – that’s how he entered.
This first harvest is a time for celebration, for traditional games, and friendly competition. Spend time with friends and family, playing and celebrating in the joy of the outdoors and the still warmth of the summer Sun.
What skill have you acquired during this growth cycle? What do you need to celebrate? Is there anything you’ve done recently that needs to be cut away? Harvest is not only a time of gathering, but a time of cutting back. What do you need to cut back on in order to move forward?
Prepare your favorite cornbread recipe. Shape the loaf like a man. Bake it, share it and eat it, to signify the duality of a bountiful harvest and the need to cut back. by Cerridwen Iris Shea, Llewellyn Worldwide

Lady’s Mantle

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his botanical name of Lady’s Mantle, Alchemilla mollis, means “the little alchemist”. This hardy perennial has soft, fuzzy leaves with pleated edges that collect drops f dew, which explains how it earned the folk name of “dewdrop” and “dewcup”. This plant bears gorgeous yellow-green, loose and frothy- looking clusters of flowers in the summer, making it very popular in bridal bouquets and floral design. If you gather the dew that collects on the leaves of this herb, add it to spells and potions for a boost. Or touch a dewdrop to your forehead for an herbal blessing. This herb was originally sacred to the Goddess, but as time went on it became a popular plant in Monastic gardens and later became connected to the Virgin Mary. This easy-to-grow herb is a wonderful addition to the magickal garden. Work the flowers and leaves into spells for women’s magick, the earth goddess, healing, and turning up the volume n your own herbal spells. The elemental correspondence for lady’s mantle is water. The planetary association is Venus. In the language of flowers, this herb signifies the comfort of protection.
by Ellen Dugan

Full Moon Healing

The Full Moon is undoubtedly a time of magic and heightened creative inspiration. All around the world we find traditional rituals, gatherings and celebrations surrounding the lunar energy.

Here’s a simple “exercise” you can do if you are wanting to make some changes in your life, let go of habits or self-sabotaging thoughts that no longer help in your personal growth, etc.

Full Moon Healing Ritual

Some believe that magic done under the powers of the Full Moon is intensified in a huge way, and so one of the many things people do during this time is practice healing.
Healing begins with cleansing. This simple cleansing ritual can be done before any other type of healing session, or just as a purging exercise.
If you find yourself feeling fear and insecurity then this is a good way to start letting go of it and prepare the mind for more positive and fulfilling feelings and thoughts.
When we clear and let go we make room for new and refreshed energy. Scientifically speaking, our blood contains iron, which information can be recorded into. When we focus on clearing out the unhealthy thoughts or feelings, this information is picked up and recorded into the iron in our blood which then goes into our cells and now our entire being is vibrating the instructions of clearing out, letting go and making room for new, positive, forgiving and expansive energy…
So, onto the ritual..

what you need:

– Fire proof cauldron or cooking pot to toss the burning paper inside
– Candle with matches or lighter
– Salt – in a small bowl or cup
– Water – in a small bowl or cup
– Sand (to put out the fire afterwards)
– Smudge sticks/incense for cleansing.
– Magickal Paper and pen

On the night of full moon, or any of the 3 nights, prepare yourself mentally and spiritually to have a moment with your Self.
Select a time where you wont be interrupted for at least 15 min.
Create a sacred space (indoor or outdoor), smudge incense and place water and salt where you feel they should go. Be creative, your sacred space can be as elaborate or as simple as you want it to be, as long as you stay focused on the goal of the exercise.
Light a candle and sit quietly for a moment, observing your breath. When you feel centered and connected invite angels, guides, healers and energies you feel comfortable with to join your healing circle…and allow.
At this point, begin to contemplate why you are offering this moment, think of your intentions of healing and release, make them very prominent in your awareness and when you are ready write down what habit, way of thinking, or whatever it is you want to let go.
If in a group, you may want to take turns reading your papers out loud and then burn them with the candle flame and casting them into the cauldron, one at a time. if anyone chooses to read to them selves its ok, just as long as everyone says out loud the words “be gone!” when casting the paper into the cauldron.
Give thanks, and celebrate your renewal.

