

ABHAYAM: Fearless.
ABHIMANA: Egoism, identification with the body.
ABHYASA: Spiritual practice.
ADHIKARI: A qualified person.
ADHISHTHANA: Substratum, support.
ADHYASA: Superimposition or false attribution of properties of one thing on another thing.
ADHYATMIC: Spiritual.
ADVAITA: Non-duality.
AGRAHYA: Unknowable.
AHIMSA: Non-injury in thought, word and deed. Click here for a more detailed explanation.
AISVARYA: Divine powers.
AJARAM: Without old age.
ALABDHABHUMIKATVA: The feeling that it is impossible to see reality.
ALASYA: Laziness.
AMARA: Immortal.
AMARA-PURUSHA: Immortal being.
AMRITAM: Immortal.
ANADI: Beginningless.
ANAHATA: Mystic sound heard by Yogis.
ANANDA: Bliss, happiness, joy.
ANANDA-GHANA: Cloud of bliss.
ANANDA-SVARUPA: Of the form of bliss.
ANANDAMAYA: Full of great happiness.
ANTAHKARANA: Internal instrument such as mind, intellect, ego and the subconscious mind.
ANANTAM: Infinity.
ANTARYAMIN: Inner witness.
ANUBHAVA: Experience.
APTA: Realized.
ARHATA: A perfected Soul.
ASAMPRAJNATA: Highest superconscious state where the mind is completely annihilated and Reality experienced.
ASANA: A bodily pose or posture.
ASHRAM: A hermitage; monastery.
ASHTANGA: Eight limbs. Click here for a discourse on Raja Yoga / Ashtanga Yoga.
ASURIC: Demoniacal.
ATMA-JNANA: Knowledge of the Self.
ATMA-SVARUP: The essential nature of the Self.
ATMAN: The Self.
AVADHUTA: A naked sage.
AVARANA: Veil of ignorance.
AVIDYA: Ignorance.
AYURVEDA: The ancient Indian science of medicine.


BENARES: A holy pilgrimage centre of Hindus, now called Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, India.
BHAGAVAD-GITA: A scripture containing Lord Krishna’s teachings. Click here to view an online version.
BHAGAVATA: Name of a Purana (sacred work dealing with the doctrines of creation, etc.)
BHAJAN: Devotional song
BHAKTA: Devotee of God
BHAKTI: Devotion.
BHAVA(NA): Feeling; mental attitude.
BHAYANAKA-SABDA: A fear inducing sound.
BHOGI: Enjoyer.
BHUMA: The Unconditioned, the Great Infinite, Brahman.
BHUTA-SIDDHI: A psychic power by which mastery is gained over the elements.
BODHISATTVA: A being who, having developed the Awakening Mind (a mind infused with the aspiration to attain the state of Buddhahood), devotes his life to the task of achieving Buddhahood for the sake of all sentient beings.
BRAHMA-CHINTANA: Constant thinking of Brahman.
BRAHMA-JNANA: Direct Knowledge of Brahman.
BRAHMA-NISHTHA: One who is established in the Knowledge of Brahman.
BRAHMA-SROTRI: One who has knowledge of the Vedas and the Upanishads.
BRAHMA-SUTRAS: Classical Vedantic scripture.
BRAHMA-TEJAS: Spiritual halo.
BRAHMA-VIDYA: The science of Brahman, knowledge of Brahman, learning pertaining to Brahman or the Absolute Reality. Click here for an essay on Brahma Vidya.
BRAHMACHARYA: Practice of celibacy. Purity in thought, word and deed. Click here for a discourse on Brahmacharya.
BRAHMAMUHURTA: Period from 4 a.m. to 6 a.m.
BRAHMAN: The Absolute Reality; God.
BRIHADARANYAKA: Name of an Upanishad.
BUDDHA: One who is totally purified from all defilements and who has realized all that can be known.
BUDDHI: Intellect.


CHAITANYA: Pure Consciousness.
CHAKRAS: Centres of energy in the human system.
CHANDOGYA: Name of an Upanishad.
CHELA: Disciple.
CHIRANJIVI: One who has gained eternal life.
CHITTA: Subconscious mind.


