linga mudra

The Basics of Mudras

Mudras are different postures of the hands basically meant for relaxation and healing, by treating certain physical and emotional conditions.
Mudras originated from Yoga, they work on the same principle as acupressure and acupuncture and are very easy to do and understand, even children can practice them without any effort.
They are another wonderful technique for a successful meditation.

To practice a mudra: make sure you set a time where there won’t be any distractions. Find a comfortable place to sit, however your body feels comfortable, and take a few deep breaths. Relax the body and mind.

linga mudra

Cross the fingers of both hands and make the inside thumb very erect. This mudra is useful to cure coughs.

prithvi mudra

Oppose the little finder with the thumb, keeping the others straight. This mudra is useful to increase body strength and remove weakness and fatigue from the body.

shunya mudra

Bend your middle finger and touch the thumb as shown in the diagram -touch the skin above the nail of the middle finder with the pad of the thumb, keeping the other 3 fingers straight. This mudra is very useful for ear ailments.

surya mudra

Bend your ring finger and touch the thumb, as in the diagram -touch the skin above the nail of the ring finger with the pad of the thumb, keeping the other 3 fingers straight. This mudra is useful fto remove unwanted fat from the body.

gyan mudra

This is one of, if not the most popular mudra.
Oppose the index finger with the thumb, keeping the other fingers straight. This is a very powerful mudra, useful for treating mental disorders, sleeping disorders (excessive and lack of), weak memory, and hot-tempered individuals.

pran mudra

Oppose the little and ring fingers with the thumb, keeping the other fingers straight. This mudra is useful to decrease the necessity of wearing glasses after a period of time, and for other eye problems.

varun mudra

Oppose the middle finger with the thumb, keeping the other fingers straight. This mudra is useful in disorders such as anemia and skin disease.

vaayu mudra

Bend your index finger and touch the thumb as shown in the diagram -touching the skin above the nail of the index finger with the pad of the thumb, keeping the other 3 fingers straight. This mudra is useful in treating disorders of the joints and stroke (paralysis).