The Cosmos This August

The stars may give August a roaring welcome, but they can’t resist throwing some obstacles your way … just to keep life interesting, of course!

The action begins on August 1, and you couldn’t ask for a more pleasant way to start the month: Affectionate Venus sends a flirtatious smile to outlandish Uranus, just as the Sun shines its light upon extravagant Jupiter. However, the very next day, August 2, sees aggressive Mars move into sensitive Cancer and pair with dreamy Neptune, at which point befuddlement and confusion will begin to reign.

Adding to the sudden disarray, Mercury turns retrograde between August 3-26, a transit that will push your plans and communications into turmoil. Remember to keep taking long, slow, deep breaths throughout this retrograde period!

On August 4, Neptune, also in retrograde mode, moves backward from Pisces to Aquarius. Ideally, this aspect will create enlightened, humanitarian attitudes; however, it can also bring uncertainty about the future, as well as changes to scientific beliefs and social values.

Meanwhile, Mars, still discombobulated in Cancer, runs into Uranus on August 9, then Pluto on August 11. Each of these transits will add to the current chaos, while exposing you to a higher level of risk and increasing your likelihood to make foolhardy decisions. These can be rather disruptive, difficult aspects … but fortunately, they won’t last long.

Then, on August 13, when the Full Moon rises in Aquarius, you’ll feel pulled between friends and loved ones, and also torn between self-preservation and working toward the greater good. Finally, on August 16 and 17, the Sun in Leo tips its hat to two planets — first Venus, then Mercury — and you’ll be able to sweep your troubles aside and bask in the love and joy all around you.

Furthermore, once Mars turns its attention to Jupiter on August 18, you’ll feel more confident. Get ready to achieve new success — and possibly even benefit financially, though in an odd and unexpected way.

Enjoy the fun while it lasts, because on August 23, the Sun moves from Leo to Virgo. Playtime is over — you’ve got work to do and responsibilities to attend! Two days later, on August 25, Venus and Pluto help you make progress, both at work and in your relationships. However, Mars and Saturn square off that same day, upping levels of frustration and making you more accident-prone. Tread carefully and put all your energies into a task requiring great focus.

The month comes to a close with Jupiter going retrograde in Taurus on August 30. At this time, you’ll need to scale back any big spending plans you have — or put them on hold altogether.

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