DAIVIC: Divine.
DAMA: Control of senses.
DARSHAN: Vision.
DAYA: Mercy.
DEHA: Body.
DEVAS: Celestial beings.
DHARANA: Concentration.
DHARMA: Righteous way of living as enjoined by the sacred scriptures, virtue.
DHYANA: Meditation.
DIVYA-DRISHTI: Divine perception.
DVESHA: Repulsion; hatred; dislike.


EKADASI: Eleventh day of the Hindu lunar fortnight. Click here for a discourse on the significance of Ekadasi.


GANDHA: Smell.
GANGA: River Ganges.
GAYATRI: One of the most sacred Vedic Mantras; goddess.
GITA: Renowned sacred text “Bhagavad-Gita”. Click here to view an online version.
GUNA: Quality born of nature.
GURU: Teacher; preceptor. Click here for a more detailed explanation.


HAVAN: Sacred oblations.
HIRANYAGARBHA: Cosmic intelligence; the supreme lord of the universe; cosmic mind.


INDRA: The Lord of gods; the ruler of heaven.
ISHVARA: Lord; God.


JADA: Insentient.
JAPA: Repetition of the Lord’s Name.
JIVA: Individual Soul.
JIVANMUKTA: One who is liberated in this life.
JNANA: Knowledge; wisdom.
JNANA-INDRIYAS: Organs of knowledge or perception.
JNANI: (Pronounced Nyani) A wise person.


KAIVALYA: Emancipation; state of absolute independence.
KARMA: Actions operating through the law of cause and effect. Click here for a discourse on Karma Yoga.
KARMA-INDRIYAS: Organs of action – tongue, hands, feet, genital organ and anus.
KARMA-KANDI: One who observes strictly the duties ordained in the scriptures.
KARMASRAYA: Receptacle of actions.
KARUNA: Compassion
KASHAYA: Hidden desires.
KIRTAN: Singing devotional songs.
KRIYA: A type of of exercise in Hatha Yoga.
KSHAMA: Forgiveness.
KUNDALINI: The primordial cosmic energy located in the individual.
KUTIR: A small cottage; hut.


LAYA: Merging; dissolution.
LINGA-SARIRA: The subtle body, the astral body.
LOBHA: Greed.


MAHA: Great.
MAHABHARATA: A Hindu epic.
MAHANT: Great sage
MAHAPURUSHA: A great soul.
MAHARISHI: Great sage
MAHASAMADHI: The departure of a Self-realized saint from his mortal coil.
MAHATMA: Great soul
MAITRI: Friendship.
MANAS: Mind.
MANONASA: Destruction of mind.
MANTRA: Sacred syllable or word, or set of words through the repetition and reflection of which one attains perfection.
MAYA: The illusive power of God. Click here for a more thorough explanation.
MOHA: Infatuation.
MOKSHA: Liberation.
MOUNA: Vow of silence.
MOUNI: One who observes silence.
MUKTI: Liberation.
MUMUKSHU: One who aspires after moksha or liberation.
MUNI: An ascetic.
MURTI: Idol.


NADA: Mystic sound.
NIRODHA: Control or restraint.
NIRVANA: Liberation; final emancipation.
NIRVIKALPA-SAMADHI: Superconscious state where there is no modification of the mind or Triputi.
NITYA-SIDDHA: A liberated soul of marvellous powers who is ever present on the astral plane.
NIVRITTI: Renunciation.
NIYAMA: The second step in Raja Yoga; observance – purity, contentment, austerities, etc.


OJAS: Spiritual energy.
OM: The sacred monosyllable which symbolizes Brahman.
OORDHVARETA: A Yogi who has stored up the seminal energy in the brain after sublimating the same into spiritual energy.


PARIVRAJAKA: Wandering monk.
PARAM-DHAMA: Supreme abode.
PARAMAHAMSA: The highest class of Sannyasins.
PASU-SVABHAVA: Animal nature; bestial nature.
PATANJALI: The author of Yoga-Sutras. Click here for a discourse on Patanjali’s Raja Yoga / Ashtanga Yoga.
PRAKRITI: Mother Nature, causal matter.
PRANA: Vital energy; life-breath.
PRANAVA: The sacred monosyllable Om.
PRANAYAMA: Practice of breath-control.
PRATYAHARA: Abstraction of senses; fifth step in Raja Yoga.
PREM: Love.
PREMA: Divine Love.
PURANA: Hindu myths and legends.
PURNA-JNANI: A full-blown sage.
PURNA-YOGI: A full-blown yogi.
PURUSHA: The Supreme Being.


