Expect A Miracle

– by June McHardy

What would constitute a miracle in your life? . . . A million dollars? . . A great family vacation? . . A new car? . . A physical healing? . . Someone’s love? . . a 50-pound weight loss? Whatever it is that you consider your miracle, KNOW THAT IT CAN COME TRUE!

This is not necessarily meant to be a religious process, however it does require FAITH. Many people will indeed interpret this to mean faith in God – as I do, while to others it will mean faith in some other supreme being or faith in oneself, faith in the universal forces, or in the quantum field.

Our definition of a miracle is really very simple. We’re not talking about flying through the air or turning rocks into gold. We define a miracle as anything that you have ever previously considered impossible for yourself . . . the key word here being “previously”, because the first prerequisite for the creation of your miracle is to be able to create the mindset where you now know that it is at least a possibility – because anything that you consider impossible CANNOT be manifested. Or, as Henry Ford said, “If you believe you can or if you believe you can’t, you’re right!”

How do you create this miracle? Just follow these simple steps.

(1) KNOW that this miracle is possible. If it has ever been done anywhere and to anyone before know that it is possible for you as well.

(2) BEGIN THINKING about it, dwelling on the joy of accomplishment. Get excited about it, dream about it and WRITE IT DOWN ON PAPER as if it is already happening to you.

(3) MAKE A PLAN OF ACTION with a list of steps that will move you toward your goal. Keep excited and motivated. Don’t let your dream out of your sight and most important of all, don’t let anyone, including yourself, cast any negativity over it. KNOW that you are in the process of creating it.

(4) TAK E A FIRST STEP. There’s always something, however small that we can do to move us forward each day. Once you’ve taken that first step with positive expectancy, miraculously you will start seeing strange and wonderful things happen! Someone you meet accidentally may tell you something important – or you’ll find that you pick up a book on just the right subject – and lots of amazing coincidences start showing up. This is simply the result of the universe marshalling its forces to move you toward your goal. Just be open and aware!

(5) RELAX! keep moving purposely forward each day, knowing that you are on track. Remember that once you have started this process, you are no longer alone in this. Stay open to the signals from your subconscious, from your intuition and from your environment. These are now all working with you to show you the way.


The Secret Quotes

100 Quotes from The Secret

1. We all work with one infinite power.

2. The Secret is the Law of Attraction (LOA).

3. Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting.

4. We are like magnets – like attracts like. You become AND attract what you think.

5. Every thought has a frequency. Thoughts send out a measurable magnetic energy.

6. People think about what they don’t want and attract more of the same.

7. Thought = creation. If these thoughts are attached to powerful emotions, good or bad, that speeds the creation.

8. You attract your dominant thoughts.

9. Those who speak most of illness have illness, those who speak most of prosperity have it..etc..

10. It’s not “wishful” thinking.

11. You can’t have a universe without the mind entering into it.

12. Choose your thoughts carefully .. you are a masterpiece of your life.

13. It’s OK that thoughts don’t manifest into reality immediately (if we saw a picture of an elephant and it instantly appeared, that would be too soon).

14. EVERYTHING in your life you have attracted .. accept that fact .. it’s true.

15. Your thoughts cause your feelings.

16. We don’t need to complicate all the “reasons” behind our emotions. It’s much simpler than that. Two categories .. good feelings, bad feelings.

17. Thoughts that bring about good feelings mean you are on the right track. Thoughts that bring about bad feelings means you are not on the right track.

18. Whatever it is you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming.

19. You get exactly what you are FEELING.

20. Happy feelings will attract more happy circumstances.

21. You can begin feeling whatever you want (even if it’s not there).. the universe will correspond to the nature of your song.

22. What you focus on with your thought and feeling is what you attract into your experience.

23. What you think and what you feel and what actually manifests is ALWAYS a match – no exceptions.

24. Shift your awareness.

25. “You create your own universe as you go along” –Winston Churchill

26. It’s important to feel good ( ( ( (((good))) ) ) )

27. You can change your emotion immediately .. by thinking of something joyful, or singing a song, or remembering a happy experience.

28. When you get the hang of this, before you know it you will KNOW you are the creator.

29. Life can and should be phenomenal .. and it will be when you consciously apply the Law of Attraction.

30. Universe will re-arrange itself accordingly.

31. Start by using this sentence for all of your wants: “I’m so happy and grateful now that…. ”

32. You don’t need to know HOW the universe is going to rearrange itself.

33. LOA is simply figuring out for yourself what will generate the positive feelings of having it NOW.

34. You might get an inspired thought or idea to help you move towards what you want faster.

35. The universe likes SPEED. Don’t delay, don’t second-guess, don’t doubt..

36. When the opportunity or impulse is there .. ACT

37. You will attract everything you require – money, people, connections.. PAY ATTENTION to what’s being set in front of you.

38. You can start with nothing .. and out of nothing or no way – a WAY will be provided.

39. HOW LONG??? No rules on time .. the more aligned you are with positive feelings the quicker things happen.

40. Size is nothing to the universe (unlimited abundance if that’s what you wish) We make the rules on size and time.

41. No rules according to the universe .. you provide the feelings of having it now and the universe will respond.

42. Most people offer the majority of their thought in response to what they are observing (bills in the mail, being late, having bad luck…etc..)

