Purification Meditation

Why do we need to purify? We always want to be free from suffering – even in our dreams we try to be free from problems, fear and danger – but unless we purify, this wish can never be fulfilled. Buddha taught that all the problems we have experienced in the past, are experiencing now, and will experience in the future come from our own negative intentions and actions. It does not matter what we do externally to try to avoid suffering – if the cause of suffering remains in our mind, suffering is what we will experience. Therefore we can see that there is nothing more important than to purify our mind as quickly as we can.

Fortunately, Vajrasattva practice, taught by Buddha, is one of the most powerful purification practices that exists. Through this practice you will feel rejuvenated, re-energized and cleansed.


Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Vajrasattva and Teachings with Kadam Nick and Kadam Lucy at Ellenton, Florida

The blissful meditation practice of Buddha Vajrasattva is an extremely powerful, quick method for cleansing our impure mind and actions, making us light and happy. During this special empowerment weekend we will draw close to Vajrasattva and receive powerful wisdom blessings, as well as receive clear and inspiring instructions on purification practice.

Friday, March 28th – Sunday, March 30th 2008
Visit the Vajrasattva Empowerment Weekend site for more information.

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