holiday altar

Let Your Altar Renew Your Spirit for the Holidays and Beyond

by Sandra Kynes

holiday altar

Your altar is more than just a place to put things. Through the ages, the use of altars has been both communal and private. Although home altars seem more prevalent in certain faiths, in recent years their use has become more widespread regardless of one’s spiritual path. While altars and their purpose have evolved over the millennia, they continue to fulfill a fundamental need that transcends spiritual orientation.

There is a certain power to an altar. It is not just a thing that holds a collection of objects; intention and energy transform an altar into a space that is separate from our everyday world. When we use an altar, we step outside the boundaries of our day-to-day lives. When we sit in front of an altar, we place ourselves in the presence of spirit and open ourselves to receive answers to the questions that guide our souls.

As a central part of ritual and worship, an altar is a place of spiritual encounter. It serves as a reminder of our contact with the Divine as well as contact with our souls. Using an altar strikes a familiar chord within us. We may not understand why this occurs, but we can sense a shift of energy away from ordinary awareness. Altars hold objects of inspiration and devotion, personal and sacred, resulting in a space that visibly and energetically links the spiritual and physical worlds and provides clues to our innermost thoughts and feelings. The Greek word gnosis is usually translated as “knowledge;” however it can also be translated as “insight.” According to Elaine Pagals, “[g]nosis involves an intuitive process of knowing oneself.” 1 An altar becomes a tool for gnosis—knowledge that comes from spiritual insight and self illumination.

In the past, the sacred and secular were not so rigidly segregated. This is not the case in today’s world; however, having a place where these aspects of our lives come together can be a means for finding balance. This meeting point of spiritual and mundane energies can provide an orientation or anchor in the world—a place to hold onto and come back to for personal strength and exploration. The things that we place on an altar become symbolic of what is going on in our hearts and minds. Because of the convergent energies, an altar is not a passive space—there is constant interaction.

In addition to providing a place for worship, an altar functions as a tool for exploration and growth. Like a labyrinth, an altar top itself can act as a “blueprint for the psyche to meet the soul.”2 An altar is a place where you lay out your intentions—put your cards on the table, so to speak—to manifest particular energies into your life. In describing how Peruvian shamans interact with their altars, Jim DeKorne said that the altar top functioned like a “game board, a symbolic paradigm against which the ritual is played.”3

This is the premise of my book, Your Altar; using the altar as a game board—for lack of a better term. The phrase “game board” is not meant to be irreverent. It’s a way to convey the concept of a matrix or setup for an altar and a different form of meditation practice. While it is standard practice to use an altar for focus, it can be used as an integral part of the meditation technique. Dividing the altar top into multiple sections and using them to focus a flow of thoughts allows the altar to function as a powerful and symbolic tool not unlike a Buddhist mandala, classical Christian icon or Hindu yantra.

When we create any type of matrix we bring the power of numbers into play. The ancient philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras believed that “the essence of everything seemed to be expressible in numbers.”4 He further developed his theology of numbers and ascribed symbolic meanings to numbers, which formed the basis for the practice of numerology. In many cultures and spiritual traditions, the notion of sacred numbers provides a means for dealing with the great mysteries that confront us on a spiritual level.

When numbers are used symbolically, they can reveal underlying energy, purpose, pattern, and structure. According to Annemarie Schimmel, a number “develops a special character, a mystique of its own, and a special metaphysical meaning.”5 Within an altar matrix, numbers serve as yantras—geometric diagrams for focusing the mind and accessing our numinous souls.

This is especially important during this manic time of year, when consumerism kicks into high gear and we rush frantically like hamsters on our materialistic treadmills bemoaning the fact that we are so busy. This is the perfect time to turn to our altars to reconnect with the meaning of the holiday season as well as with ourselves. However, with so much to do and so much on our minds, it may seem like an impossible task to sit and bring our chattering monkey brains to rest for even a few minutes. This is when using the altar itself as a tool can aid us. As a tool, we use it to guide a flow of thoughts that will allow us to step out of the everyday experience.

For a holiday meditation we use a three-part altar, which means that we divide the altar top into three sections. Since it is the holiday season, you can take a long strand of garland, cut two pieces as wide as your altar and then lay them across the altar top, creating three fairly equal-sized sections that run vertically to where you will sit. This does not have to be a difficult mathematical project where the sections need to be exact down to the millimeter. As long as the sections look fairly equal to you, that’s all that matters.

Three is a number that was significant to the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Celts. It is significant in Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Paganism. Three, a triad, represents a new unity that does not discard the polarity of two but integrates it into a new wholeness. A three-part altar provides variety and complexity. This is a complex time of year when we look at the past as well ahead to the future. The component that is usually missing in these musings is the now—the purpose of this season and how we experience it.

With your altar top divided, it’s time to set the intent. The section on the left represents you. Place things in this section that represent meaningful events and milestones that occurred in the past year that have played a part in who you are at this moment. For the center section think about what the season means to you. Is it a time when you feel most connected with your spirituality and feel a connection with the Divine? A figurine of baby Jesus, an angel, a goddess statue, or the word “Peace” on a slip of paper may be objects that are appropriate for you. In the right section, place a candle, and a picture of the sun or anything that is luminous or represents renewal.

Once you have set up your altar, sit comfortably in front of it and close your eyes for a couple of minutes so you can begin the shift from your everyday outer world to your interior space. Focus on your breathing and let each slow breath start from your belly. Become aware of your contact with the floor—feet or sits bones—and think of your energy reaching down to touch Mother Earth. Feel the solid foundation of the earth and then draw this energy up and into your body. As you continue to draw the energy up to your abdomen, your center, feel the energy lighten into water. Continue to draw this energy up to your chest, to your heart. Feel the spark of fire energy burn with the passion of life. As the energy continues upward, feel air energy, the power of the mind and wisdom, surround your head. Hold the sensation of all four elements for a moment and then allow the energy to return to Mother Earth, taking any negativity or tension from you as it recedes.

When you are ready, slowly open your eyes and with a soft gaze look at the object(s) in the left section of your altar. Instead of replaying events in your mind, try to capture the essence of the past year and come to a sense of self. This may be slightly more difficult than it sounds because our true selves are not about what we have or what we do for a living. Try to just be, and then feel what comes to you—without judgment—just be for a few minutes.

When you feel that you have reached that point, or at least gotten as close to it as you can for now, allow your gaze to gently shift to the center section of your altar. Underneath all the modern trappings, contemplate what this season means to you. Seek what is in your heart and know that the magic of this season lies within your soul.

Finally, shift your gaze to the right section of your altar. We celebrate the light: the sun beginning its journey back to us, the (re)birth of the divine, and the renewed light of spirit in our hearts. In your mind’s eye, see light emanating from your heart center, surrounding you and then moving out into the world. Allow the image to fade of its own accord, and then slowly bring your focus back into the room where you are sitting. Hold any sensations for a moment or two and then let them go.

You may have a moving experience or you may simply feel more relaxed. It’s not important to hear a choir of angelic voices. The most significant aspect of this particular meditation is to step out of the frantic whirl of activity that we force on ourselves and into the realm of spirit where we can catch our breath and put life into perspective. Altar experiences will vary, but each one will be its own unique journey.

After working with an altar setup, leave it in place for a day or two; the visual clues that guided the meditation will serve as reminders to keep ourselves grounded in the things that are important.

By using an altar we participate in an ancient act that is fundamental to humankind. The way that we interact with our altars is as diverse as we are as individuals. Using the altar as a tool for introspection serves to enrich our spiritual paths and deepen our sense of self. Repeat the meditation several times during the holidays and see if it makes a difference in your experience this year. The joy of the season resides in our hearts; we just need to pause for a while to find it.
1Elaine Pagals, The Gnostic Gospels, p. xix.
2Dr. Lauren Artress, Walking a Sacred Path, p. 147.
3Jim De Korne, Psychedelic Shamanism, p. 139.
4Annemarie Schimmel, The Mystery of Numbers, p. 11.
5Ibid, p. 16.

