New Moon in Cancer / Solar Eclipse

Total eclipse of the Sun, July 21-22, 2009

A total solar eclipse will occur this Tuesday evening at 10:35 PM. The energy around this solar event can be somewhat intense for three days before and three days after the eclipse, and you may find more emotions in the air, as we let go of old rigid patterns, and open more to our intuition. Yogi Bhajan said it is ideal to be in water around the time of an eclipse, and especially during the eclipse itself. That means any water: ocean, bathtub, pool, etc.
These days are also an excellent time to sing and chant spiritual music, meditate and be introspective in the company of spiritual, uplifting folks. It is a celebration of the Spirit, its power and its radiance. If you can, go to Kundalini classes wherever you are on Tuesday evening, or do a meditation at home, attend sadhana on Wednesday morning if you can at Yoga Source, or at home, to help process the energy.

We are also being advised to be aware while handling machines and motorized vehicles during the next 4-5 days. It is also suggested that we eat very lightly during this time and/or do some sort of cleansing or mono diet for a few days.

Some Suggestions for this time:

  • * Take advantage of the delicious Summer fruits and melons for a day, then switch to steamed veggies for a day, and finish up with mungbeans and rice for a day or so. The energy could be a little intense to go to the level of a juice fast. Keep it simple and easy.
  • * Be sure to drink plenty of water, adding a little lemon juice now and then for the electrolytes
  • * Avoid worry and frustration and hold on to your personal space of grace no matter what
  • * Do Kundalini yoga with others or on your own as much as possible to help focus on meditation and introspection in preparation for the eclipse
  • * Do Sadhana as much as you can during this time, and uplift yourself and all in song with chanting
  • * Try to spend some time during the day enjoying water…(beach, fountain, spa etc)

“The law of the universe is: Obey, serve, love, excel. And this law will never change. Religions will change, prophets will come and go, but those souls who would like to merge in God shall obey this law.” -Yogi Bhajan

The beauty of these moments is that they bring us together as a community in prayer to follow the teachings of our ancestors and use the power of the universe to heal and uplift ourselves, our families and communities. Let’s do it together! -Deva Kaur

The New Moon that occurs at 10:35 pm EDT on July 21 (2 am GMT July 22) is also a total solar eclipse, in which the Moon passes in front of the Sun from our perspective here on Planet Earth, obscuring the light of the Sun for a short time.

Solar eclipses always occur at the time of the New Moon, when the Sun and Moon are in the same degree of an astrological sign and said to be conjunct. Because the conscious intention of the solar principle combines with the instinctive longings and reactions of the lunar principle at the New Moon, these are excellent times for new beginnings. But in an eclipse, the solar principle is temporarily blocked and the lunar principle prevails.

Eclipses can only occur when the New or Full Moon occurs near the Lunar Nodes, the points at which the Moon crosses the ecliptic of the Sun. In the astrological language, the Nodes of the Moon represent the evolutionary direction of the soul, with the South Node pointing to the direction from which we have come, and the North Node the direction of our future. Therefore, the symbolism inherent in the eclipse is a powerful clue to the evolutionary potential in an eclipse event. This upcoming eclipse is very tightly conjunct the Nodes – within one degree – which portends its importance for planetary evolution.

The ancient Chinese, Incas and Hindus viewed the nodes of the moon as the Dragon’s Head (North Node) and the Dragon’s Tail (South Node), and they perceived an eclipse as the Dragon eating the Sun or the Moon. From the beginning of the use of astrology, somewhere over 2,000 years, eclipses have been used to time significant events. In a typical year there are two pairs of eclipses, but this year there are an astonishing six, indicating that this is a significant year for change.

The upcoming New Moon is not only an eclipse but also the second New Moon in Cancer (a phenomenon also known as the “Secret Moon.”) Because Cancer rules the Moon, it is particularly powerful in Cancer and because this is an eclipse of the Sun, the lunar influence is even more powerful. The Moon presides over all issues of emotion, but also our emotional connections to each other and to our ancestral history. Cancer is known for its concern with family matters but that sense of family extends beyond the nuclear family, and even the extended family, to the entire tribe of which we are a part. Some of us have strong family ties; others of us create our own tribes that serve the family role.

