
Mercury Moves


On December 10, mischievous Mercury makes yet another semi-annual retrograde journey, and just in time to potentially add a little extra stress to your holidays.

But have no fear! The key word here is “potentially.” As with any astrological event, the final result rests in your hands. There are plenty of tricks and tips that will help Mercury’s backwards motion work in your favor. Plus, Mercury will add a pleasant little boost to its activities on the 10th by moving into a positive aspect with romantic Venus.

The key to dealing with Mercury is understanding that the messenger planet is something of a prankster, it is in no way malicious. Mercury likes to keep you on your toes, reminding you that even the best-laid plans can go awry. However, it’s by learning to deal with these little setbacks that we become more successful at tackling some of life’s bigger problems.

In this particular case, Mercury will travel through Capricorn, which means it will carry a more practical message: Keep an eye on your spending! This is a wise — if not enthusiastically embraced — reminder around the holidays. Still, take a little extra time to go over your budget in detail and try not to overspend. In fact, given the tendencies of retrograde Mercury, it would be smart to set a bit of extra money set aside if possible, just in case.

In general, if it seems like little things are somewhat problematic — electronics are on the fritz, communications keep going afoul or delays seem interminable — remember to take a step back, breathe deeply and let your mind wander. These things are bound to happen from time to time. Instead of allowing stress to build up, use the time to rejuvenate yourself with a bit of quiet meditation or introspection.

And don’t forget, the 10th will also see some extra romance once Mercury and Venus take a turn around the dance floor in Scorpio. This combination of communication (Mercury), romance (Venus) and sexy seduction (Scorpio) is sure to help turn up the heat on these cold winter nights!

A bit of introspection can work wonders to help pull you out of a rut or keep your mind clear during more trying times. But how well do you really know yourself? Are you prepared to fully use your strengths (and even your weaknesses) to your favor? The alignment of the planets at the time of your birth plays a critical role in your personal development.

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics

The Moon In November

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics

New Moon in Scorpio on November 6, 2010 at 128:52am EST

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Full Moon in Taurus Sunday November 21, 2010 at 12:27 pm EST
Mourning Moon, Dark Moon

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**Click Here for more Moon Names

November’s Full Moon

Mourning Moon
by Elizabeth Barrette, Llewellyn Worldwide

In Cherokee tradition, November is the Trading Moon. With the harvest in and necessary foods stocked up, this time before the full force of winter arrives is ideal for visiting and exchanging goods. To the Choctaw, this is the Sassfras Moon. When the mitten-shaped leaves turn orange and drop off, thats a good time to harvest the roots for flavoring beverages. The Dakota Sioux call this the Moon When Horns Are Broken Off. This may refer to the broken antlers that occur when bucks fight over mates.
During November, the earth goes dormant. Many plants die back. People and animals begin relying more on stored foods and fat reserves. Several species of large animals have their mating season in late autumn or early winter. Offer suet and other high-nutrient foods to wildlife. Magically, work spells relating to animals active at this time, such as deer totems. A piece of deerskin leather or some antler buttons can enhance the connection; but an image of a deer may suffice if you are not comfortable with using an actual deer belonging. Rituals may celebrate animals spirits or the introspective energy of the dormant season.

Full Moon in Taurus
by Joni Ross Astrology,

With the Sun in Scorpio, the cosmic message is to face our fears, own our power and let go of what is dying (Pluto). The Moon in Venus-ruled Taurus, illuminates personal resources, possessions, sensuality, survival skills, self-esteem as well as anything that adds to the beauty, comfort, or satisfaction in our lives. Although many things are changing in the world, the Moon message in Taurus, is to enjoy life and the simple pleasure of living.

Venus into Leo: Express Your Feelings!

The cosmos is busy with planetary activity as Venus gets ready to move out of emotionally self-protective Cancer into openly entertaining and fun-loving Leo on June 14 to stay there until July 9.