This page is purely for the educational fulfillment of LoveDriven’s kind visitors.

Click here to visit the article in Llewellyn.

A Full Moon Ritual

(from Sheila Edwards)

This Full Moon Ritual will help us maintain a sense of our Self while navigating the ups and downs of a relationship.
It will aid us in developing a firm center from which to interact with our partner during the most difficult times – when it feels like a relationship is falling apart, you will be able to know who you are and what you want.

Ask the Universe to help you maintain emotional self-reliance within your relationships.

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Best if performed on the day/night of the full moon, or the day/night before or after; but you can do it any time you need a reminder of your ancient nature (and men can do it, too).

If you like, you can prepare for this ritual by taking a special candlelit bath and dressing in clothing that feel especially beautiful to you. Please have a mirror in front of you.

1. Find a time when you will not be disturbed. Turn out the lights where you are. Notice the light entering the room from the moon, if it is visible. Take a moment to remember a time when the full moon made night travel easier, so people gathered on this night to celebrate community and to honor the great healing Mystery.

2. Look at the mirror. Can you see your self? Can you see your face?
Allow yourself to pause in your busy life as you gaze. Take a moment to listen to the sounds where you are. What do you hear? Now bring your conscious attention down from the place behind your eyes, down through your throat, down into your heart. Let your attention pause there. As you allow yourself to become aware of your heart, keep looking in the mirror. Allow your gaze to soften and become more loving. See yourself with the eyes of love. Ask yourself, “Who am I?”

3. Now bring your attention down from your heart to your solar plexus, your will center. See yourself with the eyes of courage and will. Ask yourself, “Who am I?”

4. Now bring your attention down into your belly, the place of gut-knowing. See yourself with the ancient eyes of the deep self. Ask yourself, “Who am I?”

5. Give some time to imagining the self you might have been in another time, in the mists of time, in the beginnings of time. Imagine the beauty and majesty of the full moon reflected in your eyes. See yourself with the eyes of the glorious, magical Full Moon. Ask yourself, “Who am I?”

6. Now gently bring your awareness back up through your solar plexus, back through your heart, back through your throat, back into the place behind your eyes. See yourself with new eyes. Say to yourself, “I am I”.

Bring yourself gently back into ordinary reality with gratitude for what you have seen and learned.

The Corral Visualization

Practice forgivness, with your self and others … it is the way to true freedom.
The following is a visualization meditation extracted from the book Healing With The Angels, by Doreen Virtue

Get into a comfortable position and relax by taking several slow, deep breaths, and close your eyes.

Now, imagine that you are standing in a country field. There is a road is leading to you – one that brings all your material, emotional, and spiritual supplies. In the distance you can see the road passes through a corral to get to you. This corral has two gates: one facing you, and one facing the road on opposite side.
If you notice both gates open, supplies readily flow to you, and your gifts to the world flow from you.
Whenever we hold unforgiveness toward someone, we imprison theat person in our minds where we mentally flog them with our pronouncements of guilt and blame. The image of the person we resent is “corralled” in our consciousness, and the gates to the corral slam shut, like prison doors. You necessarily go into the corral along the with person you’ve judged in order to monitor their imprisonment. This way, both gates are shut, and your locked corral blocks your flow and supply.
Look inside your corral right now, and see who’s there. See the high price you pay for corralling these people.
If you are ready to forgive, imagine the gates of your corral automatically opening. Visualize whoever is in the corral walking out, free, happy, and forgiven. Wish them well. If this seems difficult, try forgiving the person instead of their deeds. As you forgive, feel the release, the relief, and the renewed energy as your resentment lifts.
Check to make sure that you’re not in the corral alone out of an ego judgment you hold against yourself.

Recheck your corral often, especially when you feel tired, ill, or afraid. You’ll find that these are the times when you have the most people (including yourself) locked into your corral. Once you open the gates and clear the corral, your emotions and energy level will improve.

