pentacle seasons

Give Witches A Chance

Who are Witches and what are they all about?

pentacle seasons

Salutations Blessed Ones!

The process of “growing up” is filled with challenges, and that was always alright with me being the fire sign that I am. I love challenges, and the more that come my way I say: “Yeah! bring’em on!”
The first 7 or 8 years of a person’s life are the clumsy years, when we learn how to move about the planet. We tend to fall down a lot during this time, but somehow we seem to be super-resilient to every slip and fall, and at times it even seems we dont feel a thing!
Then, in my opinion, the ‘teen years are the crazy ones, but most sweetest years because we discover the heart and are not afraid to express it, in any way. I’d say they are the revolutionary years in a person’s life. These years are the “make you or break you” years, and help define the path of one’s role in the earth. Not that it makes things easier –but what is easy anyway? and do we want an easy life? The “teen-age” is the time when we enter life in a faster lane -in the physical realm. We want to put into practice what little we know -or currently remember- thinking we know everything, but deep down inside we’re frighten little souls wanting to fit in and be loved and experience this wild world. It definitely is a tough age since we are no longer children, but not yet full adults. Once we reach adulthood, we have more freedom to “come and go” but somehow have forgotten to have fun, innocent fun. We become decadent beings wanting to overindulge and put our threshold to the test. We gamble with life, and many times in a not very safe way.
Coming up in the world with the awareness of your psychic abilities works in a similar way. Eventhough we all have psychic abilities, many choose not to explore these realms, and this is ok, as along as we walk the path we choose to travel through in this incarnation. But we must remember not to judge others for the path they choose to explore, for judgement brings only distraction. We all have reasons for the way our current life-experience is unfolding.Some call it karma, others destiny.. no matter the word, it’s all about choice. I, for one, choose to explore the spiritual side of my being. I too have my reasons. ^_^
We face all kinds of challenges and we get through them learning and expanding our Light or supressing and forgetting it. I remember the part of my life when I was growing up knowing there was a part of me I hadnt explored, but was there, within me. The inner witch was calling out to me and I didn’t know it. Until I “flowed” with the natural energy of my being and began to seek. A part of me thought we all went through the same thing and it’d be a great quest to share with friends. Then I remember the time of knowing and not being able to explore it openly because of what others would say. Both times were tough, a challenge, but somehow very necessary for the development and mastery of my craft. Deep down inside I knew this, and was ok with it. I’ve never had the problem of fear of what others would think, but didn’t want my family to worry about the judgement of others, so in some way I chose to keep my “special side” to myself.

Why do witches have such bad reputation in today’s world anyway? Well, in today’s world it is because people judge first rather than to do their own research before sharing an opinion without knowing it’s origin, and this way carrying an untrue body of energy around the community until it becomes inprinted in people’s mind. Word of mouth is a very powerful form of communication, because it is free and it moves fast, but it hardly maintains the purity of the message. This is a resaon why we’ve adopted the habit of “recording history”.

So to set the record straight -Witches are not satanists or devil worshippers. In Witchcraft there is no devil. There is Highest Good, and then there is absolute fear, but it is all in the usage of the energy the being chooses to practice. A Witch is a person who practices the Craft of Nature. Witches believe in God, our Supreme Source of Good and Divine Light. We pay respect to the four corners of the Universe, as they bless us with the powers of the elements and the secrets of creation.
Unfortunately, like in every path, there is a dark side and some people choose to take it and mal-practice with the Craft. These people have doomed themselves a not very satisfying karma, as the Wiccan Law declares that if one harms another it will return times three. Wiccan Rede
The word witch comes from the word witchcraft, with the root word wicca, craft of the wise.
Click here for more on the etymology of the word.