In the Greatest Degree of Love,
Sat Nam & Blessings Be

Rev Adriana Hari Gobind Kaur

Ostara & the Vernal Equinox 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010 Ostara, The Spring Equinox
Sun enters Aries

Ostara is the of hope, joy and expectation. The seeds planted at Imbolc are showing the fist signs of new growth. The tender shoots still have so much potential for growth. It’s the time to look forward toward a bright future. The earth awakens from its slumber, not just on the astral, but on the physical. What was only a thought at Imbolc becomes tangible at Ostara.
It is the equinox, the time of balance between the light and the dark, where the cycle is about to tip into the realm of the light, more and more each day until the Summer Solstice.
this is also a time to share good fortune. The tradition of decorating eggs can be as intricate as the Ukrainian art of pysanky, with elaborate designs filled with meaning, or as simple as eggs decorated with runes. After having the eggs for decoration, immerse them in bowls of seasonal colors (blue, green, pink, yellow). Once the color has set and dried, use paint or colored markers to adorn them with runes such as Feoh (wealth, cattle), Gebo (gift), Wunjo (joy), and Sowilo (Sun). Distribute the eggs to family and friends, and, if you consume eggs and have hardboiled them before decorating them, eat them to ingest the good wishes for the coming cycle.
by Cerridwen Iris Shea

Source: Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2010

If you do not consume eggs and have decorated non-edible eggs, place them on the altar as an offering in appreciation for receiving the good wishes in the coming cycle.

Click Here for more information about Ostara: The Festival of Renewal

Imbolc & Groundhog Day

It’s no coincidence that Ground Hog Day should fall on Imbolc, and it’s not just the timing or the ritual, that link the two pagan traditions, but it began with the Romans and when they swept through the ancient Isles with Christianity, they brought their friend the Hedge hog along as the predictor of the weather.

Brigid was already celebrated and the lore of Brigids Snake was said to come out of a cave and tell of the weather. But as the Romans overtook the world and folded the Pagan traditions into the Christian traditions, the ritual of the Hedge Hog persisted, and finally fell upon the Germans, who carried it throughout the centuries to Pennsylvania. The closest thing to a hedgehog they saw was a ground hog, and thus the American tradition emerged. And while, in fact, Imbolc is the basket for many different holidays and Brigid was celebrated by ancient people all over the world, it is Ground Hog Day that captured the American mind. more



(February 1st – 2nd)

The Festival of Lights


Imbolc, (pronounced “IM-bulk” or “EM-bowlk”), also called Oimealg, (“IM-mol’g) by the Druids, as is the festival of the lactating sheep. It is derived from the Gaelic word “oimelc” which means “ewes milk”. Herd animals have either given birth to the first offspring of the year or their wombs are swollen and the milk of life is flowing into their teats and udders.
Imbolc is one of the four greater Sabbats, celebrated on February 2nd. It is to celebrate the first stirrings of spring. It is the time of blessing of the seeds and consecration of agricultural tools. This is when the first buds can be seen appearing on trees, and in many places the first Crocus flowers begin to spring forth from the frozen earth in the Northern Hemisphere. It is when the days are quite visibly longer than they were around Yule, and they are of somewhat bearable temperatures, as it marks the center point of the dark half of the year.

