June Moon

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics

New Moon in Gemini, Saturday, June 12, 2010 7:15am

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Full Moon in Capricorn, Saturday, June 26, 2010 7:30am
Strong Sun Moon

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Please enjoy another excellent work from Elizabeth B.

Strong Sun Moon

June is the Green Corn Moon. Corn is a vital crop in Cherokee culture. At this time, its green stalks grow quickly and put out their tassels. The Choctaw call this the Windy Moon- likely a reference to the summer thunderstorms that can spawn tornado activity. This is the Moon when Juneberries are ripe for the
Dakota Sioux, mainly hunter-gatherers who kept close tabs on ripening times.
June brings a world full of exuberant green energy. Both domestic and wild foods flourish. Corn remains a staple crop today. Many different berries and other soft fruits begin to ripen in June: juneberries, strawberries,mulberries, raspberries, and cherries. yet the tempestuous weather of early summer makes it prudent to keep an eye on the sky. Take advantage of the long days to garden or work outdoors.
Honor this season with celebrations of the Sun and of gardening. Do spells and rituals tied to the abundance of staple crops such as corn and their respective deities. If you don’t have a garden, visit a “you pick” berry farm to experience the effort -and enjoyment- of gathering your own food, much as your ancestors did. Be prepared to protect against violent storms.
by Elizabeth Barrette, Llewellyn’s Witche’s Datebook

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