Leo is the sign of the burning heart and with affectionate, sociable Venus in place it will be a time for romance, fun, frivolity and flamboyant parties. Venus in a Fire sign is never backwards about coming forward to express feelings or fancies. So whatever reservations or shyness has been holding you back will now be swept to one side. There might be a greater willingness for some of us to express our affections more openly as well as take risks in matters of the heart. This transit may also find you in a very generous mood.

Flirtatious Uranus which dislikes restraints of any variety is in an easy trine (120 degrees) to Venus on June 14 as well so who knows what may happen? You certainly won’t feel held back by considerations of what anyone else thinks. In long-term relationships there will be a chance to explore new activities and let a breath of fresh air blow through what has become stale.

Venus then is in trine to Jupiter on June 15, which is sugary sweet and amiable. You’ll want to gloss over difficulties, smooth off rough edges and be positive. by

Uranus Is On The Move

I love these updates by the team, they are so helpful. Some people believe that knowing too much about the activities in the cosmos and the energies traveling through our lives is not only not a good idea but is not helpful at all. Personally, I think the opposite, knowing what’s going on around us helps us prepare ourselves in the journey. We must have strength of will and discipline to not be consumed by it, but instead use the information to make better choices for ourselves and create the life we want. …the tools to build our lives.

This astrology update is very good, it clearly describes the end of an era and the coming into a new one…to me ^_^ I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did.

The seventh planet from the Sun is blue-green in colour with bright clouds, multiple rings and strange moons.
The third largest planet in the Solar System, Uranus is named after the Greek god of the heavens and was the first planet to be discovered through a telescope.
Uranus has a total of 13 rings and 27 known moons, all named after characters in works by William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope. A day on the planet lasts 17 hours while a year on Uranus is equivalent to 84 Earth years.

Uranus in Aries: Promote Your Uniqueness!

Uranus is the planet of rebellion. It brings with it a new way of looking at things and its approach is best met with an expanded consciousness. Originality, inventions, computers, cutting-edge technologies and future events are all ruled by this planet. Uranus sees no need for the status quo, preferring instead to break with tradition and create a new mold. It takes Uranus 84 years to complete its trip around the zodiac and it changes signs every seven years or so.

On May 26-27, Uranus will dip its first toe-in-the-water into Aries, a planet it has not been in for 84 years. However, this is for a brief sojourn, since it will retrograde back into Pisces on August 14, and will get into proper forward gear in Aries only in March 2011.

Uranus wakes things up and rattles the bars of the cage you’ve constructed around one area of your life. You’ll suddenly find out where you’ve been compromising too much, trying to fit yourself into a square hole to suit others when really you’re a round peg. Uranus wants you to exert your independence and promote your uniqueness. Be yourself no matter who you startle or shock. Admittedly it isn’t always co-operative and can be downright rebellious but it will trail blaze you into the future. Uranus is the torchbearer who leads the way into the unknown or into what you haven’t previously experienced. It may feel initially unsettling but the end result will be to liberate you if you accept the challenge.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, fiery, full of initiative and energy. The combination of Uranus and Aries will be revitalizing, a kick start to get you moving faster. It’ll clear your head of cobwebs and odd delusions which have been fostered by Uranus in Pisces. You’ll be moving straight ahead without a moment to waste.

Just three hours before Uranus shifts sign there is a Full Moon in Sagittarius. Cancer and the other two Water signs, Scorpio and Pisces may be hyper-sensitive since they tend to react to the mood swings of the Moon on the opposite side of the zodiac from the Sun. But, this is one of the less emotional Full Moons of the year so they won’t be edgy for long.

Pluto Sextile Sun

Use Your Charm to Get What You Want!

On February 23, the Sun, drifting through seductive and dreamy Pisces, forms a sextile to powerfully persuasive Pluto. While the word ‘sextile’ may sound enticing, all it means is that Pluto will be at a 60-degree angle to the Sun, and that its intense magnetism will boost the Pisces Sun in a way that brings real results. Now is the time to use your good judgment and personal power wisely to get the maximum advantage of these favorable conditions!