43. You have to find a different approach to what /IS/ through a different vantage point.

44. “All that we are is a result of what we have thought” – Buddha

45. What can you do right now to turn your life around?? Gratitude.

46. Gratitude will bring more into our lives immediately.

47. What we think about and THANK about is what we bring about.

48. What are the things you are grateful for?? Feel the gratitude.. focus on what you have right now that you are grateful for.

49. Play the picture in your mind – focus on the end result.

50. VISUALIZE!!! Rehearse your future.

51. VISUALIZE!!! See it, feel it! This is where action begins.

52. Feel the joy .. feel the happiness :o)

53. An affirmative thought is 100 times more powerful than a negative one.

54. “What this power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists.” — Alexander Graham Bell.

55. Our job is not to worry about the “How”. The “How” will show up out of the commitment and belief in the “what.”

56. The Hows are the domain of the universe. It always knows the quickest, fastest, most harmonious way between you and your dream.

57. If you turn it over to the universe, you will be surprised and dazzled by what is delivered .. this is where magic and miracles happen.

58. Turn it over to the universe daily.. but it should never be a chore.

59. Feel exhilarated by the whole process .. high, happy, in tune.

60. The only difference between people who are really living this way is they have habituated ways of being.

61. They remember to do it all the time.

62. Create a Vision Board .. pictures of what you want to attract .. every day look at it and get into the feeling state of already having acquired these wants.

63. “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” Albert Einstein.

64. Decide what you want .. believe you can have it, believe you deserve it, believe it’s possible for you.

65. Close your eyes and visualize having what you already want – and the feeling of having it already.

66. Focus on being grateful for what you have already .. enjoy it!! Then release into the universe. The universe will manifest it.

67. “Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve.” — W. Clement Stone

68. Set a goal so big that if you achieved it, it would blow your mind.

69. When you have an inspired thought, you must trust it and act on it.

70. How can you become more prosperous?? INTEND IT!!

71. “Checks are coming in the mail regularly”… or change your bank statement to whatever balance you want in there… and get behind the feeling of having it.

72. Life is meant to be abundant in ALL areas.

73. Go for the sense of inner joy and peace then all outside things appear.

74. We are the creators of our universe.

75. Relationships: Treat yourself the way you want to be treated by others .. love yourself and you will be loved.

76. Healthy respect for yourself……

77. For those you work with or interact with regularly .. get a notebook and write down positive aspects of each of those people.

78. Write down the things you like most about them (don’t expect change from them). Law of attraction will not put you in the same space together if your frequencies don’t match.

79. When you realize your potential to feel good, you will ask no one to be different in order for you to feel good.

80. You will free yourself from the cumbersome impossibilities of needing to control the world, your friends, your mate, your children….

81. You are the only one that creates your reality.

82. No one else can think or feel for you .. it’s YOU .. ONLY YOU.

83. Health: thank the universe for your own healing. Laugh, stress free happiness will keep you healthy.

84. Immune system will heal itself.

85. Parts of our bodies are replaced every day, every week..etc… Within a few years we have a brand new body.

86. See yourself living in a new body. Hopeful = recovery. Happy = happier biochemistry. Stress degrades the body.

87. Remove stress from the body and the body regenerates itself. You can heal yourself.

88. Learn to become still .. and take your attention away from what you don’t want, and place your attention on what you wish to experience.

89. When the voice and vision on the inside become more profound and clear than the opinions on the outside, then you have mastered your life!

90. You are not here to try to get the world to be just as you want it. You are here to create the world around you that you choose.

91. And allow the world as others choose to see it, to exist as well.

92. People think that if everyone knows the power of the LOA there won’t be enough to go around. This is a lie that’s been ingrained in us and makes so many greedy.

93. The truth is there is more than enough love, creative ideas, power, joy, happiness to go around.

94. All of this abundance begins to shine through a mind that is aware of it’s own infinite nature. There’s enough for everyone. See it. Believe it. It will show up for you.

95. So let the variety of your reality thrill you as you choose all the things you want and get behind the good feelings of all your wants.

96. Write your script. When you see things you don’t want, don’t think about them, write about them, talk about them, or join groups that focus on them… remove your attention from don’t wants. Do not push against them, instead decide what you DO want and intend it.

97. We are mass energy. Everything is energy. EVERYTHING.

98. Don’t define yourself by your body .. it’s the infinite being, the energy of your Self, that’s connected to everything in the universe.

99. One energy field. Our bodies have distracted us from our energy. We are the infinite field of unfolding possibilities. The creative force.

100. Are your thoughts worthy of you? If not – NOW is the time to change them. You can begin right were you are right now. Nothing matters but this moment and what you are focusing your attention on.

Awareness Practice

Are Your Practices Making Your Life Better or Worse?
by Sopan Greene, M.A.

“Baby, life’s what you make it. Can’t escape it. Don’t back date it. Celebrate it. Anticipate it. Yesterday’s faded.”
-Talk Talk

The results you experience in life come from the practices you engage in everyday. Most of these practices you probably don’t even realize you practice. Every word, thought and action you create repeatedly will affect your present and your future whether you like it or not.