Because of the intensity of the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune which is still tightly in alignment, many of us are more sensitive and more highly reactive than usual. Under the eclipse the influence of the solar conscious mind is diminished, and the emotional power of the Moon stands raw and undiluted. The Triple Conjunction is already stripping away the veneer that we have built to protect us from ourselves; the eclipse may accelerate the process of unmasking the vulnerability (Moon/Cancer) that reveals our true heart.

The first New Moon in Cancer occurred in June on the day following the Summer Solstice which added its own bit of drama. This New Moon is at the 29th degree of Cancer, within two degrees of the North Node. The 29th degree is sometimes called the “critical degree,” and there is a sense of something coming to a close, of needing completion. The New Moon, when the Sun and Moon conjunct, is typically a time of new beginnings; however, here we have something new beginning and closure occurring at the same time. The Sun is on the cusp of Leo, so the fresh new start is already in place – we have only to turn our view so that we are looking forward again and we will be in motion.

The New Moon is trined by Uranus, the planet of radical change and surprise, suggesting that the new wave of evolution will not be what we are expecting. Uranus demands that we let go of any rigid ideas that we have and open up to the intuition of the higher mind. A harmonious sextile of Mercury to Mars is embedded in the New Moon as well, helping to sharpen our focus and provide us with the mental energy we need to get through any difficulty we encounter in our day.

Relationships may be under some pressure with a square of Venus (relating and beauty) to Saturn (disappointment and restriction), and we may find that this is a time that the soul prefers solitude to companionship. This is a time when we are pulled deep within ourselves and the presence of others in our lives may create pressure with the Saturn/Venus influence. On the other hand, Saturn inspires us to greater loyalty and commitment so it is possible now through the hard work that is required of a Saturn square, a challenging aspect, to strengthen our relationships based on the Truth that is emerging from within.

The effect of the eclipse will be most powerful for those who are currently undergoing transits to their chart from the Triple Conjunction, or who have planets in the very last degrees of the Cardinal signs (Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra). The eclipse is also most powerful in the areas where it can be seen, which in this case includes central India including Mumbai and Bhopal; Nepal, Bhutan, Shanghai, and the islands south of Japan.

Source: Eclipse: by Lynn Hayes

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics

Lunar Eclipse Capricorn Full Moon

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Tuesday, July 7,2009, 5:22 AM EDT

Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Capricorn.
The Full Moon is an optimum time to decide what habits we want to change. Saturn, ruling Capricorn, is concerned with the ability to make realistic long term plans. The Sun in Cancer, the Moon’s sign, brings up the urge to balance our need to get ahead and the importance of caring about ourselves and others. Whether it’s creating a budget, a nutritional and exercise regimen, or implementing better work habits, the Full Moon in Capricorn is all about resolving to set new limits, curtailing detours, and accomplishing your life’s goals.

by Joni Ross, Astrologer/Teacher

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics

New Moon in Taurus

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Friday, April 24, 2009,11:24 PM EST

The Moon in Venus-ruled Taurus, illuminates personal resources, possessions, sensuality, survival skills, self-esteem as well as anything that adds to the beauty, comfort, or satisfaction in our lives. With Neptune squaring the lunation we may be challenged more than usual to keep our focus on practical matters. Whether issues are financial or physical or this is an important moment to promise the universe that we will support and appreciate our own value and remember to value this planet. The New Moon message in Taurus is to enjoy life and the simple pleasure of living.

by Joni Ross, Astrologer/Teacher

Pisces New Moon

Tuesday, February 24,2009,8:35 PM EST New Moon in Pisces.

