Jan 2011 – The 1st Moon

New Moon January 4, 2011 02:04:33 AM

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Full moon January 19, 2011 02:22:56 PM

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Cancer Full Moon – January 19 and Inner and Outer Reality Dynamics

The Cancer full moon January 19 is the fourth of five full moons in a row that happen at the very last degree of the sign. Where is 29 degrees Cancer and Capricorn in your birth chart? Cancer and Capricorn have something very important to teach us. Cancer represents our inner, emotional world. Capricorn represents our role in the world – our profession, our destiny path, our contribution, recognition, worldly achievement and remuneration for our efforts.

This polarity pair invites us to get in touch with how the state of our inner reality creates our outer reality – how our outer circumstances are a reflection of our inner consciousness. A fear-based, victim, low self-esteem attitude generates relationships and circumstances that substantiate that mindset. Affirmations, intentions and prayers to the contrary don’t have a chance if we sabotage them with negativity, complaining, fear and doubt.

Obviously our inner and outer realities constantly interact. Our experiences as a child played a big role in forming the inner reality from which we now operate. We were also born with predispositions and karmic imprints. Of course, loving, secure, stable and uplifting environments support us in reducing fear and instilling a base of love in our consciousness. How do we attract and create this higher quality of life?

The Capricorn/Cancer pair teaches us the necessity of upgrading the state of our inner reality in order to create sustainable shifts in our lives. To move to another level of manifestation and fulfillment, we must identify the fear-based dynamics of our inner reality and then do what it takes to cultivate a love-based operating mode. Our inner reality is something that we CAN and MUST do something about. For example, when our psyche no longer needs relationships to feel loved, validated, supported and secure, we can easily let go of abusive relationships and attract more wholesome partnerships.

Cancer invites us to love ourselves, to nurture our bodies, to be kind to our feelings, to enjoy the richness of our emotions and to honor our emotions as the instinctual communication mechanism of our soul. by Gururattan

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics

The Moon In November

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics

New Moon in Scorpio on November 6, 2010 at 128:52am EST

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Full Moon in Taurus Sunday November 21, 2010 at 12:27 pm EST
Mourning Moon, Dark Moon

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**Click Here for more Moon Names

November’s Full Moon

Mourning Moon
by Elizabeth Barrette, Llewellyn Worldwide

In Cherokee tradition, November is the Trading Moon. With the harvest in and necessary foods stocked up, this time before the full force of winter arrives is ideal for visiting and exchanging goods. To the Choctaw, this is the Sassfras Moon. When the mitten-shaped leaves turn orange and drop off, thats a good time to harvest the roots for flavoring beverages. The Dakota Sioux call this the Moon When Horns Are Broken Off. This may refer to the broken antlers that occur when bucks fight over mates.
During November, the earth goes dormant. Many plants die back. People and animals begin relying more on stored foods and fat reserves. Several species of large animals have their mating season in late autumn or early winter. Offer suet and other high-nutrient foods to wildlife. Magically, work spells relating to animals active at this time, such as deer totems. A piece of deerskin leather or some antler buttons can enhance the connection; but an image of a deer may suffice if you are not comfortable with using an actual deer belonging. Rituals may celebrate animals spirits or the introspective energy of the dormant season.

Full Moon in Taurus
by Joni Ross Astrology, jonirossastrology.wordpress.com

With the Sun in Scorpio, the cosmic message is to face our fears, own our power and let go of what is dying (Pluto). The Moon in Venus-ruled Taurus, illuminates personal resources, possessions, sensuality, survival skills, self-esteem as well as anything that adds to the beauty, comfort, or satisfaction in our lives. Although many things are changing in the world, the Moon message in Taurus, is to enjoy life and the simple pleasure of living.

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics

March 2010 Windy/Storm Moon

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics

New Moon in Pisces, Monday, March 15, 2010 5:01pm

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Full Moon, Monday, March 29, 2010 10:25pm
enters Libra 7:20am
Storm Moon / Windy Moon

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The Storm Moon

According to the Cherokee, March is the Windy Moon. As winter turns to spring, storms sweep in and high winds damage trees and homes.
The Choctaw call this the Big Famine Moon as reserves have been exhausted, but the renewal of life has yet to produce new foods to eat.
The Dakota Sioux call this the Moon When Eyes Are Sore from Bright Snow. On the plains, snow still falls, reflecting the strengthening light of the Sun.
March holds the transition between winter and spring, a turbulent time of both hope and danger. Keep a wary eye out for severe weather. On the first warm day, avoid the temptation to run out in light clothes. Instead, dress in layers so you can respond to rapidly changing conditions – you’ll catch fewer colds. Watch for the first signs of returning life, and rake mulch away from spring flowers as they sprout. Offer food to wildlife as long as its consumed; put out scraps of fabric or string when birds begin to build nests.
In ritual space, honor the quickening life in the world around you. Use its burgeoning energy to work magic to empower new projects -plant young trees, launch a life-oriented business, or explore educational opportunities. –Elizabeth Barrette, Llewellyn Worldwide

Full Moon Kundalini Meditation on the beach

Behind Hollywood Cultural Arts center on the beach

1301 S Ocean Dr
Hollywood, FL 33019

How to find us: A1A turn onto Azalea terrace park behind the Cultural Center and walk onto beach. Look for the people wearing white

Every Full Moon the Kundalini Miami Yoga Instructors put together a wonderful gathering on the beach in honor of the Full Moon.
The full moon is a perfect time to channel the fullness of emotions to devotion and open our heart centers.
Join us for an evening of kundalini yoga and meditation, and by the time we’re done the Moon is just rising and since we sit facing the ocean we have front row view, its just beautiful!