So what are you practicing? Think about this for a minute. What do you remember ourself thinking, saying or doing day after day or week after week or even year after ear? How about the input and output you allow into and out of your life? Look at how you spend your time to get a clear picture of this.

If you start a journal practice of simply writing down what you notice yourself saying and doing every hour for one day I bet you’ll be shocked at what you create. This is a very effective awareness practice. You can do it for longer than a day, but start off committing to do it for one day. That’s a small enough commitment that you know you can do it and it will begin to advise you on how you spend, invest in or waste the 24 hours you’re given each day.

As you become aware of the unconscious habits you have you’ll probably choose to change some of them and this can create tremendous results for you. See, your habits are really practices. So when you say you have a ‘bad habit,’ what you’re really saying is that you keep doing something over and over that gives you negative, unhealthy or unfulfilling results.

Anything you’re doing repeatedly is a practice – even, and especially, the work you do every day. Is your job bringing you up or down? Is it contributing to the world or making the world worse? The work you choose to do takes up more time, and creates more results, than anything else you do so it better be a positive practice. If it’s not, simply take at least one step a day to move yourself out of that job and into one that is a
positive practice.

Recognizing that habits are practices is very helpful. Humans tend to consider habits as being something they are powerless over. (Of course this is just a belief and you can change it whenever you like.)

When you talk about your habits, whether you think they’re good or bad, you probably don’t give them a lot of consideration. When most people acknowledge their habits they shrug their shoulders in a self-defeating gesture signifying, “Hey, what can I do?
That’s just how it is.”

Well, for starters you can take responsibility for your life including the habits you choose to create, keep or modify to better serve you. This is why seeing habits as practices is helpful. When you hear the word practice you are likely to think of conscious habits like practicing playing the piano, practicing a martial art, or practicing playing a sport. These are all conscious activities that people make time to put their energy into so as to better their lives. That sounds a lot more powerful than a habit, but it’s simply a conscious habit.

Besides practicing how to do something better, you can start to be aware that the unconscious habits you allow in your life are also practices. Procrastination, not exercising, eating too much, complaining, working 40 hours a week at a job you hate and negative self talk are examples of practices that hold you back and keep you down. Whether you love ’em or leave ’em, they’re the results of your choices about how you use your time.

So are you choosing practices (habits) that serve your highest interest? What types of people and activities do you allow to fill your time? (Remember, it’s your time – no one holds a gun to your head each minute forcing you to do activities against your

What kinds of books, magazines, movies, TV shows, video games, music and conversations do you allow into your life? People who watch a lot of TV have a much different practice and life experience than people who use that same time to play an
instrument, paint, write, meditate or build something creative that expresses their soul.

This isn’t about being ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ it’s about becoming aware of your choices, owning your decisions of what you create with your time, and using that power to consciously create whatever a successful, fulfilling, loving and joyful life looks like to you.

Once you look at what you’re practicing you put yourself in a much more powerful position. A lot of beings complain about their lives as if they have no power over their lives. Once you consciously pick your practices you will become more of a conscious creator of your world rather than an unconscious volunteer playing victim to circumstances.

It is very helpful to remember that you created your life and you can de-create it. You are powerful beyond measure when you choose to use your power rather than give it away to other beings or circumstances.

Look at the life you’ve created. It took a powerful being to create your current situation. It’s time for you to reclaim that power and consciously express the highest and best practices possible. You, and the world, deserve nothing less than the miracles and contributions you uniquely have to offer.

So I invite you to practice keeping things simple, being love and living joyfully. The choice of how and what to practice is yours.
What are you going to practice beginning right now in this very moment? (Uh, oh. You didn’t expect this article to end with an assignment, did you? Well, I guess it did, so get to it! Afterall, we’re only talking about your life here. What would you like to do with it anyway?)

© 2004 Red To Greene, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Universal Principles

(The Journey Edition)

Universal Principles are the guidelines that govern our lives perfectly.

1. Energy

The basic component of the Universe, energy, occurs in either materialized or unmaterialized form. All that we see and feel is an expression of energy.

Energy is synonymous with love. When we resist the flow of energy, or love, we experience discomfort. When we align with the energy flowing around us, we feel joyful and at peace.

2. Infinite Intelligence–God

Within all energy is an intelligence that is infinite, eternal and purposeful. This Infinite Intelligence, which we sometimes refer to as God, or simply love, is the source of all creative expression and the essential power in the Universe.

The way we view our Infinite Intelligence, or God, is precisely the way we experience life. When we perceive God as an unconditionally loving and supportive energy at all times and under all circumstances, we experience our world and everyone in it as totally safe, loving and generous.

3. Oneness

Since the essence of everything is pure loving energy, in the truest sense, we are One. When we feel our connection to our Oneness, we feel the power of who we really are.

Our Oneness, love, is indivisible. Whenever we attempt to withhold love from anyone, we withhold love from everyone,including ourselves. The truth of this principle becomes clear as we allow our hearts to open and feel our interconnectedness.

4. There Is Nothing Outside Of Us

In order to have our human experiences, we created the apparent reality that we are living outside the Oneness; that there are things and people that can affect us without our consent. The truth is that there is nothing outside of us; all that we see is our Self. This becomes our new reality when we open the belief in separation and accept the truth that we are the Power of God.

