February 9, 2009 – Leo Moon 9:50 am – Lunar Eclipse 9:38 am
Opposite the Moon, the Sun in Aquarius symbolizes concern for humanity, as a whole, to allow freedom of each individual. With the Moon in Leo, there is a strong urge to express oneself. Leo is the sign of the Sun, so shine! This is a wonderful time to lift out of an ordinary mind set, blending your imagination with a heart-centered urge to seek emotional security through self confidence . True self-esteem is built by developing a calm center and taking responsibility for the energy (negative and positive) you output everyday. The issue at hand is to become a radiant and happier person ultimately for the sake of everyone around us. Celebrate this Full Moon as we write, direct and star in our own life story. Bravo!
by Joni Ross, Astrologer/Teacher