RAGA: Attachment.
RAJA: King.
RAJAS: One of the three qualities of Prakriti which generates passion and restlessness.
RAJA-YOGA: A system of Yoga generally taken to be the one propounded by Patanjali Maharishi, i.e., Ashtanga Yoga. Click here for a discourse on Raja Yoga/Ashtanga Yoga.
RAJASUYA-YAJNA: A sacrifice performed by a monarch as a mark of his subduing all other kings.
RAMAYANA: A holy narative of Lord Rama.
RASA: Taste.
RASASVADA: Tasting the bliss of lower Samadhi.
RISHI: Sage.
RISHIKESH: A sacred place in the Himalayas.
RUPA: Form.


SADHAKA: Spiritual aspirant.
SADHANA: Spiritual practice. Click here for a discourse on Sadhana.
SADHU: Pious man; Sannyasin.
SAGARA: Ocean.
SAHASRANAMA: The thousand Names of the Lord.
SAKSHI: Witness.
SAKTI: Power; the feminine aspect of Divinity.
SAKTI-SANCHAR: Transference of power by a developed Yogi.
SAMA: Serenity; control of mind.
SAMADHI: The state of superconsciousness where Absoluteness is experienced attended with all-knowledge and joy. Oneness.
SAMSARA: The process of worldly life.
SAMSKARAS: Impressions in the subconscious mind.
SAMYAMA: Perfect restraint, an all-complete condition of balance and repose, concentration, meditation and Samadhi.
SANKARA: The well known teacher of Vedanta philosophy. Click here for a biography.
SANKIRTAN: Singing of divine songs.
SANNYASINS: Those who have embraced the life of complete renunciation.
SATCHIDANANDA: Existence absolute(Sat), Knowledge absolute(Chid), Bliss absolute(Ananda).
SATSANG: Association with the wise.
SATTVA: Purity-one of the three qualities of nature.
SATYA-YUGA: the Age of Truth, the first of the four Hindu time-cycles.
SHABDA: Sound.
SIDDHI: Psychic power.
SIVA: Lord Siva – bestower of auspiciousness on His devotees.
SLOKA: Verse.
SPARSA: Touch.
SRI: Auspiciousness-a name is qualified by putting “Sri” before it as a mark of courtesy and auspiciousness.
SUKHA: Happiness.
SUSHUMNA: The chief among astral tubes in the human body running inside the spinal column.
SUTRA: Aphorism.
SVADHYAYA: Study of scriptures.
SVARUPA: Essential nature; Reality.


TAMAS: One of the three qualities of nature which generates inertia, laziness, dullness and infatuation.
TANMATRA: Subtle, undifferentiated root elements of matter.
TAPAS: Austerity.
TAPASCHARYA: Practice of austerity.
TATTVA: Essence; principle.
TEHSILDAR: Revenue officer.
TRIPUTI: The triad-seer, sight and seen.
TRISHNA: Sense-hankering.
TURIYA: The state of superconsciousness, the fourth state transcending the waking, dreaming and deep sleep states.
TYAGA: Renunciation (of egoism, desires and the world).


UDDALAKA: A great sage of yore.
UPADESA: Spiritual advice.
UPANISHADS: Revelation; text dealing with Ultimate Truth and Its Realization.


VAIRAGYA: Dispassion.
VASANA-KSHYA: Desireless.
VASANAS: Subtle desires.
VASTU: Article.
VEDANTA: The school of Hindu thoughts (based primarily on the Upanishads).
VEDANTIN: One who follows the path of Vedanta
VEDAS: The most ancient authentic scripture of the Hindus, a revealed scripture and therefore free from imperfections.
VEERYA: Seminal energy.
VETTA: Knower.
VICHARA: Enquiry into the nature of the Self, Truth, Absolute, Brahman.
VIGRAHA: Attack.
VIKSHEPA: The tossing of mind.
VISHAYA: Sense-objects.
VIVEKA: Discrimination.
VRITTI: A wave in the mind-lake.
VYAVAHARA: (Worldly) activity.


YAJNAVALKYA: A great sage of yore.
YAMA: First step in Raja Yoga; Eternal vows – non-violence, truthfulness, etc.
YOGA: Union; union with the Supreme Being – any course that makes for such union. Click here for a discourse on Yoga.
YOGI (N): One who practices Yoga; one who is established in Yoga.
YONI: Source.


ZAMINDAR: A rich landlord.

Favorite Quotes

What is God? In reality it is your own positive self, your higher Self, your universal Self, the Self which knows no defeat, the Self which can rise again and again and again like a wave in the ocean. Yogi Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Ji

The moment you realize your own identity and realize that your identity is the Will of God, there is no one more divine than you. There’s nothing else to do. YB

I believe God wants you to know that insights come to you and through you. Wisdom does not flow only one way.

You may not have thought of yourself as a source of
Divine Wisdom, but you are — and before this very
week is out someone will be relying on you for just that.

When that moment comes, I am sure you will be ready.
If you were not, the moment would not come. Therefore,
trust the process — and yourself.” Neale Donald Walsch

“Life is meant to be absolutely a fountain of spirit from which you can drink your own peace, & understand & feel your own grace, & can understand the you within you.” Yogi Bhajan

“You must speak straight so that your words may go as sunlight to our hearts.” -Cochise

“Creative consciousness is your birthright. Without creative consciousness life is nothing but stress and failure.” Yogi Bhajan Ji

“The purpose of life, the attitude of life, is to serve the soul.” Yogi Bhajan

“Call upon the Goddess and God to protect you and teach you the secrets of magic. Ask stones and plants to reveal their powers, and listen.” Scott Cunningham

A man of God and a noble person will not react—and that is the worst curse one can ever receive. The noble way of taking care of insults is this: don’t react. Let somebody abuse you, abuse your mother, your children, your dignity, your identity, and you just say, “thank you.” Don’t come down to that frequency. Don’t acknowledge your own bankruptcy because somebody else is insane. Show your power. Yogi Bhajan

As a person puts on new clothes and discards old and torn clothes, similarly an embodied soul enters new material bodies, leaving the old bodies. Bhagavad Gita 2:22

“May the warm winds of Heaven blow softly on your home,
And the Great Spirit bless all who enter there.
May your mocassins make happy tracks in many snows
And may the rainbow always touch your shoulder.” Cherokee Blessing

“Each moment one has to be at ease with oneself – not trying to improve, not cultivating anything, not practicing anything.” Osho

“At any moment, you have a choice, that either leads you closer to your spirit or further away from it.” –Thich Nhat Hanh

“The purpose of life is to discipline the mind, discipline the tongue, and discipline the thought. When mind, tongue and thought are disciplined, God is conquered.” –Yogi Bhajan

“The question! The question! Always live within the question!” It is when you think you have all the answers that expansion ends, growth stops, and your arrogance begins.” –Conversations With God

“You should make yourself so happy, that by looking at you, other people become happy.” –Yogi Bhajan

“The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.” –Mark Twain

“If you want to live in this Age of Aquarius , then learn. Learn to call on yourself, learn to vibrate. Let us become prayerful in attitude. Then God will bless us in every field” –Yogi Bhajan

“this life is not for wasting. It is for reaching the wonderlands of your own consciousness. –Yogi Bhajan

Five things we cannot recover in life:
(1) The Stone…………after it’s thrown,
(2) The Word………….after it’s said,
(3) The Promise……..after it’s broken,
(4) The Occasion……after it’s missed,
(5) The Time………….after it’s gone.

