- Friday 1st New Moon 8:47am | All Saints Day
- Tuesday 5th Restorative Yoga & SoundBath: 7:30pm Ayama Yoga
- Thursday 7th Restorative Yoga & SoundBath: 7:30pm Ayama Yoga
- Tuesday 12th Restorative Yoga & SoundBath: 7:30pm Ayama Yoga
- Thursday 14th Restorative Yoga & SoundBath: 7:30pm Ayama Yoga
- Friday 15th Full Moon in Taurus, SuperMoon, Mourning Moon, Beaver Moon 4:28pm | Saturn goes Direct
- Saturday 16th Hollywood ArtWalk 6pm – 11pm
- Sunday 17th Cosmic Logistics: Starseeds Workhop
- Tuesday 19th Restorative Yoga & SoundBath: 7:30pm Ayama Yoga
- Thursday 21st Restorative Yoga & SoundBath: 7:30pm Ayama Yoga
- Monday 25th Mercury Retrograde until December 15
- Tuesday 26th Restorative Yoga & SoundBath: 7:30pm Ayama Yoga
- Thursday 28th Thanksgiving Day
November Moon of Loss
Autumn is the season of letting go. Memories of summer still linger a the last of the leaves fall, leaving only bare trees that seem to scratch desperately at a vacant sky. Gone is the wild energy that kept our spirits high, leaving us with an emptiness that all the warmth of a fire and tea cannot seem to fill. This, of course, is analogous to life, as letting go of the past can be hard, But, in fact, it is one of the most courageous acts we can do for ourselves.
Under the gentle light of November/s Full Moon, write down those dark things from your past that you cannot change on scraps of paper and burn in a small fire. This is your reminder that though we cannot change the past, we can dictate a better future. – Monica C.
** Scroll Down for information about the Wheel Of The Year, the Celtic Sabbats and Cross Quarters, and Moon information.
- Sunday 1st – New Moon in Sagittarius | Women’s Gathering: Sisterhood of the Moon (time tba)
- Tuesday 3rd – Restorative Yoga & SoundBath: 7:30pm Ayama Yoga
- Thursday 5th – Restorative Yoga & SoundBath: 7:30pm Ayama Yoga
- Tuesday 10th – Restorative Yoga & SoundBath: 7:30pm Ayama Yoga
- Thursday 12th – Restorative Yoga & SoundBath: 7:30pm Ayama Yoga
- Sunday 15th – Full Moon, Long Nights Moon, Mercury Direct
- Tuesday 17th – Restorative Yoga & SoundBath: 7:30pm Ayama Yoga
- Thursday 19th – Restorative Yoga & SoundBath: 7:30pm Ayama Yoga
- Saturday 21st – Yule, Winter Solstice, Sun enters Capricorn
- Saturday 21st – Reiki 2nd Degree Certification Course Day1: 12pm-6pm
- Sunday 22nd – Reiki 2nd Degree Cert. Course Day 2: 12pm-3pm
- Tuesday 24th – Christmas Eve, NO Restorative Yoga & SoundBath
- Thursday 26th – Restorative Yoga & SoundBath: 7:30pm Ayama Yoga
- Monday 30th – New Moon
- Tuesday 31st – New Year’s Eve, NO Restorative Yoga & SoundBath
December Moon of Hope
It is the rhythms of nature that sometimes assure us tat we can carry on when we feel our most vulnerable. Just the knowledge that the Sun will surely rise when we’re experiencing our darkest nights, or that spring will allow us a chance at a new beginning, gives us hope. So during the darkest days of the year, be mindful of the seeds that you are safely tucked under the surface. They need time of dormancy – as do you.
The Full Moon in December sits high our landscape and illuminates the stillness of not only the land, but also our spirit. Gift yourself the freedom to hope, to heal, to go within. Use this time of darkness to scry using a black mirror that has been cleansed with herbal infused water (try mugwort). Keep a notebook and write down your visions. –M.C.
** Scroll Down for information about the Wheel Of The Year, the Celtic Sabbats and Cross Quarters, and Moon information.

The Wheel of the Year is an annual cycle of seasonal festivals, marking the year’s chief solar events and the midpoints between them.
Many ancient culture observed the Cross Quarter Days. The ancient Celts celebrated these days as they marked a significant shift in the measuring of time. There are four holidays that fall halfway between the equinoxes and solstices. The exact dates of the cross-quarter days vary each year, but they are always close to these dates, more specifically, when the Sun reaches 15 degrees. Samhain, aka All Hollows Eve, Halloween (between Oct 31-Nov 8), Imbolc, Candlemas (Feb 2), Beltane or May Day (May 1), Lughnassad or Lammas (Aug 1).
A cross quarter day that marks the beginning of winter and a New Year. It was celebrated with magic, games, costumes, and spirits of the dead. Samhain is the Celtic and Gaelic tradition that Halloween evolved from. the word Samhain (pronounced saw-win) means “summer’s end”. In the 11th and 12th centuries Samhain was celebrated on or around Oct 31, when the Julian calendar was in use. However, the Gregorian calendar is now used and has shifted the true cross-qrtr days, Samhain now falls on or near Nov 7.
Samhain is associated with the Pleiades star cluster, which is part of the Taurus constellation. The Celts believed that the Pleiades reached its highest point in the sky at midnight on Samhain, and that this was when the veil between the living and the dead was the thinnest.