History also tells us about how during the end of the Matriarchal times, and the beginning of Christian era (Patriarchal era) the new religious leaders who followed the Catholic/Christian walk new the level of power that existed in Witchcraft, and of course, with power comes control, fear and therefore a “certain type” of respect. These leaders wanted to be the only ones in power, and wanted the people’s respect, but they did not care about how they’d achieve it, and so they implemented fear in the mind’s of the people. This is also when the division of classes became very prominent. The rich were kept rich because the new leaders needed (wanted) their goods, but the poor people of the villages which had limited goods became the “villains” with nothing to offer but crazy theories of magic and witchcraft.
These so called crazy theories are not crazy, but very much true. Magic is real. It is called Metaphysics. What do you think happens at the Vatican? Why do you think there are so many riches in the Vatican? And, how come there are so many Christian families suffering hunger and in poverty? Because these people keep this sacred power secret, which is naturally rightfully ours. God does not teach us to become materially rich in life, God created us rich, not materially, but spiritually, emotionally and mentally and we must learn to co-exist in this physical reality creating what we need, with this power, our power. It is all of ours’.
Explore the information you receive. Go to the root of the words you use in your everyday vocabulary and make sure you are trully saying what you really want to say.
I am a solitary practitioner of Witchcraft, and I flow to vibrate on the Highest frequencies of Divine Love & Light. I wish only Love, Peace and Beauty for the world and every being on it, and will feel the same way till the very last breath in this existence, in this physical body, until I return to continue to Be-in-Love of Divine Light Source, once again.

There are many spiritual paths being walked in today’s world, this is no secret, some of these paths are Lightpaths, and some are not. Research shows a light side and a dark side to every religious practice. Basically, what I am trying to say is that it is essential in one’s growth to discover our very own facts. Holding judgement is not of a Divine nature, and we are Divine Beings!
I know so many practicing witches who are great people, loving, compassionate and kind to the world. Great mothers and fathers, sisters, brothers and friends. Inspiring teachers, and responsible in their role as human beings. They are people who would do anything to help another being find peace and happiness.
So don’t judge a book only by it’s cover, what you find inside could change your life forever!
People are not to be measured by their choice of spiritual walk, there is Divine Light in every being, and the avenue they select is their choice, and not to be judged by any being, for any reason. Give everybody a chance, don’t be the judge of their choices, just be, for you.
Remember that in the end, God is in all and we are in all, and we all are one, and the same.

Merry Meet, Merry Part & Merry Meet Again!

Rev Adriana Zotelo

Invisible Falcons

Greetings Brain Explorers!

I received this email this morning:


Journey to Ixtlan is the best thing Castandeda ever did.

I think the rest of his books suck.
Think be became a guru figure and it went to his head. He started saying anything…after that book. But Ixtlan is very good stuff.”

My reply:

“..The three books preceding are also good, particularly the 2nd one, but yes, I’ve always thought JTI was the best.

I don’t know if I ever told you, but one morning I got up, went onto my porch, and a peregrine falcon, like the bird illustrated on that book’s cover, was perched on the railing outside my front door.

Here is the REALLY really weird part.

When I saw it, I thought, “What is a WHITE SNEAKER doing sitting on my railing?”

I walked over to it, and it flew away.

I could not SEE the falcon with my brain at that moment, because such an event existed outside the realm of my daily experience. It was incomprehensible.

It was like the natives of Hawaii who could look directly at Captain Cook’s ships in the harbor, and still not see them.

My brain completely blocked out this event until eight hours later, when it finally dawned on me that a falcon had been sitting there.

The event was so incongruous with my daily experience, that I was unable to process that fact that a hawk had been sitting on my porch rail, so my brain interpreted as “sneaker on rail”.

That evening, it finally sunk in, and I “remembered” what I saw. but it took eight hours.

It was just like people who are abducted by aliens, and have no memory of the event, or experience missing time, because the even is so far removed from their daily experience that they can’t process the event, and may only recall it in memory regression some time later.

It is further, unfortunately, like many historical events, and you can guess what I am referring to, that simply cannot be acknowledged or seen for what they really are by the vast majority of people who are witnessing such events.

Often, seeing is different from perceiving reality.

Question: How have masses of the population been fooled in the past thirty years? Ten? Five?


Later Brain Pereceivers!

