The Ten Bodies in Kundalini Yoga

The ten bodies of the human psyche are the yogic descriptions of what the perfected human being looks like and acts like. In order to be whole you must get to know all these parts of yourself and learn how to integrate and coordinate them.

You can’t control the events around you, but you can control how you relate to those events. Instead of being reactive, you can use your ten bodies so that your inner peace remains unspoiled.

You know where you have negative, limiting programs about life and about yourself: you’re too fat, nobody appreciates you, etc. Its time to change what you pay attention to and focus on your greatness, your subtlety, your grace, your majesty. The psychic heat you generate by focusing on your greatness will just burn up all that old pain!

1. Soul Body. The part in us connected to the Infinite; unchanging, non-reactive, never dies. To experience and identify with this Body is ideal.

The Three Mental Bodies:

2. Negative Mind. Identifies possible dangers or shortcomings in a situation; necessary for protection.

3. Positive Mind. Inspires us by showing the best possible results in any situation.

4. Neutral Mind. Takes the information from both negative and positive mind and decides on the best course of action using unbiased, intuitive knowledge, the ultimate state of mind for success.

5. Physical Body. The vehicle through which we participate fully on earth. It is perfected by balance in all the physical aspects: diet, work, play, and essentially avoiding extremes like laziness or fanaticism.

6. Arcline. Historically depicted as the halo. The arcline arches from ear to ear and is the seat of the akash, the ether, in the body. Its color varies with a person’s health and mental or psychic condition. Women have a second arcline reaching across the chest from nipple to nipple which Yogi Bhajan says gets imprinted with the sexual experiences she has had in her life.

7. Auric Body. The eighth chakra of the body, the aura, is the electromagnetic field of energy which surrounds every living creature. Kundalini Yoga kriyas and pranayama increase the auric field, thus increasing awareness. In yogic teachings, a woman is receptive to the penetrating quality of men. Even flirting can open holes in the aura, making a woman extremely vulnerable. A strong, radiant aura can protect from many misfortunes and strengthen our mental, physical and spiritual bodies.

8. Pranic Body. Controls the breath and takes in life force energy of the universe. Energy, control over the mind, gives courage and healing power. Pranayam feeds the Pranic Body.

9. Subtle Body. This carries the Soul to the Infinite at the time of death. It is the other Body with the Soul Body which exists after all the others have disappeared. The Mother makes all the other bodies. Often, we can project our subtle bodies beyond time and space to be at two places at once. The visions of saints and angels are their subtle bodies. It is that which although we are merged with the Infinite still exists uniquely through eternity.

10. Radiant Body. Gives spiritual royalty and radiance. A strong radiant body manifests as “charisma”. Their very presence works before a word is spoken. (To those who are in their negative minds it can be perceived as arrogance.)

Source: Kundalini Yoga In The Loop