When everything changes, change everything.”
— Neale Donald Walsch

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
— Melody Beattie

Who are you? You are a “hu-man being.” “Hu” means spirit, the light. “Man” means the mental, the now. Now you are the spirit of your mind. You are the bright light of yourself. That’s your identity.
— Yogi Bhajan

Take sips of this pure wine being poured. Don’t mind that you’ve been given a dirty cup.
— Rumi

“If you cry because you can’t see the sun, the tears won’t let you appreciate the stars.”
— Rabindhranat Tagore

“Purpose is your expression of the Divine.”
— Jim White Ph.D.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
— Rumi

Never be afraid to “try your hand” because you don’t want to make a mistake or not do somerthing “right.” Success in life comes from being willing to move into Unchartered Territory. Always remember: Life begins at the end of your Comfort Zone.
— Neale Donald Walsch

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

The quickest way to still the mind is to move the body.
–- Gabriel Roth

“If you cannot see God in all, you cannot see God at all.”
— Yogi Bhajan

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
— Mark Twain

I believe God wants you to know… that how bad things may look right now means nothing.
It’s how good you know they can look with God’s help that counts.

Life has a habit of changing itself completely around in 24 hours. Heck, in 24 minutes sometimes. Don’t you dare give up on Tomorrow because of the way things look Today. Don’t even think about it…
— Neale Donald Walsch

“In order to become who we are, we must let go of who we are not.”
— Robert Brumet

“I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship.
I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings.
My wisdom flows from the Highest Source.
I salute that Source in you.
Let us work together for unity and love.”
— Mahatma Gandhi

Einstein said, “Intuition does not come to an unprepared mind.” When he discovered the theory of relativity, it came to him in a flash of intuition. But only after he had studied and pondered the great mysteries of physics for years. This preparation allowed him to observe things that would have gone unnoticed to the “unprepared mind.” Get prepared.
— James Ray

Most of us have experienced an event in our lives which illuminated our consciousness as if a second sun had risen within us. It is our choice whether we spread this light as a mirror or a candle.
— An Atzmi Message

“The Kingdom (of Heaven) is inside you and it is all around you. Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone and there you will find me.”
— Jesus Christ
The Gospel of Thomas

“Love the whole world as a mother loves her only child.”
— Buddha

“The energy of the universe is yours, it is your birthright, just claim it!”
— Yogi Bhajan

“When the power of Love overcomes the love of power, the world will know Peace”
— Jimmy Hendrix

“To err is human; to forgive, Divine.”
–Alexander Pope

“Whenever and wherever there is decline of dharma (righteousness) and ascendance of adharma (unrighteousness), at that time I manifest Myself in visible form.”
[Bhagavad Gita – Chapter 4 Verse 7 ]

“There is no substitute for experience.”
–Chef Bobby Flay

“Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.”
–Helen Keller

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

“Man loves because he is Love. He seeks Joy, for he is Joy. He thirsts for God for he is composed of God and he cannot exist without Him.”
— Sathya Sai Baba

“Incurable means curable from within.”
— The Secret (the movie)

“The best way to worship the Goddess is to act like one.”
— Ramtha teachings

“It’s not that folks act a certain way around you, but that you attract certain types of folks based upon your thoughts, beliefs and expectations.”
— The Universe

“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.”
–Jamie Paolinetti

“We are many in body, but one in mind.”
–Nichiren Daishonin

“I never think of the future. It comes soon enough”.
–Albert Einstein

“Amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic.”

” What a man is contributes much more to his happiness than what he has, or how he is regarded by others.”
–Arthur Schopenhauer

“In this world the wise one holds onto confidence and wisdom. Those are the greatest treasures; all other riches are pushed aside.”

“Yesterday is already a dream and tomorrow is only a vision, but today well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”
–Sanskrit Proverb

“Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.”

“Anger or hatred is like a fisherman’s hook. It is very important for us to ensure that we are not caught by it.”?–Dalai Lama

“A day dawns, quite like other days; in it, a single hour comes, quite like other hours; but in that day and in that hour the chance of a lifetime faces us.:
— Maltbie Babcock

“There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way.”

“A joyful soul is truly the expression of God made manifest in Human Form.”
My friend, April Colón-Pagán

“Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible player.”
— Albert Einstein

“The whole existence is a temple. The trees are continuously in worship. The clouds are in prayer. And the mountains are in meditation.”
— Osho

“Whenever we move off in a new direction, we predictably are beset by waves of doubt, insecurity, worry, and uncertainty. It feels as if it will be much better — definitely much easier — to head for shore and back to the way things were. We long for the familiar and put off charging forward because, in that moment, going forward is unknown. It can feel scary and unsafe as we leave our comfort zone, as we start to plunge into the surf.”
— James Ray