Yoni & Me

Discover 5 Sweet Ways To Love Your Yoni

Have you ever considered the possibility of opening the doors of the stream of abundance by taking care of your Yoni? If it sounds crazy to you then you are in for a sweet surprise! 🙂

For hundreds of years women have been placed in a space where we are either tagged as too hot or too cold. I say adios! to the “ice queen” and “promiscuous easy girl” labels. I Am Goddess, and it is my responsibility, and mine alone, to make sure I live a happy and healthy life.

Most people in the world connect healing with medication, doctors and/or hospitalization …at least in the West and in what I like to call the “old world”. Fortunately, many folks nowadays who live in the “new world” have awoken to the idea of living a healthy life by having a good, happy, resistance-free lifestyle. This was the hook for me. After spending a long life taking unpleasant medicine and undergoing uncomfortable and highly intrusive doctor visits and medical treatments, the discovery of pleasurable treatments and achieving wellness from an organic and kind point of perspective has brought much joy to my life. But it didnt seem that way at first. I literally took the path of healing by taking tiny baby steps, having experienced the western medicine rollercoaster, until the opportunity to journey through the path of self-healing presented itself to me, then the holistic healing modalities started to appear to me for what they really are and I approached them with much joy and open-heartedness.

So I walked the path of meditation and yoga, and learned so much from the Witches at Wicca School and then the Ministry, and all the great teachers and teachings … all a bundle of Light that filled me and showed me how to transmute burdens into butterflies.

And then I discovered the importance of loving my yoni, the importance of creating the space for all the necessary transmutations within the realm of the Sacral Chakra. This was absolutely incredible, the high level of self healing it provided me was surreal. I never thought I would see and feel life the way I do. Doors began to open and platforms started to come up for me to unveil more of this yummy knowledge. In 2008 I signed up for an online course with The Yin Project, and this not only brought me to a place of deep connection with myself but gave me an amazing sense of freedom and strength, and allowed me to find other great avenues to tap into and discover, like goddess gatherings, and transformative training like Jade Healing, Sexy Revolution, Sisters Yoni, The Magdalene, WombMagic and a few others. I was on a mission, I attended tele-conferences and seminars and workshops and the more I learned the more I wanted to discover. It was a brand new world for me. …although, on a personal level the emotional healing was slow and for a while a bit stagnant, coming from a Catholic family (not too religious but enough to go to Catholic school) all this was very taboo. Then I realized I needed to bring my awareness back to the roots, back to basics, and with all I now knew, start over. And I did.

With the experience, the appreciation and the respect for the practice of Yoni love I am very pleased to introduce my personal 5 favorite sweet ways to nurture my yoni on a regular basis, and what keeps me super joyful, tapped in, tuned on and plugged in to the electrifying loving consciousness of Goddess and to Source Energy Magnetism.

5 Sweet Ways To Care For Your Yoni

1. Yoni Talk & Meditation

Talk to your Yoni often, ask her how she’s feeling, tell her how much you love her and how much you appreciate her for all she does in your partnership in life. Our Yonis are like plants, very connected to the thread of life by a divine filament of light which enables us to connect a soul with a body. All of our creations are born within the Yoni realm, not just humans. So to make sure your life is the dream you visualize you must be tapped into Yoni Power and create from there. Begin your creations by talking with your Yoni. Let this moment become a meditation where you activate a sacred vortex for you and Yoni to breathe together and heal together.

2. Water Splash

While the rest of the body feels delicious after the skin has had a yummy layer of soap suds, the yoni doesn’t. A simple splash of fresh water does the trick every time, keeping the yoni clean. Our yoni’s natural lubrication does a wonderful job at cleanliness and stimulation, working on those special areas that allow the body and mind of goddess to be connected and aligned with Gaia’s magnetic field. It also maintains the cosmic electrical connection alive allowing us to be tapped in to our desires and able to create them on this plane. Too much soap, specially those made with chemical and un-natural ingredients clog the pores, glands and outlets for processing vital energy.