5. Perfection

Our Oneness, God, is perfect and expresses this perfection as unconditional love and support. Whatever unfolds is God happening. When we see other than unconditional love unfolding, we are not seeing clearly. We create unclarity to have the experiences that we came into the human to have.

When we are ready to see with greater clarity, we embrace whatever is before us in unconditional love, trusting that the Universe, in Its constant expression of unconditional love, is sending us the perfect support. With practice, our clarity grows, along with our appreciation for the unconditional love and support that is always present.

6. Beliefs

Under the guidance of our Souls, we intentionally adopt the beliefs we hold in order to provide ourselves with the precise experiences we are having. These beliefs help us hide our power so that our journey as humans can unfold as we planned before we entered this realm.

The urge to explore life as a human beyond the limitations of these beliefs is a signal that our Soul Selves are looking to guide us in finding and reclaiming the power we had previously hidden, and to awaken us to the truth of who we really are.

7. Intuition, Feelings and Power

Our Infinite Intelligence communicates to us through our intuition, which we access through our feelings. The more willing we are to feel our feelings, the more able we are to connect with the power that resides in them.

The true power in the Universe is a totally peaceful power. It is the power of love, fully, freely and joyfully felt.

8. Mutual Support

Our Universe functions as a mutual support system in which each and every thing in existence relates to and affects every other thing. Every person and circumstance in our lives is there to support us by reflecting back to us the present state of our consciousness.

The prevalent belief that we are naturally competitive and adversarial is just a mirroring back to us of our acceptance of that belief. The more we look for the support that is present in each event and circumstance in our lives, the more we appreciate how perfect the Universe’s support for us truly is.

9. The Mirror Principle

Everything that we see and feel is a reflection of the state of our own consciousness. Every person we attract into our lives is showing us a perception we hold about ourselves. Every feeling expressed by another mirrors a feeling deep within us.

This reflection is a gift, for it allows us to be aware of the beliefs we hold , and the power that we have hidden in them.

10. Nonjudgment

We have been carefully taught to evaluate and judge much of what we experience. However, right and wrong, good and bad are just beliefs, places where we have hidden a lot of our power.

The truth is that everything that occurs is just another event or circumstance. Judging something keeps whatever we judge the way we judge it. Also, judging anyone or anything tells us that we are judging ourselves in the same way.

Judging creates discomfort within us that can only be relieved by opening our hearts, first to the judgment and then to the person or thing we have judged. Expanding this openhearted energy leads to the joyful feeling of unconditional love for ourselves as the wholeness and completeness of who we really are.

11. Purpose

Our Soul knows our purpose for this lifetime and initially supports us by helping us hide our power and our knowing so that we may have the experiences we came here to have. When we are ready to reconnect with our God Presence, our Soul supports us in uncovering our power and our knowing. We are always on purpose, and we are always a God Presence receiving the perfect support for experiencing and expressing ourselves in accordance with our purpose.

12. Comfort and Discomfort

Our bodies are magnificent instruments that we create to support us in having the experiences we come to the human to have. Our bodies are created and maintained in consciousness. They mirror the state of our consciousness, which includes the collective consciousness beliefs in how to look, act, age and die.

Unencumbered by our beliefs, our consciousness is unlimited, as are our bodies. The natural state of our consciousness is perfect ease, as is the natural state of our bodies. The limited beliefs we have about our bodies are there to love and embrace just the way they are. This opens the energy held in the beliefs as it opens the energy in our bodies from that of dis-ease to ease.

13. Abundance

Abundance is our natural state as God Presences. Everything we experience is part of the abundance. When limitation appears, we are seeing a reflection of our beliefs in limitation. Opening these beliefs provides us with a clearer view of our abundance.

14. Giving and Receiving

Giving and receiving always occurs in balance. It is important to receive gratefully as it is to give voluntarily, generously, and with no expectations. Our willingness to keep the energy flowing in and out of our lives supports the energy in expanding.

The corollary to the principle of giving and receiving is that we give only to ourselves. Since we are all One, when we are giving to another, we are giving to ourselves.

15. Nonattachment and Freedom

Our perceived need to hold on to anything or anyone demonstrates our belief in shortage and personal incompleteness. Holding on to anything — people or possessions — blocks the flow of energy around our experience with the person or object and reduces the joy of the experience. It also inhibits new people and new things from coming into our lives.

As we open our hearts and expand our trust in the natural abundance of the Universe, we give ourselves and everyone else the gift of freedom.

16. Expressing Who We Really Are

Each of us has one or more talents we love to express. When we are fully and freely expressing who we really are, we feel joyful and fulfilled.

The more love we feel for ourselves, the more we allow the creative energy of the Universe to flow through us. Since how we see and feel about ourselves is how we see and feel about other people, feeling more love for ourselves is the most mutually supportive focus we can have

17. Means and Ends

Means and ends are the same. The action and out come are one.

To achieve peace, we feel and express our inner peacefulness. To enjoy a life that works perfectly, we see and feel the perfection of everything and everyone, including ourselves. To experience the natural abundance of the Universe, we feel and express gratitude for everything just the way it is.