Art of Belly Dance

A woman’s body is sensual, her curves are smooth, and in dance she is seductive and mesmerizing. Tap into your Goddess nature and dance for your Goddess!

Belly dance is a Western name for an Arabic style of dance developed in the Middle East. In Europe, it is sometimes called oriental dance. Similarly, In Turkish it is referred to as oryantal dans? (“Dance of the East”). Some American devotees refer to it simply as “Middle Eastern Dance”. And in Hong Kong, it is called the “Shimpoli Carmi”. [dubious – discuss] (“The sun dance”)
In the Arabic language it is known as raqs sharqi ??? ???? (“eastern dance”) or sometimes raqs baladi ??? ???? (“national” or “folk” dance). The term “raqs sharqi” may have originated in Egypt

Wisdom In Small Pills

There are times when things fail to manifest no matter how hard we try. We grow impatient and push harder and harder only to finally realize that the gates of destiny have been temporarily closed.

At those times, the wise man retreats and surrenders. He knows all his power is of no use when the cosmic architect is working on the divine vision. His faith remains intact but he wastes no energy. And when the architect retires to his chambers, he acts at once for he is always alert, even when he is resting.

Ananda Miami
“Stress solutions for the Corporate World”


We often look to the horizon to seek a reference point for where we want to go. Yet there are infinite horizons within us waiting to be explored. When horses stand still, I watch them in their ability to become quiet, and I often envy them their stillness. As humans, it is so difficult for us to mentally and physically allow ourselves to be still. Horses do it naturally, when the moment presents itself. But so often in our days – it seems our moments are sucked into the vortex of constant mental and physical activities.

For us to explore our own heart, and to hear our own thoughts, we have the opportunity to create moments of stillness; to stop doing and start being.

I often feel that horses are as adept at navigating the paths of their inner landscapes, as they are the outer ones. We have much to learn from them in exploring the horizons of our souls.

Kim McElroy

Spirit of Horse E-Inspiration

Malachi 3:3

“He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.”

This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this
statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women
offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at
their next Bible Study.

That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch
him at work. She didn’t mention anything about the reason for her interest
beyond her curiosity about the process of refining silver. As she watched the
silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He
explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the
middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the
The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought
again about the verse that says:

“He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver.” She asked the silversmith if
it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the
silver was being refined. The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit
there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire
time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the
flames, it would be destroyed. The woman was silent for a moment. Then she
asked the silversmith, “How do you know when the silver is fully refined?” He
smiled at her and answered,”Oh, that’s easy —-when I see my image in it”
If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God has his eye
on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you.

FAQ: Answers to Link Us with the Beyond

by John Holland

John Holland is an internationally renowned psychic medium who has spent more than 20 years investigating and developing his abilities as a psychic medium. Born and raised in Dorchester, MA, John regularly lectures on both the East and West coasts, including Circles of Wisdom in Andover, MA.
The following selection of questions and answers is reprinted from his first book Born Knowing, published by Hay House.

Q. Where is the spirit world?

A. It isn’t above us or below us ¬— it’s all around us. You see, everything is made up of energy and vibrations. The vibrations of this world are slow and dense, whereas the spirit world vibrates at a much higher rate. That’s why it’s invisible to the human eye. There’s a thin layer between this world and the next, and the only thing that separates us is the frequency of the vibrations.

Q. Can anyone become a medium?

A. Many times I’ve heard the line “mediums are born and not made.” That said, let me add that everyone is born with a degree of psychic ability, and each and every one of us has the capability to improve and develop our awareness. And we can all connect with our loved ones who have passed, through the power of thought and through our dreams. I’ve said many times that they’re “only a thought away.” We can assist them in contacting us by learning to increase and raise our energy — by doing so, we’ll help in the communication by meeting them halfway.

If you have the gift of mediumship, it will present itself in its own way and in its own time. To actually practice as a working medium takes dedication, patience, and time; and it can be a physically demanding job. This undertaking is not to be taken lightly. Mediumship has to develop and grow; you’ll find that most mediums spend their entire lives developing their abilities. You must also be ready to live a life of service.