Have you been wrestling with dilemmas and tensions since late December? This was probably the influence of Pluto being conjunct to (or within) the same degree as the Sun. Pluto’s current activity suggests this is the time to get it all together! You are now in control … but not in an aggressive or obvious manner. You’ve learned a few lessons and you will not be caught in the same way as before. Pluto is too subtle for that. Now is the time to smile sweetly, knowing you can pull all the right strings and make everyone dance to your tune. Whether it be a crisis at work or a romantic situation, you will know how to use your personal power and get things done. This special configuration of the planets gives your inner core all the strength it needs.


July Forecast

An exciting astrological month begins with zany Uranus turning retrograde on July 1. When eccentric, independent Uranus turns retrograde, it’s best to expect the unexpected. This planet symbolizes the need for change, and emphasizes the importance of flexibility in every aspect of your life.

On July 3, Mercury enters Cancer. For best results, put your logical mind in hibernation for now and speak from your heart. When Venus enters relationship-oriented Gemini on July 5, your desire for new experiences is strong. If you are single, this is a great transit for meeting a new love. In a relationship? Spice up you love life by doing something totally different from your ordinary routine.

A dramatic full Moon lunar eclipse occurs on July 7 and it’s time to refocus your attention on your career and worldly concerns. Optimistic Jupiter and spiritual Neptune come together in a conjunction on July 10, and your idealism may open up brand new worlds. Then active Mars enters verbal Gemini on July 11, and everybody will be selling their ideas, projects and plans.

You will be assessing your most important relationships when Venus squares serious Saturn on July 21. And you feel extra protective of loved ones with the solar eclipse in emotional Cancer occurring the same day. The Sun enters limelight-loving Leo on July 22, and boldness replaces sensitivity. By July 26 when Venus trines Jupiter, you’ll be more than ready to go out and play! As the month comes to an end, pay attention to your dreams and let them guide you as Mercury opposes the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on July 30 and 31. Your imagination is in full bloom! Love planet Venus enters homebody Cancer on the 31st, encouraging you to hang out at home and give your mind a rest.


Festive December

I Believe God Wants You To KNow

..that the opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.

Niels Bohr said that, and he was right. In fact, there have been few statements in the history of statement-making that were more accurate than that one. So be aware and stay awake! The Law of Opposites sometimes leads you to a Divine Dichotomy.

Two opposing truths can exist simultaneously in the same space. Do not therefore assume that That Which Opposes You is That Which Is Not Good For You. It may be just the reverse.

Neale Donald Walsch

Let’s welcome the festive month of December and celebrate the season!

December is a hectic month for most of us, and the cosmos seems to match the frenzied pace as 2008 comes to a close!

This is a month when planets are forming squares. A square is a major astrological aspect and is present when two planets are 90 degrees from each other. The essence of a square is friction. Things happen, and they’re no small matter. The energy surrounding a square is forceful, intense and powerful.

On December 4, Mercury squares Uranus and your mind will be buzzing with ideas. On the 5th, the Sun conjuncts Mars and they will be within an orb of eight degrees to each other. The sheer energy of the duo can become unbelievably productive or very explosive. This is a good time to avoid ego battles. On the 6th, Mercury squares Saturn and you will need to defend your point of view. The Sun squares Uranus on the 10th, and the challenge is to break free from old self-definitions. On the 11th, Mars squares Uranus creating a rebellious combination — be ready for a challenge, yoo-hoo! On the 12th, the Sun squares Saturn and self-assessment is emphasized. Also, on the 12th, Mercury enters Capricorn stabilizing your thinking — it’s a good time to plan! And on the 15th, Mars squares Saturn and you will find yourself suddenly stopped in your tracks. Delays normally mark this period, and plans and projects will get stalled for some time. On the 22nd the Sun conjuncts Pluto — conjunctions mark new beginnings, and this particular one is powerful and it requires you to be clear about where you direct your energy — otherwise someone else is likely to take charge. Finally, on December 28, Mars conjuncts Pluto — use the strength and power of this energy to direct it toward something you want to achieve.