A Full Moon Ritual

(from Sheila Edwards)

This Full Moon Ritual will help us maintain a sense of our Self while navigating the ups and downs of a relationship.
It will aid us in developing a firm center from which to interact with our partner during the most difficult times – when it feels like a relationship is falling apart, you will be able to know who you are and what you want.

Ask the Universe to help you maintain emotional self-reliance within your relationships.

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Best if performed on the day/night of the full moon, or the day/night before or after; but you can do it any time you need a reminder of your ancient nature (and men can do it, too).

If you like, you can prepare for this ritual by taking a special candlelit bath and dressing in clothing that feel especially beautiful to you. Please have a mirror in front of you.

1. Find a time when you will not be disturbed. Turn out the lights where you are. Notice the light entering the room from the moon, if it is visible. Take a moment to remember a time when the full moon made night travel easier, so people gathered on this night to celebrate community and to honor the great healing Mystery.

2. Look at the mirror. Can you see your self? Can you see your face?
Allow yourself to pause in your busy life as you gaze. Take a moment to listen to the sounds where you are. What do you hear? Now bring your conscious attention down from the place behind your eyes, down through your throat, down into your heart. Let your attention pause there. As you allow yourself to become aware of your heart, keep looking in the mirror. Allow your gaze to soften and become more loving. See yourself with the eyes of love. Ask yourself, “Who am I?”

3. Now bring your attention down from your heart to your solar plexus, your will center. See yourself with the eyes of courage and will. Ask yourself, “Who am I?”

4. Now bring your attention down into your belly, the place of gut-knowing. See yourself with the ancient eyes of the deep self. Ask yourself, “Who am I?”

5. Give some time to imagining the self you might have been in another time, in the mists of time, in the beginnings of time. Imagine the beauty and majesty of the full moon reflected in your eyes. See yourself with the eyes of the glorious, magical Full Moon. Ask yourself, “Who am I?”

6. Now gently bring your awareness back up through your solar plexus, back through your heart, back through your throat, back into the place behind your eyes. See yourself with new eyes. Say to yourself, “I am I”.

Bring yourself gently back into ordinary reality with gratitude for what you have seen and learned.

Depression & Anxiety

One of the challenges of the positive mind – the 3rd energy body – is to take on everyone’s “stuff” and have a spongy aura. When anyone I teach says they are easily influenced or affected by other people’s negativity, I have them do Breath of Fire with Triangle Pose. I also recommend them to get in water to support the nervous system and to feel “light.” Hope that helps. I’m sure there are others out there with more suggestions.

Guru Jiwan Kaur

Wisdom In Small Pills

There are times when things fail to manifest no matter how hard we try. We grow impatient and push harder and harder only to finally realize that the gates of destiny have been temporarily closed.

At those times, the wise man retreats and surrenders. He knows all his power is of no use when the cosmic architect is working on the divine vision. His faith remains intact but he wastes no energy. And when the architect retires to his chambers, he acts at once for he is always alert, even when he is resting.

Ananda Miami
“Stress solutions for the Corporate World”


We often look to the horizon to seek a reference point for where we want to go. Yet there are infinite horizons within us waiting to be explored. When horses stand still, I watch them in their ability to become quiet, and I often envy them their stillness. As humans, it is so difficult for us to mentally and physically allow ourselves to be still. Horses do it naturally, when the moment presents itself. But so often in our days – it seems our moments are sucked into the vortex of constant mental and physical activities.

For us to explore our own heart, and to hear our own thoughts, we have the opportunity to create moments of stillness; to stop doing and start being.

I often feel that horses are as adept at navigating the paths of their inner landscapes, as they are the outer ones. We have much to learn from them in exploring the horizons of our souls.

Kim McElroy

Spirit of Horse E-Inspiration

Lessons from Eagles

Almost every morning for the past three months I have been watching bald eagles nesting. I have come to see them as great teachers. They, like every other animal, show us the power of living in the moment.