Religious Myth

brigid’s cross

On this Sabbat Pagans honor the Goddess in her Maiden aspect, as the bride, for from this day to March 21st, it is her season to prepare for growth and renewal. Brighid’s snake (Kundalini energy) emerges from the womb of the Earth Mother to test the weather, (the origin of Groundhog Day).
Traditionally, celebrants honor Brigid, who has many names; she’s known as Brighid, Bríde, Brigit, and Brìd. In Her honor, the Irish call the Imbolc holy day “Lá Fhéile Bríde” (the Feast of Bride), the Scottish “Latha Fhèill Bríghde” (the Festival of Brigid), and the Welsh say “Gwyl Ffræd” (Brigit’s Feast). Her element is fire. She inspires the mind to create poetry. Brigid blesses holy wells, healers and blacksmiths, and Her symbol is a weaving of straw called a Brigid’s Cross, fashioned from wheat stalks and exchanged as symbols of protection and prosperity in the coming year. You can find these Celtic talismans blessing doorways all over Ireland. She is the Triple Goddess — Maiden, Mother, and Crone — who offers us light in the season of darkness. Also, Straw Brideo’gas or Corn Maidens (corn dollies) are made from corn, oat or wheat straw, dressed up and placed in cradles or baskets with white flower bedding known as “Bride’s Bed”. Young girls then carry the Brideo’gas door to door, and gifts are bestowed upon the image from each household. Afterwards at the traditional feast, the older women make special acorn wands for the dollies to hold, and in the morning the ashes in the hearth are examined to see if the magic wands left marks as a good omen. The dolls are generally kept year round as a symbol of fertility. Home hearth fires are put out and re-lit, and a besom is place by the front door to symbolize sweeping out the old and welcoming the new. Candles are lit and placed in each room of the house to honor the re-birth of the Sun.
That said, this season belongs to Brigid, the Celtic goddess who in later times became revered as a Christian saint. Originally, her festival was on February 1, but the Catholic Church later replaced this festival with Candlemas Day on February 2, which is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and features candlelight processions.

Another traditional symbol of Imbolc is the plough. In some areas, this is the first day of ploughing in preparation of the first planting of crops. A decorated plough is dragged from door to door, with costumed children following asking for food, drinks, or money. Should they be refused, the household is paid back by having its front garden ploughed up. In other areas, the plough is decorated and then Whiskey, the “water of life” is poured over it. Pieces of cheese and bread are left by the plough and in the newly turned furrows as offerings to the nature spirits. It is considered taboo to cut or pick plants during this time.
Various other names for this Greater Sabbat are Imbolgc Brigantia (Caledonni), Imbolic (Celtic), Disting (Teutonic, Feb 14th), Lupercus (Strega), St. Bridget’s Day (Christian), Candlemas, Candlelaria (Mexican), the Snowdrop Festival. The Festival of Lights, or the Feast of the Virgin. All Virgin and Maiden Goddesses are honored at this time.


Imbolc is a festival of light, reflecting the lengthening of the day and the hope of spring. It is traditional to light all the lamps of the house for a few minutes on Imbolc, and rituals often involve a great deal of candles.
Now is the time to wear white, go for long walks through the snow and search for signs of spring, and for honoring the maiden goddess. It is a time of personal growth and renewal. Do some spring cleaning, meditate, have a cleansing bath.

Imbolc Lore

Deities of Imbolc: All Virgin/Maiden Goddesses, Brighid, Aradia, Athena, Inanna, Gaia, and Februa, and Gods of Love and Fertility, Aengus Og, Eros, and Februus.

Symbolism of Imbolc: Purity, Growth and Re-Newal, The Re-Union of the Goddess and the God, Fertility, and dispensing of the old and making way for the new.

Symbols of Imbolc: Brideo’gas, Besoms, White Flowers, Candle Wheels, Brighid’s Crosses, Priapic Wands (acorn-tipped), and Ploughs.

Herbs of Imbolc: Angelica, Basil, Bay Laurel, Blackberry, Celandine, Coltsfoot, Heather, Iris, Myrrh, Tansy, Violets, and all white or yellow flowers.

Foods of Imbolc: Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds, Poppyseed Cakes, muffins, scones, and breads, all dairy products, Peppers, Onions, Garlic, Raisins, Spiced Wines and Herbal Teas.

Incense of Imbolc: Basil, Bay, Wisteria, Cinnamon, Violet, Vanilla, Myrrh.

Colors of Imbolc: White, Pink, Red, Yellow, lt. Green, Brown.

Stones of Imbolc: Amethyst, Bloodstone, Garnet, Ruby, Onyx, Turquoise.

