July Forecast

An exciting astrological month begins with zany Uranus turning retrograde on July 1. When eccentric, independent Uranus turns retrograde, it’s best to expect the unexpected. This planet symbolizes the need for change, and emphasizes the importance of flexibility in every aspect of your life.

On July 3, Mercury enters Cancer. For best results, put your logical mind in hibernation for now and speak from your heart. When Venus enters relationship-oriented Gemini on July 5, your desire for new experiences is strong. If you are single, this is a great transit for meeting a new love. In a relationship? Spice up you love life by doing something totally different from your ordinary routine.

A dramatic full Moon lunar eclipse occurs on July 7 and it’s time to refocus your attention on your career and worldly concerns. Optimistic Jupiter and spiritual Neptune come together in a conjunction on July 10, and your idealism may open up brand new worlds. Then active Mars enters verbal Gemini on July 11, and everybody will be selling their ideas, projects and plans.

You will be assessing your most important relationships when Venus squares serious Saturn on July 21. And you feel extra protective of loved ones with the solar eclipse in emotional Cancer occurring the same day. The Sun enters limelight-loving Leo on July 22, and boldness replaces sensitivity. By July 26 when Venus trines Jupiter, you’ll be more than ready to go out and play! As the month comes to an end, pay attention to your dreams and let them guide you as Mercury opposes the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on July 30 and 31. Your imagination is in full bloom! Love planet Venus enters homebody Cancer on the 31st, encouraging you to hang out at home and give your mind a rest.

by Astrology.com

Hot Summer Days

Summer has arrived, and the hot and sweaty days are great to help the body remove toxins and cleanse itself of impurities. Have you noticed that we tend to eat less in summer? The hot energy of the body is definitely stronger during the summer keeping the body vital and energized, needing less food. During the cold winter days the body uses the energy of the food we ingest to create more vital energy to store. So let’s welcome the natural purification process and enjoy the Sun’s vitality.
Have you ever wondered where the old saying: dog days of summer comes from? .. well these hot days from early July through August and part of September are named after the “Dog Star”, Sirius. During the first 5 days of the month of July Sirius rises in the sky and sets in conjunction with the majestic Sun, astronomers call this phenomenon “helical”, which comes from Helios –rising and setting.
Since the ancient times of Egypt, Sirius has been known as the Nile Star or Star of Isis. About 5,000 years ago the rising of such star marked the flooding of the Nile River. The story indicates that the statue of Isis, at the Dendera temple, had a precious jewel in her forehead, and when the light of the Star of Sirius hit the jewel, the flooding began.
The etymology of the word Sirius may originate from various places: the Egyptian word sihor, which means Nile, or from the Greek word seirios, which translates scorching. The Romans knew it as Canicula, because the location of this star is in the constellation Canis Major, which could translate “the big dog”. To the Romans, the hot energy-waves of this phenomenon drove men and dogs mad, and called these blazing hot days caniculares. In the sixteenth century the translation of this Latin word to English was “dog days”.
The Sirius star has become a big part of the history of the Cosmos. It is one of the brightest stars in the sky and can be easily seen with the naked eye. To the Norse it was known as Loki’s Brand. The Dogon tribe, in Africa, believe Sirius B (the small companion of the larger Sirius A) to be the navel of the Universe and home to the mysterious race known as the Nommo.

The Pleiades, a cluster of seven stars found in the Taurean constellation also show themselves during these dog days of summer, just ahead of the Sun, when we look towards the east-norht-east horizon. This group of stars is only one million years old, when our precious dinosaurs walked the green Earth. To the Greek the Pleiades were known as the Seven Sisters: Alcyone, Asterope, Celaeno, Dryope (also Merope or Aero), Electra, Maia, Taygete. Daughters of Pleione and Atlas, the Titan who held the world. This is what has given them the name Atlantides. The story says that one beautiful day, the hunter Orion saw Pleiades walking the countryside and mesmerized by their glow wanted them for himself. For seven years he tried to win them over, until Zeus turned them into stars, as they have so persistently asked for.
In some cultures, the appearance of these stars signaled the beginning of the new year. To the Vikings, the Pleiades were known as Freya’s Hens, to the Maori they were known as the Mataariki, to the Australian they are the Makara, and to the Japanese they are the Subaru … which is the reason why the world known car company uses them in their logo.
To the Native American, as well as the Greeks, the Pleiades were also known to be a vision test, the number of stars you could see determined the sharpness of your eyesight.