This is what I have learned:

1) When you set about to build your nest, you should always know what you are looking for. Sometimes your accomplishments will be small, sometimes large, sometimes they will simply soften the edges of what you have already accomplished. Every step forward helps you to create a magnificent outcome. Treasure every victory. If you should stumble, take a moment to pause and assess what happened. There is no need to brood over any failed attempt; simply learn the lesson and move on. But you must move on and tend to your future if you expect it to flourish and grow. There will always be something more you can do, some adjustment that you can make. Never stop creating a successful future for yourself or your loved ones.

2) No matter what you do, sometimes the winds just blow. It is up to you to decide how to move forward, and you are never helpless. When you feel that invisible force pushing against you, grab tightly to that which supports and stabilizes you. Your deep belief and faith in what you know to be true can get you through anything that may come your way. But if the winds become too strong and you feel yourself losing balance, simply spread your wings and let go. You cannot know to what heights you can soar unless you are willing to gain a new perspective. It is these winds which may push you farther than you would have reached on your own, or help you to discover what you never knew was always there. Go with the flow and trust that the winds won’t blow forever. Calm will indeed return once more.

3) Everyone needs moments of solitude; to simply sit with yourself, doing nothing but watching the winds blow and the birds fly overhead. There is no shame in taking time to recoup and recharge, regardless of the demands at home – they will be there when you return. You will soon discover an abundance of energy where there was once little.

4) When you need help, ask for it. You must voice your needs until you are acknowledged, even if it is only you who hears. Allow your needs to be heard. As they are revealed, you reclaim your power.

When you open your eyes to the wisdom and teachers all around you, unlimited possibilities can be discovered. Take a moment to reflect upon what is, who you are, and how you want your life to be. Live the life you choose. Test your wings and when you are ready, soar with the eagles higher than you ever dreamed possible.

Krysti Turznik
Certified Hypnotist
Unlock Your Potential… and Experience Your Possibilities!

Awareness Practice

Are Your Practices Making Your Life Better or Worse?
by Sopan Greene, M.A.

“Baby, life’s what you make it. Can’t escape it. Don’t back date it. Celebrate it. Anticipate it. Yesterday’s faded.”
-Talk Talk

The results you experience in life come from the practices you engage in everyday. Most of these practices you probably don’t even realize you practice. Every word, thought and action you create repeatedly will affect your present and your future whether you like it or not.

So what are you practicing? Think about this for a minute. What do you remember ourself thinking, saying or doing day after day or week after week or even year after ear? How about the input and output you allow into and out of your life? Look at how you spend your time to get a clear picture of this.

If you start a journal practice of simply writing down what you notice yourself saying and doing every hour for one day I bet you’ll be shocked at what you create. This is a very effective awareness practice. You can do it for longer than a day, but start off committing to do it for one day. That’s a small enough commitment that you know you can do it and it will begin to advise you on how you spend, invest in or waste the 24 hours you’re given each day.

As you become aware of the unconscious habits you have you’ll probably choose to change some of them and this can create tremendous results for you. See, your habits are really practices. So when you say you have a ‘bad habit,’ what you’re really saying is that you keep doing something over and over that gives you negative, unhealthy or unfulfilling results.

Anything you’re doing repeatedly is a practice – even, and especially, the work you do every day. Is your job bringing you up or down? Is it contributing to the world or making the world worse? The work you choose to do takes up more time, and creates more results, than anything else you do so it better be a positive practice. If it’s not, simply take at least one step a day to move yourself out of that job and into one that is a
positive practice.

Recognizing that habits are practices is very helpful. Humans tend to consider habits as being something they are powerless over. (Of course this is just a belief and you can change it whenever you like.)

When you talk about your habits, whether you think they’re good or bad, you probably don’t give them a lot of consideration. When most people acknowledge their habits they shrug their shoulders in a self-defeating gesture signifying, “Hey, what can I do?
That’s just how it is.”

Well, for starters you can take responsibility for your life including the habits you choose to create, keep or modify to better serve you. This is why seeing habits as practices is helpful. When you hear the word practice you are likely to think of conscious habits like practicing playing the piano, practicing a martial art, or practicing playing a sport. These are all conscious activities that people make time to put their energy into so as to better their lives. That sounds a lot more powerful than a habit, but it’s simply a conscious habit.