18. Harmony in Relationships

Every relationship in our lives reflects our relationship with ourselves. Every person we attract is there to support us in opening our hearts and reclaiming our power.

When we feel love for ourselves, and the perfection of ourselves, just the way we are, we attract loving and harmonious relationships with other people.

19. The Universe Handles the Details

Taking care of the details of our lives is generally considered a rational-mind activity. However, when our rational minds are active, we shut out our Infinite Intelligence, which has the capacity to handle the details in ways that are vastly more supportive of us and everyone else.

As we learn to relinquish our rational thinking and surrender to our intuition — our connection to Infinite Intelligence — we discover how easily, effortlessly and spontaneously events unfold for us.


Human Rewiring

Greetings from Home
Dear ones, you are here on a very magical planet. You are here at a special time and you stood in line to be here at exactly this moment in order to make a difference. You asked to be put in some very difficult situations so that you could go through the processes you needed to gather the information and gain your credentials as a healer or a teacher or whatever role you were planning to play. Now those sacred contracts are being enacted. Some have begun and some are yet to unfold, but you are on the path.

Ages: Cycles of Mankind

We tell you there are many times throughout human history where you have gone through evolutionary periods…cycles, if you will. These cycles started in the very early times. They go far beyond the history that you know, for much of your history you believe goes back about 2 million years and we tell you that as souls on this planet, you go back much farther than that.

In the very beginning when the planet was hot and gaseous and did not have the physical form that it now has, you inhabited the planet then as spiritual beings, as ethereal beings without bodies. It wasn’t until billions of years later that you took physical form and began your journey on this planet in a physical bubble of biology. That evolution from ethereal beings to physical bodies was a huge shift. Your own history books will tell you about many of the other cycles, the smaller cycles from the apes into Homo erectus, Homo sapiens and Cro-Magnon man, but it is so much more than that. So what happened at the end of those age cycles? That is the biggest question. What took place? You are about to find out, for you are at the end of one of those age cycles now.

The Rewire – 12 Strands of DNA

As such, there is something happening on this planet to each and every one of you that you will understand in a very short time. Humans are being rewired. You are doing it yourself. It is a part of your natural, evolutionary process. No, it is not anything to be feared. It does not mean that spaceships are coming down and planting implants in you. What is happening is that you are evolving to a point where you can begin reconnecting all 12 strands of DNA. It is to a point where you can start activating some of the other chakras that you do not even know are there. Your energetic structure is about to change. So is your planet.

If you look at the planet, you will see that it is heating up. You call it global warming, but it is so much more than that. Please understand that although the release of greenhouse gasses has sped up the process dramatically, this is a natural, evolutionary cycle. In the beginning it was very hot and gaseous and vibrating at a very high rate. As it cooled, it gained density and you had to take denser form as well in human, physical bodies. You have been at this part for a long time and now it is starting to turn the corner again. It is starting to heat up. Oh, yes. We can tell you all the fun things. We can give you information that you can go into fear about if you so choose, but please understand that fear is not needed in this situation. We can tell you that you are about to enter a new ice age on Planet Earth and we have said that before and that is absolutely true and yet you, as souls, will move through it beautifully. It does not mean that all life will be leaving this planet. It means that you will be evolving. Your thoughts of an ice age are far from the events ahead. All it really is, is a cooling of the planet. It is a natural evolutionary cycle where the energy will be redistributed. It is almost like saying the Earth, Herself, is being rewired. In that same way, so are you.

Both Sides of the Brain will be Rewired as One

There is the rewiring of mankind which is beginning today. The two halves of the brain that had to be separate to give you the illusion of the field of duality are starting to join together. Instead of having small, synaptic pathways that move back and forth between the halves, as you evolve as humans, the two halves will become one. The illusion and the veil actually exist between the two halves of your brain, for the left side is the marker of time. It gives you the illusion of living in a field of duality and gives you the illusion of linear time, which gives you a path to follow. It gives a spirit a game to play as a human. Your right brain is the all-creative brain but does not have any concept of time. It has no concept of boxes that things fit into. That is the other side of the brain. Those two are beginning to grow stronger with this rewiring. It is not simply a case of new or improved synaptic pathways between the two; it will be a blending of the two as the human animal evolves to contain a higher vibration of spirit…for it is not the human that is evolving. It is the spirit that is evolving, causing the human shell, the bubble of biology, to change to accommodate it. That is happening now, with great anticipation from our side of the veil.

To Keep Balance – Give Balance

You will see things that are a direct result of this. One is that there will be more premature children brought to this Earth in the next 5 years than ever before because there is a rush to get in here to experience this exact process. Watch for it. We also tell you that there are many things that are going to happen as your global changes take place, and yet all of it is changeable by you. You may make this an easy transition or you may make this a difficult transition. The interesting part is that it is not how you go through it; it is how you help other people go through it that is going to hold the answer to your place and your sacred contract. You are not the only one going through it. The blending of the two sides of the brain, the rewiring process itself will help you become aware that you are a part of each and every one on this planet and that no one is ever alone. Yet, in order to get there, you must go through the polarity. You must stretch it. We tell you that if you look around you, you may actually say there is more depression on Planet Earth than ever before. It is because of the stress of this rewiring process, so help each other with it. Help each other to be there at the right time, for the greatest thing that someone can do to take themselves out of worrying about themselves…is to be of use.