3. Yoga & Awareness

A short but good stretch every morning and/or evening can carry you through a wonderful day. The skin that composes the yoni area contains muscles, fibers and magnetism, just as much as the rest of the body, and because it is a predominantly “hidden area” it is extra sensitive to external stimulation. This helps it serve one of its many healing purposes. To keep the yoni skin and overall area activated and ready for a wonderful moment of high stimulation, which brings extraordinary creative potential, it is a good idea to stretch the body daily. Goddess Bliss Moon Salutations is a great way to stretch the body, align with your inner goddess and activate yoni power

4. Yoni Steam Bath

Practicing yoni steam can change a woman’s life tremendously. Preparing an herbal steam bath will bring your female body and the wisdom of plant medicine into alignment, reconnecting you to your feminine divinity. The benefits of this technique are many and are acknowledged by the global movement of women’s holistic health and wellness. It serves to fortify the womb; removes toxins from the body; increases fertility; helps reduce pain or discomfort when experiencing dryness or pain after sexual intercourse; reduces pre-menstrual pain, regulates menstrual cycle; it is a wonderful healing presence for post-natal care working towards healing vaginal tear, episiotomy and/or C-section; treats fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis; helps treat hemorrhoids, chronic vaginal yeast infections; super helpful with symptoms of menopause; and allows the release of old emotional patterns for the recoding of a new refreshed you to emerge 🙂

5. Healing Through Pleasure

There are many ways to give pleasure to our yoni so that we may activate our inner goddess power, unlock our creative goddess potential and bring forth the ultimate super-joyful experience of life we want to live. Giving our yoni a massage is a great way of stimulating our senses because it helps release backed up stress, pent up tension and unnecessary stagnant thought and emotional patterns, leaving our vessel clean and clear ready to radiate its purest light essence. You will find that your intuition will spike up, your meditation space will be clearer and stillness will become easier to reach. Your ability to breathe longer and deeper will also activate and your master glands will begin to decalcify, bringing in a juicy awakening and heightened awareness.

Love Your Yoni and you will unfold an incredible magical vortex.

After this heart-opening journey I’ve compiled an amazing treatment – for  goddesses only – that I’ve named Goddess Bliss.  It includes aromatherapy massage and reflexology, a wide array of Reiki techniques, hot stones detox …and YOM, Yoni Orgazmic Massage.

If you want to experience the magic of YOM  .. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY! …CLICK HERE



May is perhaps one of the most exciting monts of the year, as the bright and joyful birthing energy of spring blossoms into vigorous excitement this month. The newness of life bursts into eager exuberance. The world is growing, stretching, and reaching out to find the wild and extravagant love and erotic sensation. It is the perfection of being in the moment, a time of happiness and fervor.
The month of May brings the Roman festival of Maia, goddess of growth and abundance for whom this month is named; Flora, goddess of springtime and flowers, and Rosalia, the Festival of Roses. The Irish celebrate the Veneration of the Sacred Thorn, and the Norse, the Feast of Frigg. There’s Garland Day in England, Lei Day in Hawaii, and of course, the Celtic celebration of Beltane–a festival already in full swing when the month arrives.

beltaneThe rythm of our bodies and hearts instinctively feel the tempo of the wild universe, which opens its arms and embraces us as we flow in with laughter and joy. The perfect, unalloyed pleasure of being is the Beltane state of mind. We flow into this state of mind when we dance in harmony with the ecstatic universe. We let go of our petty selves and step into that flow of harmonious union to become ecstatic ourselves. We embrace our wildness.
Often, it’s difficult for us to emerge as ecstatic, wild, nature beings. One avenue to emergence is to celebrate a deity. Flora, the Roman goddess of springtime and flowering vegetation, is a good choice for the Beltane state of mind. She is the patroness of everything that grows and flourishes: flowers, plants, trees and vines. Her festival, Floralia, was celebrated from April 28 to May 3, and in a rose festival on May 23, though much of the orgiastic celebrations were eventually outlawed. Nevertheless, we can find her ecstatic magic in our bodies and in the blooming flowers.
Each event is a fertility festival in which plants and flowers play a very important role. It is a real pity that their role as magical tools is frequently overlooked. Because they are capable of something wonderful. Flowers are capable of speaking real words that soar straight into the universe in a very special but secretive language called Floriography — the language of flowers.