December 12 also brings an emotional full Moon with the Saturn-Uranus opposition squaring the full Moon and with Mars sitting next to the Sun. This is a good time to keep your cool. The corresponding new Moon in Capricorn, on the 27th, is the last new Moon of the year, and is fitting as we reflect upon this past year and plan for the new one.

On December 21, the Sun enters Capricorn and we celebrate the Winter Solstice. This is a great time to reflect upon the past and make plans for your future as the Sun illumines a pathway toward the achievement of your goals. And finally Saturn turns retrograde on the last day of 2008. The planet of karma and discipline goes retrograde once a year for about four-and-a-half months. This planet in retrograde is a taskmaster, making us work with extra effort or making us think deeply and contemplate our actions or the world around us. Take this opportunity to breathe and to do things the right way the first time around. Courtesy of

Let the Divine Energy flow through you this month and engulf in its joyful vibe. Pay extra attention to your thoughts, as you revise your “check-off list” for the coming year of 2009, of the Gregorian calendar. I hope you enjoy yourself this month and allow the approaching days of celebration to inspire you to vibrate Happy Energy. And don’t forget, there are always reasons to engage in joyful celebration. The more celebratory energy you “produce” the more you send off into the air, spreading it throughout the world. This is how we heal the planet, and reduce the negative energies that dwell over it’s green and watery surface. Remember that whatever you celebrate make sure you do exactly that … celebrate! Bring happiness into your life, let the joyful energy surround you, blessing your home, your path, and every choice you make.

Divine Blessings, and very Merry Holidays!!!

Rev. Adriana Zotelo Hari Gobind Kaur, RMT

Aries Full Moon

BLOOD MOON – OCTOBER 14, 4:02 am

The first full moon after September’s Harvest Moon, the full moon nearest the Autumnal Equinox, is the Blood Moon (also known as The Hunter’s Moon or Sanguine Moon) The Hunter’s Moon (also known as Blood Moon or Sanguine Moon).
The Hunter’s Moon and Harvest Moon are not brighter, smaller, or yellower than during other times of the year. But all full moons have their own special characteristics, based primarily on the whereabouts of the ecliptic in the sky at the time of year that these moons are visible.
In the northern hemisphere, the Hunter’s Moon appears in October or November, usually in October. Traditionally, it was a feast day in parts of western Europe and among some Native American tribes, called simply the Feast of the Hunter’s Moon, though the celebration had largely died out by the 1700s. There is a large historical reenactment by that name in Lafayette, Indiana during the early part of October. [Wiki]

This Aries Full Moon, with the excellent final aspect of Moon trine Pluto is the best time in months to start something new. Time to consecrate that new tarot deck or wand, to begin a new magical practice, to start a coven. Aries is about action, and Pluto is the mystical planet.
Develop yourself on a material place as well. Start that exercise program or finally sign up for that class. Seize that opportunity. Starting now will give you an excellent chance to change your life.
Plan for a short and simple ritual for new beginnings. Have salt, water, and a red or orange candle. Clearly fix your intentions in your mind — if there is a physical object involved in what you are starting, like a registration form for a class, bring it into your ritual. cast a circle, and light the candle, stating your intention. Then combine salt and water, and use this to bless yourself and the object of your new practice. If it can be damaged by water, (like a book), you may use incense instead. Finally, concentrate on the candle, wiling a successful outcome, then blow out the candle and close the circle. Keep the candle and repeat the ritual as the new project continues. — by Magenta Griffith

april bloom

April Fling – A Spring Thing

april bloom

“Enlightenment doesn’t come through constantly seeking after some kind of excitement, but through concentration on making each task in our everyday routine sacred.”

