What Mother Earth Means To Me

Mother Earth is grandiose in every way. She is a true Goddess. As ruler of the Muladhara Chakra the mechanism of her organism works in perfect harmony, according to her needs, just as our bodies work in harmony to meet our needs. Her surface is a beautiful interpretation of Her Soul, and Her core, we see its reflection in Her strength.
Its not just about the big things, like landscapes, oceans, mountains and deserts, but its also about the little things, the flowers that grow wild, big and small, the seeds that germinate in the ground and transform into trees, those subtle rays of sunshine that everyday fill me up of energy and give me clarity. It is during these “Godly moments” that I am revealed how things are, how life is. I call this reading the Earth. Standing by a window and gazing out at the trees and the sky and whatever perfect picture Nature has painted in front of me this moment, and then the breeze that makes its way in and caresses my face; I take in the beauty, in awe. Life is beautiful, and Nature is the Artist.
Earth is a holy body of Mother Nature, Her surface is the skin, beautiful, green, fresh. Earth Mother carries us in Her arms, provides us a home, our real home while we journey through this life. It is a fact that the core of Earth emanates a vibration that sounds like a heartbeat, and our heartbeats are in synchronization with it of Earth Mother. The awareness of this synchronization is a way to read the earth. She speaks in the wind and in the trees, She speaks to us all, her creatures, humans, animals and plants.

Mother Earth is our home, we can never be homeless and we can never get lost.
She is our teacher. When we observe how she works through her cycles we learn to move through our own. She has ways of giving the signs of change, and the more we connect with the Earth the sooner we learn to notice these signs.
She is our healer and provider, for everything we need to live a healthy life is given to us in the Earth.
She is our role model, and when we learn to follow in Her steps we will learn to get along, coexist and be united.
She is our friend, always there for us, even those times when we think we’re all alone and no one can hear us, She can.

Mother Earth gives us everything we need for everything we need.

How To Establish A Close Relationship With Mother Earth

– meditate with nature. When we take a moment to contemplate on the beauty of nature we are meditating with nature. Find a place where nature surrounds you. If this is not possible, even sitting near a plant, flowers or a tree helps. For a moment allow yourself to relax, take a few deep breaths and let your mind and spirit do the rest.

– ask and you shall receive. Mother Earth is always listening, remember to ask before taking a flower, a leaf, a branch or a tree. She appreciates it and will reward you for your kindness and courtesy. Consider this a Universal Divine Law.

– listen. A healthy conversation is like a two way street, sometimes we speak to Mother Earth and sometimes we listen. Open the ears of the soul and you will hear Her.

– don’t hate weather changes. There is a reason for each season and Mother Earth knows best. Change brings progress, engage in happy

– give thanks. Showing our appreciation for all the beautiful things Mother Earth provides for us is an excellent way to interact with Her, and getting to know Her well.

– join the community. Working with the community as one towards Peace creates a special kind of vibratory frequency which reaches the farthest depths of the Earth, where She can feel what we feel in our hearts.

It is a known fact that positive energy has a strong effect on living beings and the happier we are the more beautiful the Earth gets.

In Joy & Divine Love, Blessed be.

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