Q. When it’s my turn to cross over, will it matter what religion or faith I practiced?

A. Most religions have some belief in the afterlife — some more than others. I do believe that it helps to follow some kind of faith, for with its teachings, it can assist us when it’s our time to cross over. I like to use the analogy of the spokes of a wheel. Each spoke represents a different religion or faith, and although each is independent of the other, they’re all moving in the same direction.

We’re all born with the spark from the divine (our spirit), so when our spirit crosses over, that spark will leave the “jacket” it’s encased in and move back into the spirit world where we all originated from. We all survive death, no matter what (if any) religion we choose to believe.

Q. Are there bad spirits, and if so, do they come to you?

A. In all the years that I’ve done this work, I’ve yet to have a malevolent spirit or energy link with me. I strongly believe in the saying “like attracts like.” I work for the highest good, consider myself a child of God, and believe in a Higher Power; therefore, I wouldn’t attract this type of energy. Instead of calling them “bad spirits,” I’d rather refer to them as spirits that exist at a lower vibration and dwell in the lower spheres of the spirit world. They’re just farther away from the Divine Source, so it will take a longer time for them to reach a higher level.

Q. Are there different levels in the spirit world?

A. Most definitely. Every lesson and deed here determines what level you’ll go to when you leave this physical world. You’re incarnated into a physical body to assist you in your soul’s growth, which is why it’s so important to try to be the best you can be while you’re here. You should continually strive to be compassionate and kind, and give assistance and love to others. This will always increase your rate of vibration. And when it’s your time to pass, your spirit will gravitate to its rightful level.

Q. Are the spirits connected to us all the time?

A. Your family and friends who are in the physical world aren’t around you 24/7, but they can be with you if you need them. It’s the same way with your family and friends on the Other Side. People don’t realize how much energy it takes for those who have passed to lower their vibration and make a connection to this physical plane, so it’s not something they want to be doing all the time. In addition, I believe that they have their own learning to do over there and need time to grow and progress, which is why those who have recently passed often need time before they’ll connect to the living.

Q. Why do spirits come back?

A. Because they can. People on the Other Side want to share our lives with us. I’ve done many sittings where spirits acknowledge that they were around their loved ones during difficult times to lend their support and strength. However, they don’t just visit when the going gets tough. I often receive evidence of spirits who were there to see their child get married or witness the birth of a baby. Holidays and special occasions are also big for them — they want to see us happy and like to take part in that joy. After all, if they were here physically, they’d be at such events. Being in spirit doesn’t change the fact that they’re still our family and still care about us.

Q. Can they help from the Other Side?

A. Like those dwelling here, they can assist you, send you love and support, and even inspire you; however, it isn’t their job to tell you what to do, or to do it for you. You have to make your own decisions and take responsibility for your choices and actions. They can’t interfere with the lessons you need to learn while you’re here.

I remember a woman who was thrilled that her mother came through during our session. She wanted her mom to tell her if she should divorce her husband. Of course, the mother couldn’t make that decision for her because it wasn’t her job. The woman needed to take responsibility for her own life.

Q. Can you give us your views on suicide?

A. There’s no running from your problems. Since there’s no real death, there’s no escape from your dilemmas or issues. I’ve linked with many people who have taken their own lives, and I get a very different feeling when I’m communicating with them. They’re usually full of regret because they can see how those left behind are affected. On the Other Side, they may be shown the difference they could have made in their own lives as well as the lives of others if they’d chosen to stay.

When these spirits communicate with me, they rarely want to talk about how they passed, and they never link with me for very long. Usually someone who’s passed before them, such as a family member or friend, will come forward to help with the communication. I believe that these spirits need all their energy to work on themselves and are going through a process of healing.

I always tell people that prayer can help those on the Other Side who have taken their own lives, and in this way, they can be assisted in the healing process.

Q. Do animals exist on the other side?

A. Absolutely. We’re all a part of God’s creation — each and every living being has a spirit, and that also goes for the four-legged kind. Often someone who has passed will come through with their beloved pet or acknowledge that your furry friend is by their side and being taken care of by them. All animals survive on the Other Side.