Besides practicing how to do something better, you can start to be aware that the unconscious habits you allow in your life are also practices. Procrastination, not exercising, eating too much, complaining, working 40 hours a week at a job you hate and negative self talk are examples of practices that hold you back and keep you down. Whether you love ’em or leave ’em, they’re the results of your choices about how you use your time.

So are you choosing practices (habits) that serve your highest interest? What types of people and activities do you allow to fill your time? (Remember, it’s your time – no one holds a gun to your head each minute forcing you to do activities against your

What kinds of books, magazines, movies, TV shows, video games, music and conversations do you allow into your life? People who watch a lot of TV have a much different practice and life experience than people who use that same time to play an
instrument, paint, write, meditate or build something creative that expresses their soul.

This isn’t about being ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ it’s about becoming aware of your choices, owning your decisions of what you create with your time, and using that power to consciously create whatever a successful, fulfilling, loving and joyful life looks like to you.

Once you look at what you’re practicing you put yourself in a much more powerful position. A lot of beings complain about their lives as if they have no power over their lives. Once you consciously pick your practices you will become more of a conscious creator of your world rather than an unconscious volunteer playing victim to circumstances.

It is very helpful to remember that you created your life and you can de-create it. You are powerful beyond measure when you choose to use your power rather than give it away to other beings or circumstances.

Look at the life you’ve created. It took a powerful being to create your current situation. It’s time for you to reclaim that power and consciously express the highest and best practices possible. You, and the world, deserve nothing less than the miracles and contributions you uniquely have to offer.

So I invite you to practice keeping things simple, being love and living joyfully. The choice of how and what to practice is yours.
What are you going to practice beginning right now in this very moment? (Uh, oh. You didn’t expect this article to end with an assignment, did you? Well, I guess it did, so get to it! Afterall, we’re only talking about your life here. What would you like to do with it anyway?)

© 2004 Red To Greene, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Reiki Can Never Cause Harm

Because Reiki is guided by God Consciousness, it can never do harm. It is both powerful and gentle. It always knows what each “receiver” needs and will adjust itself to create the appropriate effect. There is no need to ever be concerned whether or not to give Reiki, as it is always helpful. In its long history of use it has played a primordial part in the aid and healing in virtually every known illness, dis-ease and injury, such as heart disease, cancer, multiple sclerosis, also skin problems, cuts, bruises, broken bones, headaches, flu, sore throat, fatigue, insomnia and impotence.
Becaused Reiki energy is a channeled healing, from Divine-God, after a session one’s left surrounded by loving feelings of harmony, well-being and overall joy.
Reiki can be complimentary, as it works harmoniously with all other types of treatments. It is known to act to reduce negative side effects, for example, from strong medication, chemotherapy and surgery. Reiki quickens healing time, and reduces or eliminates pain. Reduces stress and increases creative awareness.
Reiki has also been used in partnership during psychotherapy treatments and the healing of emotional trauma, among others. Great for memory improving and to increase one’s self-esteem.
Furthermore, Reiki performs splendidly in spiritual healing, recharging one’s energy field, leaving the person feeling whole and refreshed.
Visit Reiki.Org for Reiki Stories.

–Adriana Zotelo, Certified Reiki Practitioner under the Usui Reiki method.