There was a great wizard of money and monetary systems on your planet who once said, “If you want to make money, the easiest way to do it is to help other people make money.” We tell you the same thing. If you wish to have a beautiful experience on this planet, figure out a way to help other people have a beautiful experience on this planet, for that honors the connection between all. That honors the rewiring process that is not only happening with you, but is happening with Planet Earth Herself.

Rush to Be the First

Yes, there will be turmoil. There is always turmoil when humans are confronted with change. That is why you are here. You can be called into action with the knowledge that can bring calm to a changing planet. We also wish to mention that we are speaking as if today is a line in the sand. There are many of you who have been going through this rewiring process for years, especially those of you who call yourselves Lightworkers. Some of you pride yourself on being ahead of the game. There is almost a fear of spiritual competition with some of you because you want to be there so early. It is very frustrating for you to be there and not have anyone around you who understands you. We tell you, many of you have been going through this over the last 5 years. What is going to happen when you get to the other side? That is what you want to know: what does the destination look like, especially since the picture we are painting of the journey is not always so pretty? We tell you that everything is the journey. There is no destination.

The Twelve Yous

We have been preparing you for one of the changes you are about to experience. Multidimensionality is one interesting piece that you will begin using in your daily lives as part of your practical magic. We tell you that there is much magic here. If you understand that you are on this planet as an individual, you believe that is all you are, but in fact, science tells you that you will exist in 11 other dimensions of time and space. We tell you 12 because there is actually a point of perception which we count as one dimension. So there are 12 different yous on this planet having slightly different experiences as one soul. If you take this row of chairs, and say, “That is one of you,” and you take this row of chairs here and that is another one, you have a different expression of the same soul on this planet in these different timelines. They are all taking place simultaneously, because linear time is an illusion; it is a product of the left brain and it gives you the Gameboard on which to play. What would it be like for a soul that is living in this dimension to jump over here and grab a viewpoint, an idea, the solution to a problem and bring it to here? That is multidimensionality, and you are about to experience more of that than ever before. Would it not be wonderful for you to find a very difficult point in your life where you did not have any answers and excuse yourself from that entire life and get a different viewpoint of your own soul and come back into it with a renewed, refreshed, vigor, and a viewpoint of multidimensionality? That is about to happen to humans. The interesting part is that much that you perceive as human difficulties are not difficulties. They are a path that you have laid out for yourself. They are processes where you have pushed yourself through side doors. Much of it is an adjustment of your thought patterns.

Indigos and Crystals

We tell you, this is about to become much easier than ever before. The Crystal Children are being born on this planet, for you are evolving very rapidly in your vibration. But the children coming in are being born at a higher vibrational rate, and Indigos and Crystal Children will co-exist on this planet for a very long time and help to adapt a higher vibration. They will teach you how to use multidimensionality. There are so many things that you can see. What is your reality anyway? It is nothing more than a perception. If you have a camera in this brain of yours and this camera is pointed over here, then that is your reality. If you wish to change your reality, the easiest way is to change your point of perception. Simply look at it from a different angle. That is much easier to do when you are in a state of multidimensionality. You are about to see this as a reality. Your belief systems constantly keep you from using many of these tools on yourself, so use them on other people. Help other people who get into these difficulties. Help them see themselves from a different perspective. That is what will hold the key to opening all humanity to the rewiring process.

Rewiring Interruptus

Let us explain this as well. There are times when the physical body needs grounding. It needs constant refreshing of physical attributes for the body only exists in the physical world. It needs water. It needs food. It needs sunlight. It needs hugs. It needs intimacy, sex, nurturing and the touch of others. It needs grounding to keep you in the physical confines of Earth. Sometimes if a soul is not properly grounded or not grounded enough to go through the rewiring process, the process can overload the body and can be interrupted. The interruption of this process at critical stages can cause a cycle to begin where the hypothalamus gland begins to overproduce. The ungrounded physical body is then set into a cycle that causes energy illnesses such as the ones that you have labeled Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and other similar energy disorders. This has been more common among people who tend to lead the way vibrationally as they often live closer to the edge vibrationally than do most people. Incidences of these energy disorders are likely to increase as time goes forward. Your first experiences with multidimensionality can cause you to lose grounding and get stuck in between energetic dimensions and set these cycles into motion. Many times there is a reason why the higher self chose to take on this condition. In that event one cannot move forward into healing until they have fully received the gift of the illness. Then with proper grounding and energetic techniques you can help people to ground and start the rewiring process again.

Good Grounding

There are grounding techniques that many of you will experience, for it is important to honor the body. If you spend all your thoughts waiting to rid yourself of the body in an ascension process, then it is quite common for the body to energetically check out during a rewire. Do not think that you are going to be growing wings and sprouting into angels right away. The body serves a wonderful purpose and as this rewiring process happens, you are going to see more of the capabilities of what your physical body can do with the spirit. With the spirit at the helm of the physical bubble of biology, it is also somewhat limited by that physical bubble of biology. You have created the veil so thick, you do not even re-member that you are spirits. It is absolutely amazing to us to look at you, bumping into each other. Your greatest desire was to come in here and be confused. You have been very successful, yet we tell you, that is about to change. The entire process is starting to shift for you now as this rewiring begins for all.

Yes, you who are watching, or listening to or reading this, ask, “What is this going to do for me today?” Find your role, dear ones, for many of you have activated a Sacred Contract that you know nothing about. You can feel it pulling but you do not know where it goes. That is normal. That is the normal state of humanity at this point. Very few people know what their Sacred Contract is, but the pull, that little bit of knowing, is all you need at this moment, for it will lead you well if you do not think it to death. Take it out of there and move it into the feeling instead of the thinking. Blend the two together, for you are not going to move completely into the right brain and exist over there. You are going to be blending the two together where you can quantify god. Imagine it this way: god is the infinite and exists in the right part of your brain, for you are god, and the left part of the brain is the part that pretends to be a human, the part that quantifies everything and figures everything out by putting it in neat little boxes to give to your children so they can give it to their children, and so forth. You have done such a good job that you actually believe you are human. That is so funny on our side of the veil. You teach everyone that you are human, when in fact you are spirits playing a game. You have forgotten the veil. That is a testament of your own creative abilities. You have done very well, dear ones.

Define Infinity

Now, the veil is about to thin. We ask you not to stop putting things in boxes, for that is the definition of god. Why are you here? You are here to define god. You are playing this game so that you can see god, because in an infinite state god cannot study himself-herself. There is no definition. There is no beginning or end. By coming into these bubbles of biology, you are actually a definition of god. That is beautiful. The challenge is that you do not trust it. Of course, when we talk to you about being god, the first thing you think about is, “I am god. I can do anything.” Re-member to keep in mind that you are not the only god. There are many of you here on this planet as sparks of god, sparks of the creator who have the ability to carry all the powers of the creator within that little spark. You have taken a finite form, so that spark, much like a spark on a grinding wheel, is only lit for a little while before it falls back into the energy cycle of the whole once again. That is about to change, for the spark is starting to carry more of the energy of who you really are with this rewiring process.

New Modalities

Are there modalities that can teach this? Yes. The good news is that there are new modalities popping up on this planet every day. The bad news is that you have to find out which one works for you. Are there ways that you can help with this rewiring process? The biggest is your intent. The biggest is your step into your Sacred Contract, whatever that is. Wherever your heart leads you, where your passion is allows you to vibrate in a different way and as you vibrate differently, everyone around you starts vibrating at that rate and you raise everything around you to match your vibration. Fear it not. Know that there will be more talk about the rewiring of humanity, but your rewiring has begun and it is happening on a global basis and you will understand more of the process as you start seeing more of your abilities. The two halves are starting to reunite.

We tell you that any time these abilities show up on Planet Earth, there has always been fear. Just embrace it and know that fear is nothing more than a shadow. Is it not interesting that it is only possible to be afraid of the unknown? Once you fill in that vacancy with the information that was missing, you cannot be afraid of it any more. You may not like it, but you cannot be afraid of it any more. Fill in the information. Embrace the fact that humans are evolving. It is an exciting time. This is why you chose to be here right now. We tell you that there are more souls trying to come into Planet Earth than can be accommodated. Many of them stepped aside to let the chosen ones come in, and here you sit. Know that those who stepped aside for you are cheering you on from the other side of the veil.

This rewiring process will activate healers on this planet like never before. It is time and we need you now. Heed the call, dear ones, and step into your Sacred Contracts. You can help each other, for you are the Human Angels. When you come Home, you will finally see yourselves the way we see you. You will understand that even though you spend most your time thinking you are not doing anything and you look in the mirror and you cannot re-member who you are or you think you are alone, you will begin to understand how great you really are. You will begin to see yourself from our perspective. We hope that as you become multidimensional, you take the opportunity to shift yourself into our eyes, for we see the greatest of the great. Only those of the highest vibration were coming into the Earth at this time to make a difference, and here you are. Enjoy the ride, dear ones.

We leave you with three simple reminders. Treat each other with the greatest respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity, for you are nurturing yourself. Re-member that it is a beautiful game. And play well together.

The Group

Lightworker is a non-profit corporation dedicated to spreading Light through Empowerment
Copyright 2006 Lightworker

Secrets of Meditation For Better Health

Greetings seekers of Light!

I received this wonderful article about Meditation and was driven to post it in LoveDriven.com to share it with you all. Read and enjoy!


Matt Clarkson here, from SecretsofMeditation.com with a new article I thought you might enjoy.
Recently, I was asked by the Editor of Balance Magazine to write an article about Meditation. So I’ve included a condensed version for you to read.

Meditation can improve your health, increase energy levels and maximize your enjoyment of life. Without a doubt, more people would benefit from meditation if they took the time to practice the simple exercises used to calm the mind, reduce stress and increase energy levels.

So What Is Meditation?

Meditation is a way to transform and heal ourselves. When we meditate, we allow the swirl of ideas and thoughts to slow down to the point where we find a calm and positive connection with ourselves. Although there are many different ways to meditate, all styles teach the directing of the attention in order to re-connect with the part of yourself that is most real and most true.