Activities of Imbolc: Candle Lighting, Stone Gatherings, Snow Hiking and Searching for Signs of Spring, Making of Brideo’gas and Bride’s Beds, Making Priapic Wands, Decorating Ploughs, Feasting, and Bon Fires.

The Rituals

– I –

Typical Wiccan Imbolc ritual

The Altar should be provided with:

-a gold and a silver candle (lit)

-a cauldron filled with earth or salt into which eight unlit candles have been set. A white candle in the middle surrounded by (in order)a red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and violet candle. The colored candles should form a circle around the white.

-Incense and burner (the incense should be cinnamon, you can just use regular cinnamon on a charcoal disc)


-Consecrate a circle and call the quarters.

-Recite the following Prayer:

This night the Mother sleeps in Winter
Dreaming of the Life to come
Clothed in silent white
She rests from the labour of birth
Born at Solstice, the Child Sun grows strong
Hear us, Child of the Mother
Bring to us the Fire of Life

-Take the gold candle and light the white candle in the center of the cauldron, then use the white candle to light the rest saying as you do:

Fire of Breath (violet)
Fire of Desire(purple)
Fire of Purity(blue)
Fire of Creation(green)
Fire of Knowledge(yellow)
Fire of Spirit(orange)
Fire of Life(red)

-Return the white candle to the center of the cauldron and say:

I stand in the center
My heart is a child’s
I celebrate the Seed
Awaken and grow
I stand in the center
My heart is a child’s
I celebrate the Seed
Awaken and grow
I stand in the center
My heart is a child’s
I celebrate the Seed
Awaken and grow
Sun’s Flame, Brigid’s Flame
Bring us light
Bring us life
Awaken the Mother
The time of Growth draws nigh
Sun’s Flame, Brigid’s Flame
Bring us warmth
Bring us growth
Awaken the Seed
To grow and prosper
Sun’s Flame, Brigid’s Flame
Bring us light
Bring us life
Bring us warmth
Bring us growth.

-Meditate on new beginnings and future plans, this is also a good time for initiations and consecrations.

-Snuff the candles when you are done. Close the Circle.

~ ~ ~ )0( ~ ~ ~

– II –

In addition to your magical tools, you will need:

* A White Altar Cloth
* Light Green Taper Goddess Candle
* Light Yellow Taper God Candle
* 13 White 4″ Stick Candles
* Brideo’ga*
* Small Woven Basket with White Flowers
* Pentacle Candle Wheel
* Handful of Acorns
* Cauldron
* Snow/Crushed Ice
* Small White Pillar Candle
* Potpourri Holder
* Tea Lite
* Basil, Bay, Heather Flowers, Cinnamon and Vanilla Potpourri Blend
* Long Wooden Stick Matches

Sweep area, moving in deosil direction. Outline your circle with white cord Angelica leaves. Place Pentacle Candle Wheel in the center of altar. Place the lt. green taper Goddess candle to the top left of altar and the lt. yellow taper God candle to the top right of altar. Put the white flowers in the basket as bedding for the Bride’s Bed, then place the Brideo’ga atop the flowers. Place the basket in front of the Goddess candle, to the left of the Pentacle Candle Wheel. Place the acorns in front of the God candle, to the right of the Pentacle Wheel. Place the tea lite in the bottom of potpourri holder, and put holder at front center of the alter. Place white pillar candle in the middle of the cauldron, fill cauldron about 1″-2″ with snow or crushed ice, and position on floor in front of altar. Put the container with potpourri where it can be reached easily. Place the rest of your tools and props according to personal preference. Bathe or shower for purification. Ground and center. When ready, put on some soothing music associated with this Sabbat and your ritual.

Cast circle by holding out your right hand and tracing over the cord or leaves in a clockwise direction. As you trace over the outline envision flames of pure white rising up along the perimeter. When the beginning and the end join the circle is complete. Step up to the cauldron and light the white pillar candle, saying:

“Amidst the darkness the Lady is stirring,
Gently awakening from frozen dreams,
All the world has awaited this moment The return of the Maiden,
And Her promise of oncoming Spring.”

