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Goddess Flora of Beltane

by Gail Wood

The bright, joyful, birthing energy of spring blossoms into vigorous excitement in the month of May and the holiday of Beltane. The newness of life bursts into eager exuberance. The world is growing, stretching, and reaching out to find wild, extravagant love and erotic sensation. It is the perfection of being in the moment, a time of happiness and fervor.
The rythm of our bodies and hearts instinctively feel the tempo of the wild universe, which opens its arms and embraces us as we flow in with laughter and joy. The perfect, unalloyed pleasure of being is the Beltane state of mind. We flow into this state of mind when we dance in harmony with the ecstatic universe. We let go of our petty selves and step into that flow of harmonious union to become ecstatic ourselves. We embrace our wildness.
Often, it’s difficult for us to emerge as ecstatic, wild, nature beings. One avenue to emergence is to celebrate a deity. Flora, the Roman goddess of springtime and flowering vegetation, is a good choice for the Beltane state of mind. She is the patroness of everything that grows and flourishes: flowers, plants, trees and vines. Her festival, Floralia, was celebrated from April 28 to May 3, and in a rose festival on May 23, though much of the orgiastic celebrations were eventually outlawed. Nevertheless, we can find her ecstatic magic in our bodies and in the blooming flowers.

Begin by creating a sacred space, decorating with flowers, bright-colored fabrics, and light foods made with honey, beans, grains, vegetables, and/or flowers. Leave space to move and dance. Take a deep breath and connect with the energy of Mother Earth, creating a feeling of safety and security. Close your eyes and eagerly call the goddess Flora into your circle.

“Lady of flowers, Lady of spring
Dance into my life and sweet passion bring.
Flora, goddess of all energy growing,Be here now, aid our vibrant knowing!
Hail and welcome!”

As these words echo in your body, feel the presence of goddess Flora before you. Gaze at her and drink in her flowering beauty, and feel the flourishing power of her presence. As you breathe deeply, breathe in the aura of her. She may sing or speak to you.
See her open her arms to youin an embrace. Feel the flow of energy inviting you as you move forward to merge with her. As you join together, feel the power of blossoming growth and feel yourself covered in flowers and vines. You are the flowering goddess. Breathe in this magic.
As you breathe in, feel the ecstatic energy of the universe fill you. As you breathe in, feel the need to move and dance. Dance the Flora within you. Give voice to her song and give movement to her essence. Go wild and feel her ecstasy as you dance, growing, flowering, thriving, living the erotic life. Let the excitement take you and move your body.
When it is time, take a deep breath. Eat and drink a little to ground and solidify the mystery you have just experienced. Then, close your eyes and feel the goddess inside your being. Her eyes tell you it is time to go, and gently she moves outside of you. With a final farewell, she is gone from your circle as you say:

“Fare-thee-well, Flora, goddess of spring.
Memories of Beltane will remain
No matter what else this year willbring.
Your flowers and vines will always remind-
Not just a holiday, a state of mind!
Go with joyful thanks and wild blessings,
Hail and farewell.”