(April 30th – May 1st)


Also known as Roodmas, Beltaine has long been celebrated with feasts and rituals. Beltane means fire of Bel; Belinos being one name for the Sun God, whose coronation feast we now celebrate. Beltane is also commonly known as May Day, “may” coming from “maiden”, representing the Goddess in Her Maiden aspect. The name Beltane is sometimes incorrectly assigned to Litha, the holiday of Mid-Summer, by some modern traditions of Wicca, even though Beltane is the Gaelic word for May.
Halfway around the year from Samhain, when we honor our beloved dead, Beltane is the festival that celebrates all of the living world: plants, animals, and human beings. On both occasions, the veil between the worlds is said to be thin, and is no more unusual to see the fairies near Beltane, than it is to see the spirits of the dead at Samhain. Beltane is also the great spring holiday of the Goddess. It is a time of Faerie Magic and the Queen of faeries is represented by the Queen of the May. Along with her consort, she rules over the festivities and serves as representative of the Goddess.
In most temperate climates, flowers are now in bloom, trees are in blossom or in full leaf, and gardens are beginning to grow. All of the hibernating animals are fully awake. The birds have nested and settled down to raise their brood.
Beltane is the Holiday of fertility. For Pagans, one of the great gifts of the Goddess is the power of the earth to grow wonderful flowers and fruits and all the things we eat. We are thankful for the fertility of the earth, and our job is to keep the land and the soil healthy, to protect the animals and plants and trees so that fertility can continue. The earth is a living being, and all of her creatures are part of her body. Each has a place, a purpose, a special part in the great dance of life.
As summer begins, just as the weather becomes warmer, and the plant world blossoms, an exuberant mood prevails. At Beltaine we celebrate the joys of being alive. We give thanks for all the different kinds of pleasure our bodies give us, for without our bodies we couldn’t see, hear, touch, taste, smell, run, dance, jump or do any of the things we do. Children celebrate by doing all the things they can do which they couldn’t do before — run, jump, play games, climb trees, dance, turn somersaults and cartwheels or anything that makes them glad they have a body. Adults celebrate sexual pleasure. For Pagans, the good, loving feelings that people can give each other with their bodies are special gifts of the Goddess. When we give each other love and pleasure, the whole earth is pleased. We give thanks for the power women and men have to make babies and bringing new people into the world.
In old Celtic traditions Beltane was a time of unabashed sexuality and promiscuity where marriages of a year and a day could be undertaken but it is rarely observed in that manner in modern times.beltane maypole
On this day all the different kinds of human fertility and creativity are celebrated and thanked for. Not only pro-creation, but we create in many other ways as well. When we paint, draw or sculpt, when we write poems, songs or stories, when we garden, cook or bake, we take part in the fertility of the Goddess.

In the old Celtic times, Bel-fires were lit on hilltops to celebrate the return of life and fertility to the world. Jumping over the fire could ensure safe delivery of a pregnant woman, spring spouses to young people, grant traveling a safe journey, ensure health, and bring about conception for a barren woman. Young people would spend the entire night in the woods “A-Maying,” and then dance around the phallic Maypole the next morning. Older married couples were allowed to remove their wedding rings (and the restrictions they imply) for this one night. May morning is a magickal time for wild water (dew, flowing streams, and springs) which is collected and used to bathe in for beauty, or to drink for health.
Some may say that the Christian religion had only a poor substitute for the life-affirming Maypole — as is the death-affirming cross. Hence, in the Christian calendar, this was celebrated as ‘Roodmas’. In Germany, it was the feast of Saint Walpurga, or ‘Walpurgisnacht’. An alternative date around May 5 (Old Beltane), when the sun reaches 15 degrees Taurus, is sometimes employed by Covens. (Both ‘Lady Day’ and ‘Ostara’ are names incorrectly assigned to this holiday by some modern traditions of Wicca). Think of the May pole as a focal point of the old English village rituals. Many people would rise at the first light of dawn to go outdoors and gather flowers and branches to decorate their homes. Women, traditionally mother and daughter, would braid flowers into their hair. Men and women alike would decorate their bodies. Beltane marks the return of vitality, of passion. Ancient Pagan traditions say that Beltane marks the emergence of the young God into manhood. Stirred by the energies at work in nature, he desires the Goddess. They fall in love, lie among the grasses and blossoms, and unite. The Goddess becomes pregnant of the God. To celebrate, a wedding feast for the God and Goddess must be prepared. Let Them guide you!