A Poem For April’s New Moon
by Elizabeth Barrette

The Maiden Goddess

The Maiden dances, pale and fair,
On April mornings soft with rain
With apple blossoms in Her hair
And green leaves trailing from Her train.

In pastures thick with silver dew
She stops to bless each calf and cow.
Her duty here is to renew,
A waxing crescent on Her brow.

She sows the sees of things to come
As fresh and innocent as air
But in the distance, summer’s drum
Will beckon Her from here to there.


APRIL 2008
by Lily Gardner

Small shoots poke up from the ground and tight green buds unfold into leaf and blossom. The air is filled with birdsong. A new April green saturates the landscape and every gardener steals time to be outdoors to cultivate and plant. Whether you’re a gardener or not, April is the perfect time to cultivate a wish garden. What have you wished that seemed beyond your reach? Plant your wish this April, using the four corners of the Witches’ Pyramid as your tools, and see what you can accomplish by harvest time.
Let’s begin with the first corner of the Witch’s Pyramid: to know. I would suggest that you begin a wish-garden journal as a way of focusing your thoughts. Novelist Don DeLillo said, “I don’t know what I think about certain subjects until I sit down and try to write about them.” Write down your thoughts until you’ve come to the place of really knowing your wish.
The next step in the process of “knowing” is brainstorming. Often a wish can be so ambitious as to seem overwhelming. Begin with the large steps necessary to get you from where you are now to where you want to be when you’ve achieved your wish. Break those large steps into smaller, concrete steps that you feel are doable in the present. Write down your specific plan one small step at a time. For example, your wish may involve schooling or learning a new skill, so begin with a list of classes you could take at this time. Visualizing your desire and brainstorming ways to achieve it is analogous to plowing the ground of your wish garden.
As you continue to prepare the groundwork for realizing your wish, consider the next corner of the Witches’ Pyramid: to will. Will is the steadfast resolve you need to reach your goal. Talent will only bring you so far; what you truly need is the passion to continue through fatigue and setbacks. To help build this resolve, I suggest making an altar dedicated to your wish. Find a deity whose special province aligns with your wish, and choose one of the four elements that resonates with your goal. If, for example, your wish is to own a farm, Tara would be a choice for your goddess and earth would be the element that resonates with your goal. Choose colors for cloth and candles that correspond with your wish. Use green for possessions, yellow for a new career, orange for an artistic endeavor, and pink for a committed relationship.
Every morning on awakening and every evening before going to bed, light a candle and pray to your deity to strengthen your will. Journal your progress as you work down the list of concrete steps toward realizing your wish. Each step is a young plant in your wish garden. Think of the obstacles as stones that need to be removed from your garden so the young shoots of your wish can flourish.
The third corner of the Witches’ Pyramid is: to dare. Do you have the confidence to override your own inner critic? The inner critic is that little voice inside that says you can’t possibly achieve your wish: you don’t have the intelligence, time, or talent to accomplish what you set out to do. Prayer, visualizations, and positive affirmations are the nutrients that help build confidence and firm your resolve. Spend time at your altar visualizing yourself living in the center of your wish.
The last corner of the Witches’ Pyramid is: to be silent. Always be cautious about sharing your wishes. Even loved ones may express doubts as to whether you can accomplish your dream, and that only serves to strengthen your inner critic and undermine your progress/ Even more caution is needed when sharing your magical workings. Many Witches believe that his type of sharing actually depletes the energy of your spell. Keeping your energies focused in this way also nourishes your wish.
May the garden of your wishes be fruitful and thrive!

Growing a parsley plant in your kitchen is good for both cooking and to “recycle” negative energy; just make sure you provide it with a deep pot.