Call the Quarters.
As this is a time to honor Mother Earth as she wakes from her winter’s recovery of giving rebirth to the Sun King at Yule, start with North, the element Earth. Pick up the container of potpourri, step up to the altar and pour some into the holder, saying:

“Powers of Earth, the Maiden awakens!
Come join the circle and share in the light.”

Put the container back where it was. Light the white candle at the North point of the Pentacle Candle Wheel. Continue, by waving your hand over the potpourri as if to create a breeze on which to carry the scent, saying:

“Powers of Air, the Maiden awakens!
Come join the circle and share in the light.”

Light the white candle at the East point of the Pentacle Candle Wheel. Light the tea candle in the bottom of the potpourri holder, saying:

“Powers of Fire, the Maiden awakens!
Come join the circle and share in the light.”

Light the white candle at the South point of the Pentacle Candle Wheel. Pour some water into the holder with the potpourri, saying:

“Powers of Water, the Maiden awakens!
Come join the circle and share in the light.”

Light the white candle at the West point of the Pentacle Candle Wheel. Remove the white candle from the top point of the Pentacle. Since Akasha is the omnipresent, it need not be invoked. Light the candle and invoke the Goddess and the God by lighting the lt. green Goddess candle and the lt. yellow God candle with the white candle. Place the white candle back in the top point of the Pentacle Candle Wheel, saying:

“Be with me now, oh Ancients, eternal,
Hear now my prayers, hopes and dreams.
The Goddess has wakened, once more as the Maiden
By loving caresses from the strengthened Sun King.”

Light the inner cross points of the Pentacle Candle Wheel, starting with the cross point to the right of the North point. Light all 5 cross points in succession, saying:

“The Earth now grows warmer, as the Wheel again turns
And as each passing day adds strength, To the Sun King’s rays
The Maiden, of his gift of life, now silently does yearn.”

Take a couple of the acorns from in front of the God candle and place them in the Bride’s Bed with the Brideo’ga. Light the three aspects of the Goddess candles. All aspects are white because She is the Triple Goddess appearing as the Maiden, pure, and renewed. Step back from the altar and contemplate the light that is brought about by the re-union of the God and the Goddess saying:

“Behold the God and Goddess,
Lord of the Forest and his Bride,
Once again the Earth is blessed
With life anew inside.
Seeds shall soon begin to sprout
And creatures shall young bear
For this is the Promise, the Cycle of Life
That is born of the love They share.”

Now is the time for meditation and any spellworkings. Spellworkings associated with Imbolc include those for fertility, defining and focusing on goals for the future, organization, health, and protection. Next, celebrate with Cakes and Ale (Poppyseed Cakes* and Spiced Tea*) Ceremony, saving some for the wee Folkes, outside. Thank the God and Goddess for Their presence snuff their candles. Thank and release the Quarters, saying:

“Though you leave this circle, tonight,
Water, Fire, Air, and Earth
Your symbols shall linger on a while
Blessing my home and hearth.
The herbs that scent this room tonight,
Were chosen with loving care,
To bless me, my family and my friends,
And my sisters and brothers everywhere.”

Snuff each of the white candles at the directional points of the Pentacle Candle Wheel, starting with the candle at the top point first, then the West point and working in a widdershins direction. Snuff the inner cross point candles also in a widdershins direction. Finally snuff the three aspects of the Goddess candles. Step back from the altar and face the cauldron with the white pillar candle still burning brightly saying:

“I honor Thee, Maiden, most blessed Bride
As your candle burns through this night
And thank you for the renewed life you offer us all
As you emerge from the dark to the light.”

Release the circle. Clean up, place the cauldron from the floor onto the middle of the alter. Let the candle burn out by itself. Place the potpourri in a spot where its scent and blessings fill the house. You are done.



The Witches’ Voice Inc.