Lead by spiritual master and yogini Jiwan Kaur www.jiwanyoga.com

Join us! 6pm-7pm to chant, elevate, and open our hearts to ourselves & ALL souls on our planet (and those waiting to come as well!!)

Behind Hollywood Cultural Arts center on the beach.
1301 S Ocean Dr. On A1A turn onto Azalea terrace park behind the Cultural Center and walk onto beach.
Look for the people wearing white. smile

Bring water, a yoga mat and/or blanket to lay on the sand, and coins for parking.

Donations welcomed

**if rain event is canceled**

For more information, questions, comments or feedback about this event please contact:

Jiwan kaur

“The energy of the universe is yours, it is your birthright, just claim it!” –Yogi Bhajan

Native American Comments & Graphics

January 2010 Cold Moon

Native American Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

January Full Moon – Cold Moon

January 30, 2010, Saturday, 1:18am

Many Native American tribes name the months or “Moons” based on important local natural events. To the Cherokee, January is the Cold Moon. Fierce northern air howls down to strip the heat from the world. To the Choctaw, this is the Cooking Moon. Dried fruits, vegetables, and meat from storage help the tribe survive the cold winter, but they take a long time to cook. To the Dakota Sioux, this is the Moon of the Terrible. Not only can winters on the plains be devastating, but many legends relate dire events–and this is a time of year for telling stories.
January is the peak of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The nights are long and dark. The weather is harsh and cold. Honor this time by working with its quiet, introspective energy. Now is a good time to make warm winter clothes if you knit, crochet or sew. Cook foods that take a long time to prepare, such as soups, stews, and slow-cooker recipes, or bake winter root vegetables, such as potatoes and turnips.
For ritual themes, consider the home and hearth. Tell stories to create the framework of a ritual or to socialize afterwards.

by Elizabeth Barrette
Taken from Llewellyn’s Witches Datebook 2010, Llewellyn Worldwide

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics

December Blue Moon

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

December 31, 2009 2:13pm Blue Moon
Lunar Eclipse, 2:22pm

This December has a second Full Moon. As this second full moon appears, just as the year ends, it brings a perfect time to honor new beginnings.

What is a “Blue Moon”?

A blue moon is a full moon that is not timed to the regular monthly pattern. Most years have twelve full moons which occur approximately monthly, but in addition to those twelve full lunar cycles, each calendar year contains an excess of roughly eleven days. The extra days accumulate, so that every two or three years (on average about every 2.7154 years), there is an extra full moon. The extra moon is called a “blue moon.” Different definitions place the “extra” moon at different times.
– In calculating the dates for Lent and Easter, the Clergy identify the Lent Moon. It is thought that historically when the moon’s timing was too early, they named an earlier moon as a “betrayer moon” (belewe moon), thus the Lent moon came at its expected time.
– Folklore gave each moon a name according to its time of year. A moon which came too early had no folk name – and was called a blue moon – bringing the correct seasonal timings for future moons.
– The Farmers’ Almanac defined blue moon as an extra full moon that occurred in a season; one season was normally three full moons. If a season had four full moons, then the third full moon was named a blue moon.
– Recent popular usage defined a blue moon as the second full moon in a calendar month, stemming from an interpretation error made in 1946 that was discovered in 1999.

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics

Full Moon in Pisces

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

September 4, 2009 12:02pm – Harvest Full Moon

The Kundalini Miami Yoga Instructors host a monthly gathering on the beach in honor of the Full Moon.
The full moon is a perfect time to channel the fullness of emotions to devotion and open our heart centers.
Join us for an evening of lite kundalini yoga and meditation; by the time we’re done the Moon is just rising and since we sit facing the ocean we have front row view, its just beautiful!

Friday, September 4, 2009 7pm

Behind Hollywood Cultural Arts center on the beach.
1301 S Ocean Dr.
On A1A turn onto Azeala terrace park behind the Cultural Center and walk onto beach.
Look for the people wearing white.

Parvati Kaur will be leading this sacred meditation this month.

Bring water, a yoga mat and/or blanket to lay on the sand, and coins for parking. Feel free to bring some snacks to share after, if you like. We will serve Yogi Tea.

This event is free, donations are welcome.

**If rain Full Moon Meditation will be canceled**

“The energy of the universe is yours, it is your birthright, just claim it!” –Yogi Bhajan

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics

Lunar Eclipse Capricorn Full Moon

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Tuesday, July 7,2009, 5:22 AM EDT

Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Capricorn.
The Full Moon is an optimum time to decide what habits we want to change. Saturn, ruling Capricorn, is concerned with the ability to make realistic long term plans. The Sun in Cancer, the Moon’s sign, brings up the urge to balance our need to get ahead and the importance of caring about ourselves and others. Whether it’s creating a budget, a nutritional and exercise regimen, or implementing better work habits, the Full Moon in Capricorn is all about resolving to set new limits, curtailing detours, and accomplishing your life’s goals.

by Joni Ross, Astrologer/Teacher