April’s Promises: Astrological Update

April showers may bring May flowers and the blooming promise of romance, but — astrologically speaking — this month is almost too hot to handle! Pluto goes retrograde in Capricorn on April 2, focusing your attention on transformation. Mercury enters Aries on April 2, beginning a period of enthusiasm and creativity. Then, lovely Venus follows Mercury into the fiery planet’s influence on April 5 — signaling a time of gallant chivalry and romance. A new Moon follows the first two planet’s lead the very same day, bearing new beginnings. Seize onto this dynamic energy — the month is just starting!

Sun Squares Jupiter on April 10, followed by a sextile to Neptune on April 13, when enthusiasm needs to be tempered with practicality. Also on April 10, Mercury forms a T-square with Mars, followed by a square to Jupiter on April 13. These are passionate transits, so think carefully before you speak!

Things calm down the following week with Mercury entering Taurus and the Sun transiting into the same sign on April 19. A full Moon in Scorpio brings forth intense emotions. However, strength and passion are rewarded now, due the harmonious aspects of the Sun and Moon to Saturn. Embrace them both!

The show is still not over when Venus squares Mars on April 23 — depending on your birth chart, things might either spice up or there will be trouble. When explosions follow Mars moving opposite Jupiter on April 24, you may feel that you drank a glass of rocket fuel. You will be treading water when Mars moves quincunx to nebulous Neptune on April 28. The month closes on steadier ground, as Venus moves into Taurus on April 30. Courtesy of

April’s Special Days

– 1: April Fools’ Day / All Fools Day (Pagan)
– 2: Pluto goes retrograde 5:23 am
– 5: New Moon 11:55 pm
– 14: Celtic Tree Month of alder ends
– 15: Celtic Tree Month of Willow begins
– 18: Juno goes retrograde 8:48 am
– 19: Sun enters Taurus constellation / Passover begins at sundown
– 20: Full Moon 6:25 am (Wind Moon). Moon enters Scorpio 5:00 am / Passover
– 22: Earth Day
– 23: Administrative’s Day
– 25: Arbor Day / Orthodox Good Friday
– 27: Orthodox Easter / Passover ends

KY, Astrology & Numerology

Q: I wonder if you would let us know how doing Kundalini Yoga has brought you to a belief in Astrology. After years of practicing Kundalini yoga I still have no interest in such things and I don’t understand how they relate to each other.

A: The experience of Kundalini Yoga brought credibility to astrological and numerological concepts to me, based on the theory or cosmic law that all matter in the universe has an impact on all other matter in the universe, according to its frequency projection, calculated by its size, density, rotation, speed, and gravitational and electromagnetic fields. Throughout scientific exploration, the concept of the microcosm being a reflection of the macrocosm is affirmed. Our bodies and minds are created and formed in structures remarkably similar to the forms and structures we see throughout our solar system and the galaxy. In the tips of each of our fingers there are nerve endings that receive electrical impulses from the brain, via neural pathways, which reflect similar energetic pathways that exist in our solar system. That is why the yogis called the little finger Mercury (the messenger) because applying pressure there improves our communication ability; the fourth finger is the Sun finger and improves physical health and radiance; the third finger is Saturn for discipline and patience; and the index finger is Jupiter for wisdom. The benefits of increasing the flow of energy in our bodies, explained by the names of the planets, reflect the same energetic benefits the planets, sun, and moon have in our solar system. When one studies astronomy, mathematical calculations bear out the effects and impact each of the planetary bodies has in our solar system. When we practice the technology of Kundalini Yoga and meditation, we not only increase the flow of energy within our own being; through the law of attraction, we also connect to harmonious energetic patterns in the universe. When one is harmed, all are harmed, when one is healed, all are healed. Continued practice brings our awareness from individual consciousness to group consciousness to universal consciousness. It actually does not matter whether one believes or is interested in astrology and numerology or other esoteric subjects because it is the practices will bring the experience and the experience is the only thing of importance.

Posted by: Gurumeet Kaur Khalsa