
A Women's Tribe Gathering

Woman – Come As You Are

Beautiful woman, welcome to the global WOW Sisterhood of the Moon, World of Woman, the Temple Of The Goddess, a sacred space for us to connect, a ring of strength where we learn tools to unlock our spiritual abilities within a loving community of women to anchor in the Light of the Grand Mother, into the grid, the web of Womanhood and support each other in deepening our connection with the Soul as the living Goddess on Earth, The Divine Feminine. Together we connect with a community of like-minded women to support one-another in finding the divine path of the Soul and step into the 5D mission as we create a life in harmony.
As we walk the path of Womanhood on this Earth we unite in the Light of the Matriarchal lineage to hold space and elevate each other as Women, as Sisters. We are the Matrix of our world, the Creatress embodied. We are Sourceress, bringers of Life.
Since ancient times the women of a community or village gathered in a sacred space in nature to meditate, dance, chant, heal and share their truth to raise the vibrations of their people. These were big celebratory rituals where they’d prepare a feast to honor each other in Pure Positive Energy to then spread these high vibrations amongst their people.

What We Do

We gather at our sacred grounds, in the belly of  the Mother in Nature’s embrace, to tap into our sweet Essence as Women, in the Divine Feminine frequency and explore our innate extra sensory energies.

We dance, we chant, we heal, and we  celebrate the living Goddess in sweet Sisterhood, in commUnity.
This is a safe space, free of judgement and open to expression of the soul.

The Power of the Womb

Within each gathering we tap into a deeper layer of the code of womanhood we carry, each gathering we explore and experience something different, something new; we learn tools that will assist us in the modern world.
Energies we will explore:
. Intuition, Spirit Guides
. Releasing blocks due to trauma karmas & past lives
. Understanding Spiritual gifts
. How to use the tools learned
. How to be a strong sensual woman in the new world
. Exploring the Hieros Gamos, Divine Feminine / Divine Masculine
. Starseeds, star family, soul travel
. Shadow work
. Self Love/Self Care
. Reclaiming your true path
. Inner Child Healing
. Ancestral Healing
. Past Life Regressive healing
. Cord Cutting
. Freedom from Limited Beliefs
. Light Language
. Conscious Mind/Conscious Body
. Nutrition – food is more than eating
. Connecting with Women, Creating Community

Sister, You’re Invited 

Bring an item that represents your favorite natural element or that you feel most connected to – ie: a rock, wood, incense, grains, water, flowers, a candle, etc
The Day Plan
. We Meet & Greet
. There are delicious snacks and refreshments to enjoy while we mingle 
. Sisterhood Ceremony (we begin promptly)
. We close our circle. more Snacks & Mingle.
Your Contribution: $22-$55
**no-one is turned away for lack of funds
Register to save your Goddess seat:
Zelle 646-508-1394
Venmo @LoveDriven
Cashapp $LoveDriven
or through Eventbrite link

Sisters Leading This Journey

Lead and guided by the Council of the Sisterhood of the Moon

Rev Adriana LoveDriven

– Head Matriarch 

Marisa Matluck

– Lead Maiden

Join The Sisterhood Conclave

The Sisterhood Conclave is a Membership for women interested in taking the full journey with us not only gathering with the sisters of the community but also taking the courses available discussing each goddess and the Codes available to us.



As a member of the order of the SOTM you receive:

  • exclusive offers and discounts to gatherings and focus courses
  • become part of the social group with full access to group chats and live support
  • receive a weekly mini reading, monthly Moon Meditation and remote healing