The transiting planets may not physically warm you up this time of year, but during these first few days of December, they’ll certainly find ways to get you fired up!
The month kicks off with Venus sending an alluring wink to Pluto on December 1. Venus is in Capricorn now, a sign that prefers to be cool and sophisticated; still, Pluto has a way of bringing out Capricorn’s seductive, indulgent side. Just keep an eye out for manipulation, power plays and jealousy, which are all among Pluto’s favorite pastimes. If you can ward off these obstacles, you’ll enjoy a fabulous day!
The cosmic fires then change course — but continue burning — on December 2, as the Sagittarius Sun squares off with Mars in Virgo; since few people will see eye-to-eye on this day, quarrels will likely become common. The situation will be exacerbated on December 4, however, when Mercury forms a square with Mars. Even if you’re usually more reserved about vocalizing your opinions, you’ll be more than ready to stand up for your beliefs now.
On December 5, this incendiary week takes another twist as Venus moves in for a pleasant tryst with Mars. Venus brings balance and harmony as it helps ease any tensions left over from the previous few days. You’ll sense a sparkle in the air as passionate enthusiasm boosts all your relationships!