Reiki For Fertility

Care for pregnancy
The concept of motherhood is extolled in many cultures. It is sanctified and women are expected to feel fulfilled by it. Yet women have an ambiguous attitude towards it. Some look forward to it with joy. Others would rather not have a baby as they feel it would ruin their figure or they are convinced that they would die during delivery.
The more aggressive women would simply dismiss it as unwanted responsibility. The attitude would make all the difference to the way in which the woman handles her womanhood and pregnancy. The attitude would also impact the unborn child in more ways than one.
Reiki clinics are flooded with women who have physical and psychological problems related to pregnancy. Reiki alleviates many of the symptoms of pregnancy such as morning sickness, excessive tiredness and backache. Reiki helps them adjust to the changes in their body and gives them a positive attitude towards the birth of the child. It emotionally supports the mother and makes her aware of the meaning of motherhood. It also helps the fetus grow normally and often delivery becomes easy for those who have had Reiki just before or during the course of delivery. Reiki improves the bond between the mother and child.
Fathers who wish to support their wives through the pregnancy and develop a bond with the unborn child should consider taking a course in Reiki. They can assist the mother nurture the fetus and ensure its psychological and physical well being by giving Reiki to their wives during pregnancy and delivery. Many fathers who have participated in this exercise have excitedly reported that they can actually feel the fetus move towards the energy when Reiki is given. They have also reported that their bonding with the child is better and they feel that they have contributed to the nurturing of the child in the womb.
If you are serious about learning Reiki, check out

Case Study
Ms.R did not want to have a baby. She became pregnant by accident and her pregnancy was diagnosed too late to do anything about it. The Doctors refused to abort the fetus as the pregnancy had gone beyond a six week period and her husband was opposed to the idea and refused consent. She therefore, developed a lot of negativity towards the child. She insisted that “the thing” had taken over her body and was playing havoc with it. “The thing” was constantly moving around and making her uncomfortable, queasy and the laughing stock of all her friends. She refused to go out of the house till she could get “the thing” out of her body and be free of its influence! She would scream at her husband and hold him responsible for the predicament she finds herself in. In the extreme she would threaten to kill “the thing” by piercing her abdomen with a sharp instrument.
Her husband was very worried and desperate. He did not know how to convince her that the baby was a blessing and would bring joy into their lives. He wanted the child and was afraid for his wife. He tried talking to her, convincing her of his love and that the child would bring them closer. She refused to listen. Her mother tried talking her out of her skulks to no avail. She hated the baby and refused to regard it with any kind of open mindedness. When Mr.R had finally given up hope of improving the situation he heard about Reiki from some of his colleagues and decided to try it. However, he was not very sure that he would be able to get his wife to visit the clinic.
One day he dropped in after office hours for a casual chat with me. He wanted to know how Reiki worked and whether we were certain it would work for his wife. Fortunately, there was another pregnant mother at the clinic who had come in with a similar problem and had immensely benefited from the treatment. She volunteered information on how it helped her through the most difficult period of her pregnancy. Mr.R was very hopeful at the end of the discussion and promised to persuade his wife to undertake treatment.
A week later, Mr and Ms R visited the clinic together. It was obvious from the expression on Ms R’s face that she was a reluctant visitor. She was about five months pregnant at that time and very weak and irritable. She was pale and had dark circles under her eyes and there were worry lines cracking up her forehead and corners of her eyes. She held herself very awkwardly and gave an impression that she was trying to pull in her stomach and hide her pregnancy. Her feet were swollen, but she had squeezed them into an over tight shoe in defiance of the swelling. On the whole she appeared uncomfortable, sick and dispirited. I felt that the usual pep talk may not help in her case.
As I was wondering about alternate approaches, Mr.R volunteered “Madam my wife has decided that she will take up your offer and help you with your patients in this clinic. She says she can type up your cases and generally potter around for a week and see how she likes it.” He accompanied this with a wink. I took up his cue and welcomed her and told her how hard pressed we were for help. We would be very grateful to her for whatever help she can extend. The expression in Ms.R’s face lightened slightly. She said a little diffidently, “I thought he was bringing me to some kind of clinic for a checkup. He keeps doing that all the time these days. I am fed up with Doctors and clinics. I don’t mind helping you. It will keep my mind off this “horrible thing” that is destroying my life.” Mr.R looked very distressed. I quickly told him “ Please do leave Jane with us. We will have plenty of work for her. You can pick her up on your way from work. We will take care of her.”