Beltane is the holiday that draws all Witches outside to celebrate the returning power of the Sun and the fecundity of the land.
Wear red robes for ritual and dress your altar with reds for passion. If you have identified a nearby rowan tree, you can make a wreath for your hair using rowan sprigs. Mom and daughter could braid their hair, and weave in a few tender blossoms. Decorate your house with freshly cut greens, herbs and flowers. Arrange for music or drumming to lighten the steps of the dancers of the maypole or spiral dance. Lose yourself in the dance.
Fire is an honored element at this ritual, so have circle members jump over a cauldron – or bonfire if you have the space and its safe – for purification and protection. Water is another honored element: be certain to visit your local sacred spring or riverbank. Leave a drop or two of milk and other food offerings for the nature spirits.
Wake before dawn on this day and watch the Sun rise over a river or beach. Gather a pitcherful where the Sun has gilded the water. When you return home walk the bounds of your land sprinkling water in you garden beds to ensure plentiful rainfall during the growing season.
Breads and cereals are popular. Try oatmeal cakes or cookies sweetened with a dab of honey. Dairy foods are again appropriate… An early morning walk through a local park or forest could be fun for everyone.

Beltane Lore

The Altar: a simple arrangement of flowers will decorate your altar and fill the room with a delicious natural scent. May Baskets can be made of small branches or paper strips, or you can use a pre-made basket to decorate it with flowers and greens. Branches of Rowan, Hawthorn or Oak can form a green background. You can also use pictures of the Fair Folk. And be sure to set out a bowl of milk or cream for them at night. .. And if you spot your cat or dog drinking the milk, don’t worry .. its probably a Faery in disguise 😉

The Colors of Beltane: Reds for passion. Bright colors like the beautiful flowers this time of year. Some especially connect the colors of gold, purple and green with this holiday — the golden shine of the Sun, the deep plum of grape wine and the peridot and hunter greens of the forest.

Incense, Herbs and Wood: Incenses used for Beltane should be strong, intoxicating, heady, and erotic. Rose, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Peach, Musk, and Vanilla are all appropriate.
If you want to use herbs to make an incense or spell powder to throw on the fire, Woodruff, Fern, Rose, Chamomile, Wormwood, and Galangal are good choices.
Often you will read about the nine sacred woods used in kindling the balefire. Obviously, the trees should all have strong connections to magick, but substitutions can be made depending on where you live.
Oak would be the first choice, the backbone of the fire, so to speak. To that add eight other types of wood. Any and all of these are acceptable: Rowan (mountain Ash), Hawthorn, Birch, Apple, Elder, Ash, Thorn (or Blackthorn), Grape Vine, Holly, Willow, Cedar,Yew and Hemlock.

Food for Beltane: Anything seasonal, harvested. Oatmeal. Nuts. Grains. Berries. Grapes.

Activities for Beltane:
MAYPOLE — Nothing symbolizes Beltane so much as the Maypole, the origins of which lie in fertility and sex.
The maypole represents the phallus of the God. The wreath around the top represents the vagina of the Goddess. As the Maypole is danced, the ribbons wind around the pole and the wreath flowers, symbolizing the Divine Marriage, the sexual union of God and Goddess.
The men should cut down the tree and de-limb it. Always ask permission and always leave something in return when you do this. You are taking a life, the tree feels pain and suffers even as it falls. So leave an offering of flowers, food and wine for the spirit of the tree and for the Goddess who nurtured it to life. While the men prepare the Maypole, the women dig the hole, focusing on the womb of the Goddess, the passion that throbs under the soil. The men lift the Maypole into the hole and everyone cheers as the women fill in the dirt and pack it down. The women should have already prepared the flower wreath that will sit atop the ribbons.
When it is time for the dance and the ribbons are outstretched and the dancers are ready, one person will scurry up a tall ladder and place the wreath over the pole to rest on the taut ribbons. The opening of the wreath should not be more than 12 inches wider than the tree, so that it rides the ribbons down as the dance progresses. The ribbons wrap the pole.
The dance stops when the weaving stops because everyone is flat against the pole. Tie off the ribbons and let the wreath finish dropping to the ground. Celebrate!

