Harvest Moon in Pisces

The Full Moon in September is often called the Harvest Moon.
In agricultural communities, the extra light of the few days around the Full Moon was used to bring in the crops. If the weather is mild, this is a good time for an outdoor Full Moon ritual.
If you can, organize a Harvest Moon picnic with a few friends. Most of the food should be either from your gardens, or locally grown, bought at a farmer’s market or roadside stand. Traditional foods might be corn, apples, tomatoes, squash, and various greens. Bake your own bread, or try to find a bakery that makes artisan breads. Buy locally made wine or beer.
Find a pleasant place to set up your picnic, a local park or nature preserve, or even a large backyard. Cover a picnic table with a large table cloth or a sheet. Arrange the food on the cloth, with ornamental squash, ears of corn, and pumpkins as decorations.
Start the feast by thanking the gods for the bounty of the harvest. After you eat, you can sing, a time-honored way to celebrate. Harvest songs are part of traditional folk music. End with a song of thanks. — Magenta Griffith

Courtesy of LLewellyn Worldwide