Pisces ruled by Neptune is an illuminating and spiritual sign. It is absolutely the best time to place your order with the universe! The Pisces New Moon, a portal to the unconscious, enhances one’s ability to break through in consciousness. By listening to our intuition, we can envision our dreams unfolding and negativity melting away. We have the power to replace whatever has been sapping our joy, like feelings of self doubt, fear, and victimization with creative energy, hope and compassion.

by Joni Ross, Astrologer/Teacher

Quickening Full Moon

February 9, 2009 – Leo Moon 9:50 am – Lunar Eclipse 9:38 am

Opposite the Moon, the Sun in Aquarius symbolizes concern for humanity, as a whole, to allow freedom of each individual. With the Moon in Leo, there is a strong urge to express oneself. Leo is the sign of the Sun, so shine! This is a wonderful time to lift out of an ordinary mind set, blending your imagination with a heart-centered urge to seek emotional security through self confidence . True self-esteem is built by developing a calm center and taking responsibility for the energy (negative and positive) you output everyday. The issue at hand is to become a radiant and happier person ultimately for the sake of everyone around us. Celebrate this Full Moon as we write, direct and star in our own life story. Bravo!

by Joni Ross, Astrologer/Teacher

Gemini Full Moon

Full Moon – December 12, 2008 11:37am

The Full Moon in December is known by many names depending on the cultural background, Long Nights Moon and Oak Moon are just two of them. [See The Moon for more information]

The Full Moon in Gemini is excellent for divination, rituals to seek inspiration, or brainstorming. You could incorporate all three by using bibliomancy. Take a book about the subject you wish to explore. Open it at random and, without looking, point on the page. Read the sentence your finger landed on. Does the passage give you any new ideas or insights? Repeat 3 or 4 times, eityher with the same book, or different books on the same subject. Meditate on the sentences you have read.
Another way to seek ideas is to invoke the Muses. The 9 daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne were each attributed to a different art: epic and heroic poetry, music, lyric and erotic poetry, history, tragedy, sacred poetry and geometry, dance, comedy, and astronomy and astrology.
Choose the Muse most relevant to your field. Prepare an altar with symbols of your art or other specialty. Include a picture of the Muses, or your Muse, if you can. Cast a cricle, then ask for help and inspiration. Promise to pursue your art faithfully. Do some artistic work, spend a little time in circle writing, drawing, singing, dancing, or practicing your instrument. –Magenta Griffith

Taurus Full Moon

Full Moon – November 13, 2008 1:17am.

The Full Moon this November is in the zodiac house of Taurus, and is known as the Mourning Moon, among the many other names.

The Taurus Full Moon is excellent for material plane works, though the final aspect of Moon opposite Mars makes doing direct work difficult. So be clever: rather than plan the ritual directly, use opposites. Don’t state your purpose as, “I want more money,” say, “I want poverty in my life to disappear.” Better yet, if you can identify barriers that have impeded your progress, work to banish that. For this reason, this Moon also bodes well for some types of healing, especially if you want to get rid of something specific – like acne or excess weight.
Candle magic can be effective for this type of spell. Find a small candle to represent the obstacle in your life. A birthday candle will work well. Be sure to put it in a fireproof holder or container. Compose a short chant, like “Acne vanish,” “Obesity away,” or “Poverty be gone.”
Cast a circle, light the candle, and chant your chant. Visualize the obstacle going away for as long as it takes the candle to completely burn out. When the flame finally flickers and dies, immediately shout, “So mote it be!” and end the circle.

Aries Full Moon

BLOOD MOON – OCTOBER 14, 4:02 am

The first full moon after September’s Harvest Moon, the full moon nearest the Autumnal Equinox, is the Blood Moon (also known as The Hunter’s Moon or Sanguine Moon) The Hunter’s Moon (also known as Blood Moon or Sanguine Moon).
The Hunter’s Moon and Harvest Moon are not brighter, smaller, or yellower than during other times of the year. But all full moons have their own special characteristics, based primarily on the whereabouts of the ecliptic in the sky at the time of year that these moons are visible.
In the northern hemisphere, the Hunter’s Moon appears in October or November, usually in October. Traditionally, it was a feast day in parts of western Europe and among some Native American tribes, called simply the Feast of the Hunter’s Moon, though the celebration had largely died out by the 1700s. There is a large historical reenactment by that name in Lafayette, Indiana during the early part of October. [Wiki]

This Aries Full Moon, with the excellent final aspect of Moon trine Pluto is the best time in months to start something new. Time to consecrate that new tarot deck or wand, to begin a new magical practice, to start a coven. Aries is about action, and Pluto is the mystical planet.
Develop yourself on a material place as well. Start that exercise program or finally sign up for that class. Seize that opportunity. Starting now will give you an excellent chance to change your life.
Plan for a short and simple ritual for new beginnings. Have salt, water, and a red or orange candle. Clearly fix your intentions in your mind — if there is a physical object involved in what you are starting, like a registration form for a class, bring it into your ritual. cast a circle, and light the candle, stating your intention. Then combine salt and water, and use this to bless yourself and the object of your new practice. If it can be damaged by water, (like a book), you may use incense instead. Finally, concentrate on the candle, wiling a successful outcome, then blow out the candle and close the circle. Keep the candle and repeat the ritual as the new project continues. — by Magenta Griffith

Harvest Moon in Pisces

The Full Moon in September is often called the Harvest Moon.
In agricultural communities, the extra light of the few days around the Full Moon was used to bring in the crops. If the weather is mild, this is a good time for an outdoor Full Moon ritual.
If you can, organize a Harvest Moon picnic with a few friends. Most of the food should be either from your gardens, or locally grown, bought at a farmer’s market or roadside stand. Traditional foods might be corn, apples, tomatoes, squash, and various greens. Bake your own bread, or try to find a bakery that makes artisan breads. Buy locally made wine or beer.
Find a pleasant place to set up your picnic, a local park or nature preserve, or even a large backyard. Cover a picnic table with a large table cloth or a sheet. Arrange the food on the cloth, with ornamental squash, ears of corn, and pumpkins as decorations.
Start the feast by thanking the gods for the bounty of the harvest. After you eat, you can sing, a time-honored way to celebrate. Harvest songs are part of traditional folk music. End with a song of thanks. — Magenta Griffith

Courtesy of LLewellyn Worldwide

A Full Moon Ritual

(from Sheila Edwards)

This Full Moon Ritual will help us maintain a sense of our Self while navigating the ups and downs of a relationship.
It will aid us in developing a firm center from which to interact with our partner during the most difficult times – when it feels like a relationship is falling apart, you will be able to know who you are and what you want.

Ask the Universe to help you maintain emotional self-reliance within your relationships.

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Best if performed on the day/night of the full moon, or the day/night before or after; but you can do it any time you need a reminder of your ancient nature (and men can do it, too).

If you like, you can prepare for this ritual by taking a special candlelit bath and dressing in clothing that feel especially beautiful to you. Please have a mirror in front of you.

1. Find a time when you will not be disturbed. Turn out the lights where you are. Notice the light entering the room from the moon, if it is visible. Take a moment to remember a time when the full moon made night travel easier, so people gathered on this night to celebrate community and to honor the great healing Mystery.

2. Look at the mirror. Can you see your self? Can you see your face?
Allow yourself to pause in your busy life as you gaze. Take a moment to listen to the sounds where you are. What do you hear? Now bring your conscious attention down from the place behind your eyes, down through your throat, down into your heart. Let your attention pause there. As you allow yourself to become aware of your heart, keep looking in the mirror. Allow your gaze to soften and become more loving. See yourself with the eyes of love. Ask yourself, “Who am I?”

3. Now bring your attention down from your heart to your solar plexus, your will center. See yourself with the eyes of courage and will. Ask yourself, “Who am I?”

4. Now bring your attention down into your belly, the place of gut-knowing. See yourself with the ancient eyes of the deep self. Ask yourself, “Who am I?”

5. Give some time to imagining the self you might have been in another time, in the mists of time, in the beginnings of time. Imagine the beauty and majesty of the full moon reflected in your eyes. See yourself with the eyes of the glorious, magical Full Moon. Ask yourself, “Who am I?”

6. Now gently bring your awareness back up through your solar plexus, back through your heart, back through your throat, back into the place behind your eyes. See yourself with new eyes. Say to yourself, “I am I”.

Bring yourself gently back into ordinary reality with gratitude for what you have seen and learned.