Mercury's Dance

“Stepping back once in a while to see the broad picture will help, as will making lists so that nothing vital gets forgotten.”

On June 10, Mercury flies effortlessly into its own sign Gemini to stay there until June 25. Be prepared for heady times ahead. Mercury loves to chat, moves around restlessly and has a tendency to scatter its energy and focus. Gemini has the same inclinations -– better at breadth than depth and is known to be the master of multi-tasks.

Be prepared to disengage from minutia, since this is not the time to the time to slog on conscientiously at specialized tasks requiring attention to detail. Everyone will be skimming the surface, running to keep up with themselves and possibly going round in circles at times. Stepping back once in a while to see the broad picture will help, as will making lists so that nothing vital gets forgotten. This is a time to give freedom to your mind since this transit brings about greater mental flexibility and curiosity.

The following day, June 10, will be a day of high enthusiasm and great ideas. Mercury is in an easy sextile (60 degrees) to morale-boosting Jupiter and inventive Uranus. This is the perfect time for the seeds of new plans to be sown and acted on promptly, although you should be prepared to wait until June 12 or later for approval when Mercury squares pernickety Mars in Virgo. There will be differences of opinion and a few hot comments spilling out. But the challenge will force you to sort out what’s workable and what needs thrown to one side as idle

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