BOWERS OF LOVE & LUST — In ancient times, on Beltane night, it was traditional for young men and women to celebrate fertility by slipping away into the woods to have sex. Any children conceived at this time were known as merry-begets, and were considered children of the Gods.
For outdoor Beltane celebrations it’s a lot of fun to create bowers. If you have a large outdoor private area, take small tents or tarps and discreetly place them in the woods. Decorate with flowers and ribbons, add vases of flowers, wreaths and the like. Mark the bowers and put a sign to indicate when they’re being used. Be creative! It’s a good idea (and one can be remembered as a thoughtful host) to place a bowl of condoms in the tents, as well as trash cans.


Llewellyn’s Witches Almanac

**post originally published may 2006

The Crone Goddess

The Crone sits in Her rocking chair
And roasts the chestnuts on the coals.
Outside, December branches bear
A coat of frost in curling scrolls.

She frightens children with Her eyes
And thumps Her cane, a solemn beat –
But ah, Her words are gentle, wise,
A waning crescent at Her feet.

Her death draws near; She knows it’s so,
But does not fear what it will bring
For underneath the fallen snow,
The tulip bulbs are dreaming spring.

Elizabeth Barrette

Goddess Flora of Beltane

by Gail Wood

The bright, joyful, birthing energy of spring blossoms into vigorous excitement in the month of May and the holiday of Beltane. The newness of life bursts into eager exuberance. The world is growing, stretching, and reaching out to find wild, extravagant love and erotic sensation. It is the perfection of being in the moment, a time of happiness and fervor.
The rythm of our bodies and hearts instinctively feel the tempo of the wild universe, which opens its arms and embraces us as we flow in with laughter and joy. The perfect, unalloyed pleasure of being is the Beltane state of mind. We flow into this state of mind when we dance in harmony with the ecstatic universe. We let go of our petty selves and step into that flow of harmonious union to become ecstatic ourselves. We embrace our wildness.
Often, it’s difficult for us to emerge as ecstatic, wild, nature beings. One avenue to emergence is to celebrate a deity. Flora, the Roman goddess of springtime and flowering vegetation, is a good choice for the Beltane state of mind. She is the patroness of everything that grows and flourishes: flowers, plants, trees and vines. Her festival, Floralia, was celebrated from April 28 to May 3, and in a rose festival on May 23, though much of the orgiastic celebrations were eventually outlawed. Nevertheless, we can find her ecstatic magic in our bodies and in the blooming flowers.

Begin by creating a sacred space, decorating with flowers, bright-colored fabrics, and light foods made with honey, beans, grains, vegetables, and/or flowers. Leave space to move and dance. Take a deep breath and connect with the energy of Mother Earth, creating a feeling of safety and security. Close your eyes and eagerly call the goddess Flora into your circle.

“Lady of flowers, Lady of spring
Dance into my life and sweet passion bring.
Flora, goddess of all energy growing,Be here now, aid our vibrant knowing!
Hail and welcome!”

As these words echo in your body, feel the presence of goddess Flora before you. Gaze at her and drink in her flowering beauty, and feel the flourishing power of her presence. As you breathe deeply, breathe in the aura of her. She may sing or speak to you.
See her open her arms to youin an embrace. Feel the flow of energy inviting you as you move forward to merge with her. As you join together, feel the power of blossoming growth and feel yourself covered in flowers and vines. You are the flowering goddess. Breathe in this magic.
As you breathe in, feel the ecstatic energy of the universe fill you. As you breathe in, feel the need to move and dance. Dance the Flora within you. Give voice to her song and give movement to her essence. Go wild and feel her ecstasy as you dance, growing, flowering, thriving, living the erotic life. Let the excitement take you and move your body.
When it is time, take a deep breath. Eat and drink a little to ground and solidify the mystery you have just experienced. Then, close your eyes and feel the goddess inside your being. Her eyes tell you it is time to go, and gently she moves outside of you. With a final farewell, she is gone from your circle as you say:

“Fare-thee-well, Flora, goddess of spring.
Memories of Beltane will remain
No matter what else this year willbring.
Your flowers and vines will always remind-
Not just a holiday, a state of mind!
Go with joyful thanks and wild blessings,
Hail and farewell.”