Q. Are guides and angels the same thing?

A. In my experience, a spirit guide has lived at some time or another on Earth in a physical body, while an angel has never had a physical incarnation. Every medium has one or more guides who work with them — some are constant and some change during the medium’s life, but each has their own unique influence over the development of the medium’s gifts. But many people have these guides, not just mediums. They may show themselves in many forms, such as Franciscan monk, an indigenous person, an ancient Egyptian, or even a child. I believe that they choose to show themselves in these familiar forms for our benefit. I feel that too many people place responsibility on these guides and expect them to do the person’s work. Guides are here to assist, not make decisions.

Angels are in a totally different category than guides — they’re “Messengers of God.” There are thousands of people from many different cultures who have had experiences with these beings. According to ancient Jewish tradition, angels were the first intelligent beings, created by God to help sustain life and assist us in all areas of our lives. Have you ever said to yourself, “How did I get out of that situation safely? It must have been luck.” Well, luck may have come into it, but more than likely, you had a little angelic assistance.

I remember being in a parking garage in Los Angeles, and I was driving up a steep incline. Another car came flying over that hill in the opposite direction, coming right at me with lightening speed. All of the sudden, my car stalled right in its tracks. Had I continued to drive, I would have hit the approaching car head on, but because my car stopped so suddenly, the other car had room to avoid me. Was it just luck that my car chose to stop at that exact time…or did I have a little help? I think I know the answer to that one.

Q. How can I be more spiritual?

A. Being spiritual is more than just taking a workshop or reading a book — it’s a state of mind. How we live, what and how we think, and helping others in need is all part of being spiritual. We’re always given the opportunity to raise our vibration to a higher level simply by our actions. So many people are trying to have spiritual experiences when the truth is simple: We’re spiritual beings trying to have human experiences. Acts of unconditional love and compassion are the highest forms of “being spiritual.” Each and every one of us is capable of such wonderful and beautiful things. We can achieve so much with our time here, so let’s embrace it!

Ten Principles of Consciously Creating

The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating are powerful tools of awakening. When studied and practiced, they allow you to create the life experience you desire. Whether you’re healing a physical condition or looking for that perfect relationship,
the Ten Principles can show you the way. These deceptively simple principles can help you run a business, find a new home, awaken your psychic abilities, or dramatically change your financial situation.

The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating are evolutionary. There is no end to the gifts they offer. No matter what level of success you attain, the Principles are always there, waiting to take you to another level. They are eternal tools of wisdom and guidance. How do they work? Essentially, each Principle is a key to unlocking higher levels of conscious awareness and tapping into your own powers of creation. We invite you to explore the Principles through web pages, books, audio recordings, courses and workshops.

The Trinity

One – Truth
Truth is the essence of Love from which all reality extends and the basis of your light on earth. Truth is the integrity of thought, word and deed that creates the freedom to be who you truly are. Truth is the foundation of the other nine Principles.

Two – Trust
Trust is an inner knowing which comes from the Truth that you are part of the Creator and connected to all levels of reality, the understanding that everything in your life unfolds in perfection.

Three – Passion
Passion is the core energy by which you feel the presence of your own Creator Light. Passion is the realization that you are a limitless being of light. It is the force that allows your life journey to continually evolve.

The Three Commitments

Four – Clarity
In its simplest form, Clarity is the acknowledgment that your physical self is part of a greater, non-physical power. Clarity is the knowing of your own truth, which guides you to consciously create your life.

Five – Communication
Communication is the exchange of energies and information (including words) between humans, between your physical self and the essential or higher self, and between you and the unseen forces of light.

Six – Completion
Completion is the knowing that the conclusion of an experience, a process or a journey exists on multiple levels of understanding. Each completion opens to the beginning of a new experience, process or journey.

