“There’s nothing which can be more precious in you than your own relationship with your own consciousness.” Yogi Bhajan
As I sit in easy pose with my eyes closed, having just finished the meditation before closing the class, I can feel the silence in the room, waiting for the yoga teacher to que us on for the Long Time Sun, I can feel the yumminess of the work I’ve done all over my body and mind, and my soul is skipping in sweet Joy, WaheGuru!. My Kundalini Experience. How the “laws” of destiny work I cant be sure but one thing i do know is that if you are meant to have something in your life it will make its way in one way or another. This is the case of Kundalini Yoga in my life. In the course of one month all these events and people and music were linking me to an incredible new life, and I had no idea what greatness was coming. A White Tantric Yoga flier with Yogi Bhajan’s photo on it, and not having a clue who he was then except for a bearded man wearing a turban; the elevating music of Snatam Kaur’s angelic voice blew me away, i remember the morning I opened the store and began sweeping the floor while I listened to the songs of “Grace” and remember realizing I was crying and thinking, “why am I crying??, I dont even understand what she’s saying?!” What is this music??” The words Sadhana, and videos of bearded men in turbans were being flooded into my reality … wow! Then, by the works of Magick, as the Universe does it, I was invited to a Saturday morning Sadhana … Oh My Gurus!! I was home. I had found my Self in myself. WOW … a feeling I will never forget because it will never leave my awareness. The connection to who I Am and where I Am and Life … everything was clear, Light had blessed every aspect of my mind and body and now my soul was BIG, HUGE, I felt… I felt…….. I felt.
As I see it, Kundalini Yoga is the gift that keeps on giving. It goes into the web of life readjusting the patterns and puzzle pieces to ultimately help you feel happy healthy and whole. There are so many roads to discovering inner Happiness, roads that lead back to the I Am, and I’ve explored some of those roads, but Kundalini and Yogi Ji’s teachings delivered me to my Light. I Am the Light of my Soul, Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful.