a pleasant boost!

by our friends the Astrology.com Team

After the cosmic squall of the final days of July, and early August, the fiery, sociable Leo Sun will fly along happily for three weeks with only a minor undermining dip from a Neptune opposition before it exits.

“Exploring the unconscious, tapping into your depths, and finding inspiration in strange places is the gift…”

Jupiter in Aries will raise confidence, energy and enthusiasm, possibly even to unrealistic levels on the 3rd and 4th as it meets a powerful square from Pluto, and a reckless opposition to Mars. Be careful of over confidence, since Jupiter-Pluto combination can give rise to a might-makes-right attitude and Mars-Jupiter can sometimes be a reckless gambler. But for most, it’ll just be a pleasant boost.

Venus flits into tactful, elegant overcrowded Libra as well from the August 7. This will have a bumpy start when nothing emotional will be that settled as Venus opposes Uranus, is conjunct Saturn, opposes Jupiter and squares Pluto all within the space of three days. So romance will blow hot, cold, be on and off and back on again. Then Venus will find a more amiable level and spread its’ gentle happiness around for the rest of the month. The Leo New Moon on the 10th is a time of new beginnings with the sexy, seductive Venus Pluto aspect helping it along.

Around mid-month, Uranus retrogrades into Pisces for its last and final few months in this sign sticking around in emotional, creative Pisces till early March next year. Exploring the unconscious, tapping into your depths, and finding inspiration in strange places is the gift of Uranus here.

A rather stern Saturn in Libra opposes Jupiter on August 16, hinting that plans and wild enthusiasms need to be grounded in common sense. This is especially true this month since Saturn then moves onto an austere square to Pluto on the 21st, which is always an indicator of tough times, cutbacks, definitely not a time for frivolities and indulgences. Perseverance pays off when Saturn Pluto aspects are around though with the Sun opposing Neptune on the 20th there’ll also be low energy and muddles.

The Sun then moves from Leo into sensible, hard-working Virgo on the 23rd for four weeks getting everyone back into a more practical rhythm. The Full Moon on August gets a get-it-all-together trine from Pluto on the 26th. A Sun trine Pluto suggests that certain recent problems will be overcome to put you firmly back in the driving seat again.

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