Yin and You: An opportunity for exploration

by Rachael Kennedy and Kim Keller

Tantric breathing

Breath is core to accessing the energy centers in our body. Following this three-step process, set aside 10-15 minutes to practice Tantric breathing, and notice the energetic effects you feel on your physical body.

Step One: Find a comfortable upright position (lying down can tempt you to fall asleep instead of finding focus). Place your attention on your pelvic floor as it rests in the chair or on the ground.

Step Two: Imagine there is a live wire of electricity running from your tail bone up your spine, out the top of your head, wrapping back down the front of your body, returning to your tail bone and back up your spine, creating a complete “circuit” of energy. As you inhale, the energy runs up your spine, and as you exhale the energy runs down the front of your body. Once you have this breathing motion moving smoothly and consistently, move to step three.

Step Three: With each inhale tighten your vaginal muscles. On the exhale, release those muscles. Continue contracting and releasing these muscles with each breath.

Practice this breathing pattern along with the muscle contraction and release for 5 minutes. If this exercise seems easy you may wish to expand your practice time to 10 or 15 minutes. However, this breathing can really “charge you up,” and if this is a new practice for you, be cautious not to overload your system. Practice gently, and notice the feelings you experience throughout the rest of your body — before, during and after the exercise.

Visit The Yin Project for Rachael & Kim’s beautiful and inspiring website.

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