The Four Pillars

Seven – Prayer
Prayer is a communication between your human self and the unseen forces of light, which can include your own higher self, the Creator, angels, guides, etc. Prayer need not be a religious act; it is an opportunity for you to define your thoughts, feelings and desires in your daily life’s journey. In Master Kirael’s words, “Prayer is the asking; meditation is where you hear the answers to your prayers.

Eight – Meditation
The practice of quieting your mind such that you are able to consciously receive information, wisdom, and guidance from non-physical sources. In Master Kirael’s words, “Prayer is the asking; meditation is where you hear the answers to your prayers.

Nine – Sleepstate Programming
Sleepstate Programming is the practice of enlisting your own higher self, or essential light, to contact and communicate with the higher self of another during sleep state.

Ten – Masterminding
Masterminding is the act of creating a collective consciousness focused on manifesting a particular experience or outcome. This collective consciousness can be comprised of physical humans, human higher selves, angels, guides, and other unseen forces of light.

A Brief History

The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating are tenants of ancient wisdom which were nearly lost in the burning of the Alexandrian Libraries several thousand years ago, when between 400,000 and 700,000 books and scrolls perished. According to Master Kirael, some 200,000 volumes survived the fires. Of these surviving scrolls, a select few were retrieved by the Guidance Realm to be re-introduced at a point in the evolution of the planet when they would be best understood and utilized by humanity. The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating were recorded in one such document, and pre-date the Libraries at Alexandria and were practiced by enlightened ancient societies, such as Lemuria, some 50,000 years ago.

Why are these Principles being reintroduced at this time in humanity’s history?
The Ten Principles are here because we are experiencing a Great Shift in Consciousness. They are here because We the People are raising our global consciousness to a critical mass, where the entire Earth plane and her inhabitants will undergo a fundamental shift in dimensional awareness. They are here because we are at a period in human evolution where we can create—consciously—everything that we desire in our lives. As Master Kirael explains, “Everything starts as the Creator, and everything ends as the Creator.” With the Ten Principles we recognize that we are not separate from the Creator, we are the Creator.

Lessons from Eagles

Almost every morning for the past three months I have been watching bald eagles nesting. I have come to see them as great teachers. They, like every other animal, show us the power of living in the moment.

This is what I have learned:

1) When you set about to build your nest, you should always know what you are looking for. Sometimes your accomplishments will be small, sometimes large, sometimes they will simply soften the edges of what you have already accomplished. Every step forward helps you to create a magnificent outcome. Treasure every victory. If you should stumble, take a moment to pause and assess what happened. There is no need to brood over any failed attempt; simply learn the lesson and move on. But you must move on and tend to your future if you expect it to flourish and grow. There will always be something more you can do, some adjustment that you can make. Never stop creating a successful future for yourself or your loved ones.

2) No matter what you do, sometimes the winds just blow. It is up to you to decide how to move forward, and you are never helpless. When you feel that invisible force pushing against you, grab tightly to that which supports and stabilizes you. Your deep belief and faith in what you know to be true can get you through anything that may come your way. But if the winds become too strong and you feel yourself losing balance, simply spread your wings and let go. You cannot know to what heights you can soar unless you are willing to gain a new perspective. It is these winds which may push you farther than you would have reached on your own, or help you to discover what you never knew was always there. Go with the flow and trust that the winds won’t blow forever. Calm will indeed return once more.

3) Everyone needs moments of solitude; to simply sit with yourself, doing nothing but watching the winds blow and the birds fly overhead. There is no shame in taking time to recoup and recharge, regardless of the demands at home – they will be there when you return. You will soon discover an abundance of energy where there was once little.

4) When you need help, ask for it. You must voice your needs until you are acknowledged, even if it is only you who hears. Allow your needs to be heard. As they are revealed, you reclaim your power.

When you open your eyes to the wisdom and teachers all around you, unlimited possibilities can be discovered. Take a moment to reflect upon what is, who you are, and how you want your life to be. Live the life you choose. Test your wings and when you are ready, soar with the eagles higher than you ever dreamed possible.

Krysti Turznik
Certified Hypnotist
Unlock Your Potential… and Experience Your Possibilities!