Why We Need To Meditate

Unfortunately, we do not walk through the world as children do. We all face difficult and stressful situations throughout the course of life. But rather than beginning each day afresh, we tend to gather the world and carry the negativity of the past with us. The happy and contented person you were becomes covered over by these emotions. Suddenly you feel unhappy and dissatisfied, and even worse; often the process is so subtle, you don’t know why.

Meditation is a way of cutting through those layers of past emotion and excessive thinking. Instead of our minds and bodies being at the mercy of life, we take back control. We focus the attention in a deliberate way, and slowly see the false layers of ourselves begin to dissolve as we return once again to the source of our happiness.

Although meditation is an ancient art dating back thousands of years, modern scientific research now confirms what ancient wisdom discovered long ago. Study after study shows that meditation brings about improved perception, focus, memory and creativity. Regular meditators are healthier, happier, more relaxed, and more productive.

The True Purpose of Meditation

The seductive appeal of mystic visions, psychic intuition and heightened mental functioning can be very alluring. While some meditators report esoteric experiences, the experiences themselves should not be the primary reason for practice.

The purpose of meditation is to transform the state of our hearts and minds and bring us back to ourselves. As we become healthier, happier and realize greater self-awareness, more benefits begin to follow naturally — improved mental functioning, greater intuition as well as greater access to unconscious resources and abilities.

The Best Style of Meditation

Always keep an open mind in your learning. Never accept a teaching without verifying the truth of it in your own experience. On the other hand, reserve making judgment in advance of having the experience for yourself.

The best style of meditation is the one that feels right for you. There are many different systems of meditation including, but not limited to Concentration, Mindfulness, Zen, Visualization and Devotion. You may decide to experiment with a few different styles and see how they feel. Find one or two styles that you like and then major in those. Above all, pay attention to your self and make sure your meditation feels right for you.

Make Meditation A Daily Practice

You can be stronger in your self. You can be happier, more balanced and compassionate. You can manifest the changes you truly want to see in your life through meditation. You don’t need to give up all your worldly passions or retreat to a Himalayan monastery either!

A daily ten-minute practice can make all the difference. It’s not much time to dedicate when you consider all the time spent caring for your physical appearance. After all, you wouldn’t go out to an important meeting or social occasion without clean clothes and brushing your teeth.

What about the mind and body — the instruments through which we perceive and interact with reality? Does it not make sense to take the time to clean up our attitude and the way we feel as well?

— By Matt Clarkson
Author of Secrets of Meditation, Energy and Manifestation
Copyright – All rights reserved. SecretsofMeditation.com

Vitamin For The Mind

by Jim Rohn


I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they plan their lives. Perhaps that is because escape is easier than change.

If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they may have planned for you? Not much.

The reason why most people face the future with apprehension instead of anticipation is because they don’t have it well designed.

The guy says, “When you work where I work, by the time you get home, it’s late. You’ve got to have a bite to eat, watch a little TV, relax and get to bed. You can’t sit up half the night planning, planning, planning.”

And he’s the same guy who is behind on his car payment…….


We could say that forgiveness is the act of pardoning or excusing oneself or another without harboring resentment. If we want to truly forgive, we must understand that forgiveness does not mean we are agreeing or disagreeing that an action in question was wrong, right, bad, good, appropriate or inappropriate.

Instead of looking at what is “right” or “wrong,” we recognize that an action was taken in ignorance of our true nature and the action caused pain and suffering. (By ignorance, we mean the lack of awareness of our divine nature.)

The true nature of humanity can be described in many ways, depending on one’s spiritual or philosophical tradition. To be as simple and inclusive as possible: When we experience the One consciousness or God that exists within all things, we have realized our true divine nature.

With this experience comes the understanding that our concepts, ideas, and beliefs create duality and separateness among people, rather than supporting the oneness of our spiritual nature. As long as we hold on to our beliefs, then we have something we can argue about and use against others.

With all our love, Sheri and Susyn

Practicing the lesson

  • Identify 5 issues you argued over this past week.
  • List your beliefs about those 5 issues.
  • Is it possible there are other points of view as valid as yours?
  • Is your attachment to being right causing suffering in your life?
  • If so, practice detaching from wanting to be right and see what happens.


Today, Creator, grant me the courage and the will to forgive the people I love the most. Help me to forgive every injustice I feel in my mind, and to love other people unconditionally. I know the only way to heal all the pain in my heart is through forgiveness.

Today, Creator, strengthen my will to forgive everyone who has hurt me, even if I believe the offense is unforgivable. I know that forgiveness is an act of self-love. Help me to love myself so much that I forgive every offense. Let me choose forgiveness because I don’t want to suffer every time I remember the offense.

Today, Creator, help me to heal all the guilt in my heart by accepting the forgiveness of everyone I have hurt in my life. Help me to sincerely recognize the mistakes I have made out of ignorance, and give me the wisdom and determination to refrain from making the same mistakes. I know that love and forgiveness will transform every relationship in the most positive way.

Thank you, Creator, for giving me the capacity to love and forgive. Today I open my heart to love and forgiveness, so that I can share my love without fear. Today I will enjoy a reunion with the people I love the most. Amen

From Prayers, A Communion with our Creator by don Miguel Ruiz