Ms.R spent the next few days with us. Her husband would drop her off in the morning and pick her up in the evening. Initially, she was very diffident with us. As we continued to be friendly and cheerful, she relaxed and accepted us as her friends. We never spoke to her about her reaction to the pregnancy or her attitude to life. We appeared to accept her as she was. This made her feel at home. We gave her the task of gathering basic bio data from the patients and categorizing them according to the problems. We told her to sit in the visitor’s room and chat with the patients who came in so that we could get information about the psychological make up of the patient. She enthusiastically took up the task of questioning the patients with a predefined set of questions. She faithfully recorded their replies and sometimes even identified factors that could be the cause of some particular reaction on the part of the patient.
As the promised week slipped into the next, we could see that she was getting interested in all that we were doing. She asked us if she could continue coming. We expressed our gratitude and told her how helpful she was. She was very pleased and informed her husband that she liked the work and would continue to come for some time.
As the days passed her curiosity got the better of her and she asked some of the attendants on what Reiki was all about and even wondered what it felt like to have Reiki done to you. She began questioning the patients as they left the clinic on their experience with Reiki. At the end of the second week she came to me with a request that she would like Reiki done to her—just to see what it felt like. I agreed and immediately started the treatment. At the end of the session, she was very quiet. When she got ready to leave, I asked her curiously what she thought of Reiki. She said honestly “It was very nice. I feel very energized but confused”. “Confused? Why?” I asked. She thought for a while and replied “I don’t know. I feel peaceful and more positive about life. I was so depressed about my pregnancy and could not think that life would ever be the same again. Now I am not so sure. It will not be the same I know, but I feel ready to accept the change. It is all very strange. Does Reiki do that to you?” So I explained “Reiki is a positive energy. It does help you getter a better perspective on life and a greater grip on situations. I am glad you enjoyed it. Would you like to continue this treatment for some time? It will help you over the physical problems of pregnancy.” She said she needed time to think about it.
The next day when she came in, she said she would like to try the treatment for some time and see how it impacts her physically. We agreed and registered a slot for her on the busy schedule of the day. What followed is history. Her attitude to her pregnancy gradually underwent change. The child ceased to be “the thing” and became “My baby”. She enjoyed the sensation of the baby moving within her. She even began looking forward to the day when the child would be born and she would hold it in her arms. At the end of the month she was thinking up names for her baby. The rest of the pregnancy was spent calling him (she was sure it was a boy) Mark. He soon acquired an identity in her life and she would greet her husband joyfully every evening with reports on what Mark had done to her today. Mr R was overjoyed at the change Reiki had brought into their lives. He could not thank us enough. He enrolled himself and his wife for the first degree and spent the rest of her pregnancy sharing wonderful “Reiki moments together”. Ms.R comes to the clinic often to help us out. Mark now two years old, accompanies her sometimes and is completely spoilt by everyone at the clinic and is given complete license to do what he pleases. We all feel a bond with the child who acquired an identity and personality in the clinic. Ms R and her husband are part of our team and will rush over to the clinic whenever we need additional hands.
Reiki is a gentle energy that brings about transformation of attitudes and even the personality of an individual. Reiki provides the required stimulus to access a different level of awareness and the patient no longer experiences the discomfort and attitudes of the former level of awareness.

Warmest regards,

–Peter Tremayne
Article Alley


Uteral Malignancy Healed
My workmate Denise was diagnosed with a growth in her uterus. They took blood samples, biopsies, and ultrasounds. They showed a malignancy. She is just twenty-one and has five-year-old twin daughters and is one of the hardest workers I have seen, completing four certificates in tourism and a diploma in youth counseling in the years since having her daughters. She also works full time. I gave her two short treatments of Reiki hands-on and also each night I sent her Reiki. I also asked friends to pray for her and told them we had a month to heal her before the surgery to remove the growth. I also asked Archangel Raphael to heal her.
The surgery was scheduled for this week and she had to go in for a pre-op consultation. They couldn’t find the lump. They redid all the tests and searched and they found a little bit of scar tissue where the lump had been and no further signs in her blood. Thank you to all who became involved and helped this dear girl, and Thank You to Raphael.

–Margaret McGuire